The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

The increase in cm and the cramps! Also a stabbing pain in my left side today! X
Hey Nicky, yeah short AF! The norethisterone induced one lasted 6 days but this one seems to be lasting only 4 as I think by this time tomorrow it'll be gone! X

I had creamy cm from 2dpo til AF arrived and put it down to the Clomid cos I never usually get it.


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My period on the second cycle of clomid was I my 2 days!! This time was 9. Can't remember what it was when I took the provera tho. I think I'm def gonna be out this month. All my signs of af are here bang on time! :-(
On second thoughts, it looks like AF might be hanging around for another day. :rolleyes: That'd make more sense really as my AF's are usually 4 days long.

:hugs: I do really hope you don't need the 100mg but worst case scenario is that you get bumped up to 100 and get to have another go with double the dose. :yay: If 50 has helped cut your cycle down, then maybe the extra 50 will kick ov up the bum! I've got everything crossed for you Nicky.

Curled up on the sofa this morning feeling sick!! Plus my left boob hurts!!

7dpo today :) x
Off for me blood tests in a bit!!

I still haven't been tempted to test! Which is quite good for me!! X
When will you get your results?

That's very impressive, I caved at 4dpo which was obviously ridiculous lol. X

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Not sure probably the end of the week!! I'm too scared to cave this time!!

Thanks maybe xx
Do you have to call for your results or go in for an appointment?

Excited for you! X

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I think I just call my gp. I did that last time and my result was <1 haha! X
Well fx for a much better result this time hun. X

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I do hope so!! Not sure what the result is supposed to be to indicate ov tho!! x
I'm not sure either but I read a success story of a woman who fell pregnant with twins and her progesterone was only 9! X

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Bloods done eeeeek!! She was viscous with the bloody needle aswell!! X
Cheered myself up today by having my friend over to strip my hair. Its gone better than I expected, back to my natural colour, give or take a shade. X

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