The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

I reckon that the fact AF came on time after your pos OPK is a good indication that you did OV if you didn't it would be much more likely to be delayed so if you prefer not to have a definitive answer from CD21s then that's cool.:)

Sorry to hear AF came MissJ :( Fingers crossed for the next cycle. xx
I reckon that the fact AF came on time after your pos OPK is a good indication that you did OV if you didn't it would be much more likely to be delayed so if you prefer not to have a definitive answer from CD21s then that's cool.:)


That's what I've been did arrive on time although give or take a day cos I miscounted.

I don't mean for my earlier reply to have come across a bit abrupt, I apologise if it did. :oooo: x x

Thanks eclair x x

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Balls, next AF due on my wedding anniversary. Hopefully we'll see two pink lines instead! X

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Have strong af cramps tonight and creamy discharge Urgh I can count myself out now!! Even if I am only 5dpo! X
Hopefully it's implantation hun. It's obviously too early to count yourself out lol, you've still got a good chance! X

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Well I've got my fx for you cos I feel positive for you lol! X

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It's like a spasmy twisting feeling - really uncomfortable! X
Is anyone else exhausted on Clomid? I feel I've done nothing all week but am so utterly exhausted, like it's an effort to move my backside off the sofa for 5 minutes. Ugh!
Yeah it made me tired but I think it's cos it gave me awful mood swings!! And I didn't sleep cos of the hot flushes! X
I didn't get fatigue, only hot flushes, some nausea and mood swings lol.

Hate having AF, I am dying to jump DH! X

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What time is it hun? Thinking of you, hope it goes well. X x

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9.30 Hun! I don't know why I'm nervous it surely can't be as bad as last time!! X
hi im tina i have just signed up and am new to all this, just looking to make some online friends in similar situations to myself
i am 23 years old, have been with my boyfriend for 9 years and have been trying to concieve for over a year without any sucess
had my first appointment with gyne last week and am having tests and have been started on clomid! all very new to me
so thats my story, anybody used clomid? little bit scary!! also have to have a HyCoSy test which i am scared about, anybody had experience with this?
hi im tina i have just signed up and am new to all this, just looking to make some online friends in similar situations to myself
i am 23 years old, have been with my boyfriend for 9 years and have been trying to concieve for over a year without any sucess
had my first appointment with gyne last week and am having tests and have been started on clomid! all very new to me
so thats my story, anybody used clomid? little bit scary!! also have to have a HyCoSy test which i am scared about, anybody had experience with this?

Hi Tina, welcome to PF!

There's a few of us on Clomid, I've just started my second round of 100mg. What dosage are you on?

I've had a hycosy, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, it's over in minutes and all I felt was mild af cramps when the dye went through but that was it. Some ladies experience more pain though, everyone's different cos unfortunately the pain can be a bit worse if the tubes are blocked. There's actually a lady on here who fell pregnant after her hycosy! You just never know.

Hope you find all the help and support you need.


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