The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

Ooh, good luck. I've always died my hair blonde but every time I've done it myself it hasn't turned out great - I'm useless at these things!

We were at a music festival on Friday and then on Saturday out with friends - I can't do more than one night out these days lol :)

Haha, I don't blame you. I was saying to my husband the other day that he's going to become my personal sperm bank soon so may save all the bding till then lol ;)
Yeah glad I got it in the end!!

Discharge is still coming plus I have like a stabbing pain on my left side!! And this is me who said she wasn't going to symptom spot haha! X
Hey Tina - welcome :) I started my first cycle of 50mg this month - cd9 so getting on with bd'ing :) no side effects off the clomid though - is that a bad sign??

Sorry to hear about your hassle today nicky - it's amazing how consultants and doctors differ from place to place. At least you got the 100 but hey you may not need it. Here's hoping!! Xx
She wasn't happy about giving me 100! She said shed rather i stayed on 50!!!! Nearly cried when she said that!! X
Be interesting to see what your day 21 bloods are as if you are ovulating it can be a bad thing to increase your dose and actually be counter productive x
she said 100mg is fine even if i have ovulated this cycle. Plus this will be the first time that i have ovulated normally!! So im sure it will be fine! x
Hey LD, are you going to be getting bloods and a 12 scan or just bloods? I'll be getting a scan on so it'll be good to see what or if anything is happening at that stage x
Hey eclaire - just bloods for me. I saw the consultant privately then went back on nhs and wasn't offered a scan. I hope it works for me although I've had zero side effects! My progesterone was between 27 and 31 so they aren't 100% I ov or could be sub optimal so hoping this helps x
I had my first successful round of clomid this month. Yay. It failed last time. And I will hopefully get my day 21 progesterone result back tomorrow. Hope it's a nice high number x
I had my first successful round of clomid this month. Yay. It failed last time. And I will hopefully get my day 21 progesterone result back tomorrow. Hope it's a nice high number x

Good luck Lara, sure it will be a good result tomorrow xxx
Maybe you're one of the lucky ones with no side effects! :) I have never been told what my progesterone levels are but I'll make sure to fact I don't even know whats good and bad! That's great Lara, good luck with the results tomorrow. Are you guys using opks to find out when/if you are ovulating? x
Goodbye AF and HELLO DH!!! ;)

:bunny: :bunny:

Thank goodness she's leaving, been uber randy!


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Oh and I have a lot of quite sticky and creamy white discharge today!! X

hey ov buddy, I have noticed this today too. not to be too gross though it was more just creamy and white (not sticky) but much more than usual. i'm not one to symptom spot (much!) but wonder if this means anything? or clomid related?

also very bloated and (TMI alert!), really quite constipated over the last 2 days. doubt it means anything though and is likely to be my IBS :whistle:
Oh my word Kay Kay - I am struggling to have a poo at the minute!! Last night I was in agony cos I just couldn't go!! Haha!! X
Oh that's weird! I usually have the other problem (ahem) so this is quite unusual for me. Don't wanna be one of those people that thinks every little thing could be preg related esp since it's only 5dpo. But that's so spooky you have the same!!

Do you take pregnacare? I've been taking it for a while but a friend of mine recently started taking it and it has stopped her going too!
Hey guys. Yeah I'm sometimes using opks but this month just tracked it with temp so I knew afterwards. I pretty min knew it was coming so we bd'd but then saw the definite temp rise and onset of sore boobs so just waiting to see what the progesterone level is tomorrow.

In fact I want to make a guess!!

My guess is that it's 55!

Now this guess is only based on the fact that last ovulation was 40 and boobs were less sore. So only minorly scientific guess work here. I will update you if you like? Lol x
Ps I'm catchin up on this thread- what dpo is everyone? X
No not taking pregnacare Hun. I'm just going with the flow!! I'm trying not to symptom spot but I've noticed a couple if things!!

Lara I'm 6dpo today :)

Nicki what's the main thing you've noticed? X

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