The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

I'm the same lol. Ah naughty! I can hardly talk, I checked out how far I'd be when we are due to go away for a few days then started looking at maternity wear, just in case! :dohh: x

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Hun it's early so don't count yourself out! :hugs: x

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oh i know - i'm mad cos i caved when quite obviously there wil be nothing there at 8dpo lol!! God-damn POAS addiction lol!
eclairef - thank you for reading my story i havent started the clomid yet - start it this month - fingers crossed!! the consultant has given me 6 months worth of clomid no hassel at all, i have to have repeat bloods done on sunday (day 24) because my progesterone on day 21 bloods was 16 which the consultant thinks may be because i ovulate later in my cycle. i also have to have a HyCoSy test - are you having one of these?

I have to take the clomid on days 2 to 6 and have sex regular from day 9 - i dont know when i ovulate - a lot of information on the internet says that ovulation should occur between 5 - 10 days after taking your last clomid tablet so between days 11 and 17 of your cycle - does this sound right????
hope everyone is feeling positive today and hopefully clomid will work wonders for us all soon :)

LD 1978 thank you for the warm welcome :) xxx
Lol. Im looking forward to seeing my ov tests this cycle! X

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have to take the clomid on days 2 to 6 and have sex regular from day 9 - i dont know when i ovulate - a lot of information on the internet says that ovulation should occur between 5 - 10 days after taking your last clomid tablet so between days 11 and 17 of your cycle - does this sound right????
hope everyone is feeling positive today and hopefully clomid will work wonders for us all soon :)

I take my Clomid on days 2-6 and we BD every other night with extra BDing over ov. Last cycle I got positive ov tests on cd18, 19 and 20 so it might be useful to use ov tests to check when you're ovulating - the Internet only provides a guide but it doesn't happen that way for everyone.

Hope that's helpful. X x

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thank you missJ it does help - not had a lot of information about it realy ...
while on clomid do you have bloods day 21 of every cycle? even if they prove you usually ovulate later? xxx
nicky its not stupid - i think its normal - when you want something sooooo bad its too hard to resist the chance to see if you have it!!
dont count yourself out yet!! its too early! finger crossed hun, when are you due on? xxx
My first round of clomid didn't work (50), but theis time I took 75mg on days 4,5,6,7,8 and I ovulated on day 16.

I was a bit of a weirdo and decided to split between 50 and 100 and go with 75 (I have read that for some this works better than 50. And I am really glad I didn't do 100 because for me, it seems that 75 had me pretty stimulated.
Good luck x
I just got my progesterone level back, and as I already mentioned on my other thread it was 200!

Well I am chuffed I actually managed to make an egg, maybe even two I reckon. That is crazy for me as I never make eggs.

Go clomid and metformin together! Good team.

x x

thats amazing lara!! only a matter of time then now :) xxx
My first round of clomid didn't work (50), but theis time I took 75mg on days 4,5,6,7,8 and I ovulated on day 16.

I was a bit of a weirdo and decided to split between 50 and 100 and go with 75 (I have read that for some this works better than 50. And I am really glad I didn't do 100 because for me, it seems that 75 had me pretty stimulated.
Good luck x
thank you lara im hoping the 50 will stumulate my ovuation - what was your progesterone level before you started clomid?? if you dont mind me asking
mine was 16 xxx
ah thanks Tina, yeah I am so pleased because I thought after a round of clomid that completely failed to make me ovulated, that I would have real problems achieving ovulation.

In fact, I even got sent through a fact sheet from my gynae - straight after only one failed clomid round - about ovarian drilling! I was like Whoa there! I've got some more shots at this haven't I! And it really freaked me out. But it just shows you, you can't panic, because to go from completely failing on it, to then getting a progesterone reading of 200, you just have to keep persevering, chopping and changing the script until those ovaries respond! x
I'm not being monitored for ov so I'm not sure hun. X

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My first round of clomid didn't work (50), but theis time I took 75mg on days 4,5,6,7,8 and I ovulated on day 16.

I was a bit of a weirdo and decided to split between 50 and 100 and go with 75 (I have read that for some this works better than 50. And I am really glad I didn't do 100 because for me, it seems that 75 had me pretty stimulated.
Good luck x
thank you lara im hoping the 50 will stumulate my ovuation - what was your progesterone level before you started clomid?? if you dont mind me asking
mine was 16 xxx

Well I was a bit odd because I did ovulate but only once every 2-3 months. Now we only did a couple of progesterone levels at that point, not on day 21 but seven days after I detected ovulation (which would normally be something like day 46.

My progesterones ranged from 12 to 40 on natural cycles. But apparently due to the lateness of them, they were probably rubbish eggs anyway.

So to go from that to a 200 is pretty amazing and I am so chuffed with the two drugs together.

Really hope you get a good result. I would say keep tracking your temp so you can tell approx which day that follicle popped out!

x x
Hi Tina, no I've not had a HyCoSy test, the consultant didn't seem to think that I needed one. It's always interesting to hear the difference of opinions from consultant to consultant regarding what tests people need before starting them on treatment. I'll be starting mine later this month too. I think I'll be taking the same approach as you with regard to the BDing. Just another week to wait before I can start taking provera to bring on AF! Can't imagine what I'll be like when it comes to the 2WW!!
Nicky, totally agree with Tina, I think I'll be caving too. Don't count yourself out, everything crossed for you...and everyone on here! xx
I think af is due tuesday or wednesday. I'm 8dpo today!! I'm not counting myself out until af arrives this time!! x
thanks lara!! its realy good to hear you have had success finally - nice to hear that it can make such a difference!! it realy is just a matter of time for you now!! i hope that time is sooner rather than later :):) xxx
Hi Tina, no I've not had a HyCoSy test, the consultant didn't seem to think that I needed one. It's always interesting to hear the difference of opinions from consultant to consultant regarding what tests people need before starting them on treatment. I'll be starting mine later this month too. I think I'll be taking the same approach as you with regard to the BDing. Just another week to wait before I can start taking provera to bring on AF! Can't imagine what I'll be like when it comes to the 2WW!!
Nicky, totally agree with Tina, I think I'll be caving too. Don't count yourself out, everything crossed for you...and everyone on here! xx

I cant believe that youhavent had a hycosy. Thats ridiculous!! Why cant sll condultants just have one big guideline to follow!! xx
Hi Tina, no I've not had a HyCoSy test, the consultant didn't seem to think that I needed one. It's always interesting to hear the difference of opinions from consultant to consultant regarding what tests people need before starting them on treatment. I'll be starting mine later this month too. I think I'll be taking the same approach as you with regard to the BDing. Just another week to wait before I can start taking provera to bring on AF! Can't imagine what I'll be like when it comes to the 2WW!!
Nicky, totally agree with Tina, I think I'll be caving too. Don't count yourself out, everything crossed for you...and everyone on here! xx

eclairef what is provera?? i havent heard of this before, yeah it is wiered to hear how other peoples consultants deal with it all - they want me to have this HyCoSy test `on the first month of starting clomid so this month :roll: not really looking forward to it but at least it will give me an answer on weather my ovarys are blocked....

the 2WW must be a nightmare!! im not looking forward to that either!! xxx

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