The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

aww no missj, heres hoping its ur bean getting comfortable in there!!!! FX for ou hunny!!
and nicky,,, super sperm lol i bet its got a cape and everything lol!!
Hopefully hun. I've not checked for blood since this morning, dreading it. :(

Just been in the cupboard and got my Clomid ready just in case. Pffft. X

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Felt a sudden gush, sorry girls I'm out. :( onto round 2 of Clomid starting tomorrow. At least I don't have to take norethisterone this time.

Sat here in tears, was so hopeful this cycle. :cry:

X x

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Oh hun - af full swing??

Don't cry hun I know it's hard but remember it was only your first go xxx
Yeah full flow hun. I know but I was so hopeful after my ov tests. I must have counted right with the dpo? I'm not really sure. I suppose the Clomid IS working cos it's made me have a natural period and a 32 day cycle. Today would be cd33 but with AF I guess I'm back at cd1. :(

X x

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Oh hun :-( this is what I am so so dreading happening :-( x
I'm so sorry hun, when af comes is when you feel the worst :( Its only the first cycle so don't give up hope as can take a few go's at it. X

Welcome Jonesy - I took my last clomid last night (first cycle) and planning on bd'ing every other day. Got some cheapie opks as the consultant said to use them and am also going to chart as I need a progesterone test at 7dpo. Sounds like we are at similar stages :) good luck Hun x
Nicky - I know hun but gotta keep positive hun, I've got everything crossed for you. X

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I'm so sorry hun, when af comes is when you feel the worst :( Its only the first cycle so don't give up hope as can take a few go's at it. X

Welcome Jonesy - I took my last clomid last night (first cycle) and planning on bd'ing every other day. Got some cheapie opks as the consultant said to use them and am also going to chart as I need a progesterone test at 7dpo. Sounds like we are at similar stages :) good luck Hun x

Thanks hun x

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Nicky - I know hun but gotta keep positive hun, I've got everything crossed for you. X

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I was so hopeful that if it worked for you it could work for me! Gutted for you i really really am! I hate this whole process!! x
sorry it isn't better news for you MissJuly xx try to do something nice this eve, pamper yourself a bit. It's such a rollercoaster isn't it... x x :hugs:
It did work hun just didn't get pregnant lol. I'm just relieved it at least helped. Don't write yourself off because of me hun, your ov happened at the right time and there's no reason at all why you won't get a BFP.

Come on Clomid babies!! X

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Sorry missj :hug: but good that you ov and it was a normal cycle length. Treat yourself tonight you deserve it xxx
Thanks Kay. Haven't told DH yet, dreading it. :( x x

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Just had a little nap!!

How are you feeling now hun?? Hopefully you'll have an earlier ov this next cycle!! Still gutted for you :-( it was all going so so perfect! X
I'm ok, disappointed and sad of course but I am glad the Clomid helped ov and gave me a normal cycle. Hopefully it'll get my BFP this time. Knew I shouldn't have used my FRs lol.


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I'm not testing now until 14dpo!! I should have spotting a couple of days before af anyway so i'll know!! Don't have the heart to test now!! x

That is definitely something I'll do different this cycle - I'm not testing til at least 12dpo. I just got my hopes up and hate all the line spotting. :( x

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I've got stomach cramps now - they might be sympathy pains for you!! X

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