The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

No they saw it again and said some women just have it. Waiting for oh to come home now...
Hi chazabell I know your right, worrying wont help but I just want my bfp so much!! that's great news belfa heres hoping you get your BFP soon!!! crazy catlady fingers crossed for you too x
Hey yummymummy sorry it's not going so well for you this cycle. Fx 100mg will work better for you next cycle. I think they don't want you to come in if not going to help you. Keep doing opks to check if you do ov xx
hey crazycatlady, are you on clomid? what dose you on? do you do opk's? if so which ones? I have the clearblue digi dual hormone indicator they are so expensive though so I do a test every 2nd day and dtd every 2nd day :)
Yummymummy pm me with address and I will send you 9 duel hormone sticks (no charge) so you can test every day next cycle. They didn't work for me but I know they have worked for others. I am going back to normal digis.

I took 50mg of clomid for first time this cycle - I ov late yesterday but to be honest I usually ov - the pcos is a new thing and I'm not convinced it's the reason we haven't conceived. Dtd yesterday but oh whinging about a cold tonight so no chance of another go.
hey crazycatlady, are you on clomid? what dose you on? do you do opk's? if so which ones? I have the clearblue digi dual hormone indicator they are so expensive though so I do a test every 2nd day and dtd every 2nd day :)

Hi hon - if at all possible I would suggest trying to do an opk every day. The surge is pretty short so by doing them eod you might miss it x
On the subject of OPK's, I got a flashing smiley again on my digi but i could swear my IC's are getting lighter! I'm wondering if I started using my digi too late on in my cycle and so it's not tracked me at my non-fertile point therefore it thinks that my ov day is my build up?

Not sure if that makes sense lol x
On the subject of OPK's, I got a flashing smiley again on my digi but i could swear my IC's are getting lighter! I'm wondering if I started using my digi too late on in my cycle and so it's not tracked me at my non-fertile point therefore it thinks that my ov day is my build up?

Not sure if that makes sense lol x

Just keep dtd in case. Are you going to get your bloods done this cycle? Xx
On the subject of OPK's, I got a flashing smiley again on my digi but i could swear my IC's are getting lighter! I'm wondering if I started using my digi too late on in my cycle and so it's not tracked me at my non-fertile point therefore it thinks that my ov day is my build up?

Not sure if that makes sense lol x

Just keep dtd in case. Are you going to get your bloods done this cycle? Xx

Yep, need to get them done next Wednesday and then by the time I get the results back I'll know if I can test in the days that follow, it's amazing how quickly the weeks go!
hey belfa just wondering im possibly being a bit thick but whats IC? also just wondering what opk do you do? cause I thought mine (the clearblue dual hormone indicator) just showed smiley face or not I didn't realise it tracks where you are in your cycle how can it do that? or am I just very thick? @londongirl im gonna try and save the rest for next month cause I reckon that's when we will need them more rather than this month
hey belfa just wondering im possibly being a bit thick but whats IC? also just wondering what opk do you do? cause I thought mine (the clearblue dual hormone indicator) just showed smiley face or not I didn't realise it tracks where you are in your cycle how can it do that? or am I just very thick? @londongirl im gonna try and save the rest for next month cause I reckon that's when we will need them more rather than this month

Not being thick at all, I've been using "IC" as an abreviation, not even knowing what it means :lol:. Now I think about though, I think it stands for "Internet Cheapies". If you look at other threads in the TTC, OPK Testing Gallery you'll see pictures of strips with green handles on them. You can get them from Amazon or Ebay and they're about £10 fo a pack of 50. Here they are :

I use the clear blue dual hormone digital test too. My comment above was quite confusing I think! Basically, if you usually ovulate on CD 15 and start using the digi tests on CD 10 then it will remember you hormone levels for that day and then on CD 11 etc so by the time your at CD 13 your levels have probably risen and it will give you a flashing face and then by CD 15 you ovulate and should get a solid face. This is the reason they give you 10, as women can ovulate on different days so if you start on CD 10 then you have more chance of tracking your ovulation.

You can PM someone by clicking their name once and a drop down menu will come up and I think it's the second choice on the menu that should say "send a private message".

Hope that helps :) xx
hey ccl thanks I got your pm and have replied thankyou, it is very kind of you x @belfa thankyou Im so thick hahaha I started doing the tests but ive decided to keep the rest til my next cycle as that's when il really need them being on 100mg clomid so will that affect the test then? if I stop just now bearing in mind ive only used 3 and not got a smiley face yet
hmm I would think it will "remember" this cycle, but if you are getting a tracking scan then you could start testing once teh hospital confirm that there's a good follicle there? I recon it would only be an issue if you were getting smiley faces and then used the same monitor next cycle x
Woohoo I got flashing smiley face on the clearblue digi this morning, I am so excited!!! although I am worried I have since broke the holder as I was kinda dumb :eh: I was sure I had read somewhere that if you were to fall asleep or whatever while waiting for results just to eject test stick and put it back in so I did this to show the hubby as I was just so excited but got some kind of error message so in my panic I decided to put another test in and do another it start flashing right away but it started working and I got another flashing smiley face so I assume its not broken?
lol, if you eject the stick it will show the result, you don't need to put it back in ;). Sounds like its working ok though - fingers crossed the flashing leads to ovulation!! xx

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