The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

To be honest I think DH would rather just BD through this cycle and then see what happens, if still no BFP then get the bloods done next time. It's only my second cycle with it so I want to give it another go and see what happens.

Just taken my first Clomid tablets for the cycle, as AF is in full swing.

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How many did you buy in the end hun? My second lot I ordered for this cycle arrived yesterday lol!!
I do the same as jacq. I just get it done at my gps surgery. If they ever questioned it I would just ranting on that if they didn't scan or take blood how would they know it was working
I've no idea how many there are lol. I'm sure it'll be fine. :)

Feeling uber randy though, cannot wait for AF to bugger off.


I'm spoting so af will be here tomorrow latest . THen on to do it all again lol x
I'm spoting so af will be here tomorrow latest . THen on to do it all again lol x

Oh no hun :-( I've definitely lost hope now for mine!!! At least i'll have had a normal cycle!!!

Miss J - i'm always more randy when af is here lol!

Sorry hun. :hugs: x

The whole thing about progesterone got me thinking. I'm pretty sure I read a Clomid success story of a lady who fell pregnant on her first go on Clomid. She had her bloods done and was told her level was only 9 yet she fell pregnant with twins and is now over 20 weeks preggers. :confused:


4/5! Its going sooooo slow!! I'm refusing to symptom spot too!! However have had some discharge! xx
Ah it's so hard not to symptom spot! This cycle, I'm only going to note things that are completely different than what I've had before because last cycle, mine were big fat AF signs. I had swollen boobs, was uber emotional and craving Ben&Jerry's Chocolate Fudge Brownie ice cream. :dohh:

I have been really emotional - me and OH have done nothing but argue for the last few days!! And i had af like cramps this morning - so im not hopeful at all!! x
AF like cramps early in the 2ww sounds good to me hun, could be a sign of bean implanting. FX!!

Hmm im not gonna get my hopes up! Just gonna treat this week as a normal week - well i'm gonna try too anyway!!

I am however over the moon that it has been a normal cycle and ive had positive opks!! So if i dont get my BFP at least my cycle improved!!

Definitely hun, that's the one good thing I'm taking from my first Clomid cycle!

Gah, wish DH wasn't working today. I miss him a lot. :(

Its meant to be my day off but we are so short staffed im having to go in!! Doing a 2-8!! At least it will stop me from symptom spotting! lol!

How did DH take af coming? x
Lol that's true, it'll be a distraction. :)

He was gutted. Hated seeing his eyes well up when I told him. :( But we both know at least it did work in the sense that I've had a short cycle with a natural AF. Maybe the Clomid will help this cycle be shorter too? So definitely using ov tests again. :)

Sorry to hear your news Miss J...:hugs:

When a normal couple TTCs each month they have a 20% chance of getting pregnant, for someone that doesn't OV your chance is increased from 0% to 17% when you take clomid so with a 17% chance of getting pregnant it may take a few months, don't be disheartened, see the fact that your cycle shorted as a huge positive :dance:.

I have to say that I think it's bonkers that a consultant doesn't scan a clomid to confirm OV and if they don't do that, they should at very least be doing CD21 bloods, as others had said my GP was more than happy to do mine for me.

FX for next cycle!:)

Thanks Maybe, I know about the bloods etc but I think we want to do this cycle and see what happens.

Its only our second go too so we want to give it another chance really. X

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