The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

I'm so sorry :( xxxxx hope I didn't get your hopes up xxx
So sorry Miss J, it's so hard not to get your hopes up :hugs: after so many OPKs and HPTs in the last 12 months and two failed Clomid cycles I've given up on testing until I'm late or I get some kind of serious sign. Like you, if I get to day 28 and no success my doc said just to start over again at CD1, period or no period.
so sorry, this is only clomid cycle 1 though and i know how hard it is but take the positive - you had really good ov tests and a regular cycle length. your bfp is just a matter of time! did u have day21bloods done to check prog levels?
Thanks girls you're all so lovely. And don't worry about my tests, I know you were only honest and I can't fault that. :hugs:

I'm gutted but as I said, it's fantastic in itself that I've had a 32 day cycle because at least it worked. I told DH my painful ov might have been a cyst bursting and therefore next cycle might be more of a success? We will have to see. :)

No I wasn't monitored for ov, to be honest after this cycle of ov tests and cheapies, I'm not sure I'm going to bother this time once I'm past ovulation - the cheapies were so frustrating.

X x

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Sorry the witch got you MissJ but definite positive that you have ov'd and thr clomid has shortened your cycle! Get some chocolate and wine and set yourself up for a great next cycle!!!
Thanks Laura. :) x

I've already treated myself to profiteroles and rose wine tonight. Yum yum!

Day 2 tomorrow so here we go again! X

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Hun I would ask for day21 bloods as I just had a clomid cycle complete with smiley faces, cm and strong lines on cheapies (all cd15) and then af came around 2 weeks later so a regular cycle but my day21 results were only 20 so I didn't ovulate. See my threas called 'help....'. Totally weird and unexpected so I urge u all to have some type of monitoring! X x x
I've got my day 21 bloods on tuesday - hoping that i have ovulated now!! Reading yours has made me worried! x
Don't be worried, I don't want to scare anyone but we should get checked. It may have just been a one off, its just weird!
I don't know if I can though cos my consultant didn't request them?


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Sorry missJuly . And I don't get monitored but taking month off clomid and taking macca this time to help and af due today but not here xx
Miss J I just book myself in for a blood test at doc every day 21 and tell the nurse what it's for and they're fine with it x
Yeah it is a little bit!! I'm trying not to even think about this 2WW now!! x
Miss J i think you can just go to your gp and ask for them to be done xx
Hey ladies, I went to my gp last month & had to ask her for another progesterone test. I just wanted to check it since its been over a year since I last had it done (result was 50 something). She took some convincing as she really didn't think it necessary but put a note on my file for the nurse. Guess each practice is different though.
Hmm I might have to look into it. Thanks girls x

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My consultant gave me blood work forms so I can get my day 21 done at hospital. I have to get them done each month as that will then decide whether the doseage needs increasing. I'd definitely get them done.

Itsbabytime - what was your progesterone before clomid

Yeah I have those forms too hun! Getting mine done either tomorrow or Tuesday! X

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