The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

How long was it down for? It really confused me! I might be 6dpo if there was an o!
hey all just a wee question for you all if like me and you don't have periods and your supposed to take clomid on days 2-6, then how do you take it?
Hi yummymummy, your doctor normally gives you some sort of progesterone tablets to bring a period on - I received provera to take for 5 days then around 3 days after finishing this a period started. If you haven't got anything, I would speak to your doctor.
I am cd 6 of my first cycle on clomid took last tablet this evening. I am wondering if anyone has ever had stomach cramps whilst taking the clomid not just when ovulating. I have had horrible cramps for 2 days now. Thought it was too much Christmas food but I have barely eaten since xmas day now. I have had nausea, heartburn and the cramping. I thought it might be a tummy bug but not so sure. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this.
I didn't have any side effects from taking clomid but I have definitely heard of other ladies getting hot flashes, nausea etc so it could well be from the clomid. Fx that means it's working? Are you getting monitored with scans? I can recommend the digi opks - they are expensive but def worth it to know what's going on xx
I have digi opks to start using in a couple of days but only cd 6. Have scan on Thursday (cd 12). Still not convinced about what these cramps are. Thanks for advice.
Good luck for your scan, I have one on the following Monday (6th) and ordered more digi ovulation tests last night x
Turns out my bf and her family had a bug with symptoms like mine and we spent xmas eve with them. Relieved it's not the clomid as I'm not sure I could do it again. On plus side I don't seem to have had any clomid side effects then. Roll on Thursday's scan.
I've just got my AF following my second round of chlomid and I'm finding the pain unbearable. Has anybody else found that? I literally can't do anything but lay with a hot water bottle...x
I hated Clomid, the periods killed me. I remember doubling over I. Agony after leaving the cinema and I was bleeding past my super tampon. Never again!!

Keep your feet up and try and relax chick, hot water bottle, trash magazine and hot chocolate :) xx
Hi Belfa -At scan on 2nd they found no mature follicles so want me back this week. I can't make it until weds. I got a +digi opk on cd11 (rather odd) and a flashing smiley today so hopefully that was a fluke and I will ov in the next few days. I will know more by weds. Just need to keep dtd.
This got me thinking so just checked online and the new cb duel hormone ones (which I am trying this cycle) need fmu - so will do them first thing from tomorrow.
I heard that FMU usually contains FSH (or is it LH?!) every day so its best to do them later in the day. I try to do them with 2MU so that its still fairly concentrated! Sometimes I do them after work but its hard not drinking plenty of water like I usually do!
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well I got the new clearblue digi dual hormone indicator and it requires fmu so been doing that but not got a smiley face yet :( however I have my scan today so we will see what happens

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