The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

Looking forward to DH coming home!! AF is leaving, finally! X

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I do hope so!! Not sure what the result is supposed to be to indicate ov tho!! x

Hey hun it should be 30 or over to indicate ov. Mines last time was 50 something. Wondering what it will be this time with the clomid! FX for you I'm pretty sure it will be higher than 30, got to be surely?!

I don't have any symptoms atm, preg or AF :-( Just at that annoying boring stage. If I get mega emotional and sore boobies next week I will know :witch: is on her way. I won't lie, I will be so gutted if she does! I never learn do I!!
I just got my progesterone level back, and as I already mentioned on my other thread it was 200!

Well I am chuffed I actually managed to make an egg, maybe even two I reckon. That is crazy for me as I never make eggs.

Go clomid and metformin together! Good team.

x x
Oh my word that is an amazing number!! You must be thrilled! X
Thanks guys. I just wish I had arranged a scan this time, so I could have seen my lining too. (I struggle with the thickness, so wanted to know how I got on with clomid re the thickeness).

Do you reckon thats two follicles released to make progesterone 200? I was pretty damn sore around ovulation and at one point I did worry a little about hyperstimulation but told myself I was being silly?

Lara there is every chance you made more than 2 follies! :wink: At my scan last week it showed I had 4 and that was me only on 50g clomid nothing else. God knows what my progesterone will be? lol

Don't worry about it, it all sounds good, you are obviously responding really well to both meds and that's fab!! xxx
That's interesting to know Kay.
When will you have your results? I wonder if you released all four? Ooh I wish I knew how many I made! Lol
So chuffed that metformin helped me because on their own neither clomid or met seemed to shorten the cycle but together they were batman and robin!

Deffo a good combo for you hun, I'm so pleased for you, esp after all the set-backs you've had.

I'm getting my bloods done on Fri so that that will be 9dpo and 7 days before AF, hope that will be okay. Prob get the results 10 days or so later. Hoping I'll have my BFP in the meantime then won't care what the reult was! We can but dream eh? xxx
We can but dream. I think it's important to believe and visualise it! Never lose hope. Fingers crossed for BFPs this cycle eh?

I'd love a mass graduation to Tri 1! Only cd4 for me though. :( x

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Let's all try and stay really positive and send loads of pg vibes to eachother. With clomid it's got to just be a matter of time for us eh???

Interesting reading that site. It's amazing though how very different the. 2ww is for everyone and peoples symptoms. Just shows you you can't tell until you see that BFP.

I think I'm gonna test on Friday when my partner is back home. This will be 11/12 dpo x
What day are you now lara? That progesterone is amazing xx
Pretty sure I'm 9dpo today. Progesterone was drawn yesterday so probably take at day 22.
Wish progesterone was a reliable sign of pregnancy but I read that it's not.
Still chuffed though x
Feeling very pleased with myself for jumping DH! Phew, totes amazeballs! X

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Im cd10 and trying to do every other day but so can't be bothered now ha ha xx

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