The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

Thank you :) i have been given a prescription for 6 months worth of 50mg clomid
had bloods done all normal except the progesterone was 16 which the doc says is showing i ovulated but isnt optimal - dont really know what that means - boyfriend SA normal so no answers yet really
There is an awful lot to take in when you get into fertility or lack of it!!
whats your story? xx
Hi Tina if you go to the first page of this thread all our stories are there. It's a very interesting read!!

Just on my way to the hospital now for my next prescription of clomid x
Oh no what happened hun? X

Tina - I'm 22, DH is 34, we've been TTC bambino number 1 for 2 years now. Got diagnosed with cysts on my ovaries in April but DH's SA was fab so our only issue is ovulation which hopefully the Clomid will sort out. I also have a 6 month prescription. Fx our Clomid babies will be on board soon!


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Last time I went my consultant postponed my day 21 bloods due to my first cycle bring 60days. Saw one of my consultants under people today
Sorry pressed send before I'd finished writing!!

Anyway this woman I saw today was refusing to up my dose and then refused to give me a prescription because my day 21s werent done last cycle. Think she sensed how pissed off we were cos she went to see my consultant who confirmed why he scrapped my day 21s and told her to up my dose!! X
So did you get the 100mg ? Argh how annoying hun, glad she spoke to him to confirm though! X

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Girls you're in the same boat I was, having consultants who just don't take you seriously!:wall2:

Sometimes it's not that easy to get an accurate result with a longer cycle, but the simple answer if it's unknown when OV was exactly is to do repeat progesterone tests, so maybe a CD 21, a CD 23 and a CD 25...

Or even better to do a bloody ultrasound...

I would advise taking control and getting your GP onside and getting them to to the bloods, in the end my GP was as frustrated as me with the useless NHS consultants and was willing to do anything she could to help, it was my GP that did most of my diagnostics when I was trying to find out what was wrong.

Nicky if you're around 7, 8, or 9 dpo it's still worth doing the bloods, just pop and see your GP.

Also Hun, when I got preggers this time I got pretty intense cramps about 7dpo along with a warm feeling in my uterus, I remember calling hubby to tell him, FX your cramps are good news! :)

I've got my day 21 bloods tomorrow!

She did say that we do seem to be being passed around different doctors a lot!! Said I OH on the way out that I wasn't keen on her and didn't want to see her again! She just didn't seem to want to listen to what we had to say!!

I'd just ask to speak to the consultant next time hun!

My consultant has always come into the appointments and is always lovely, I know he's not requested bloods or anything but I do feel confident with him. Plus DH is quite forward and would say something if he wasn't happy.


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She went to speak to our actual consultant who told her to prescribe me the 100mg! So I did get it in the end! She was just an arse in the process!! X
Oh and I have a lot of quite sticky and creamy white discharge today!! X
At least you've got it hun, that's great! Hopefully you won't need it. X

I noticed lots of creamy CM from 2-3dpo which stayed til AF, someone mentioned it being an effect of Clomid but I'm not sure. Fx it's a good sign for you though! X

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Miss July - thank you for the update on your story :) its amazing how many people are in the same situation and when you first get into the situation you feel like your the only one!!
Nicky sorry to hear about your trouble with the doctors but glad you got the 100mg in the end ... would be a lot easier to just see the same doctor everytime then they know your story they should try to work it that way... also hope the discharge is a good sign :) xx
Hi Tina, just read your story. That's great that they've started you on the clomid, how did you get on taking it? I'm due to start in just over a week.
Nicky, sorry your appointment wasn't great but at least you got the higher dose and as MissJ said - fingers crossed you won't need it! :)
MissJ, how are you feeling today?
I had a bit of a wild weekend so I'm still trying to recover! x
Hey eclair I'm good thanks just working out how to do my hair from brown to blonde! Currently doing a strand test with extra strength colour b4!

Hope you had a good weekend lol. X

Think AF is on her way out thank goodness, looking forward to BDing! X

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