The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

well I got the new clearblue digi dual hormone indicator and it requires fmu so been doing that but not got a smiley face yet :( however I have my scan today so we will see what happens

What mg of clomid are you on? It sounds like you're early on in your cycle too so don't be too disheartened yet, some women don't ovulate until quite late.

I am just back fro my scan and I have a 17mm folicle - is that a good size? How long does the folicle take to mature / release an egg? Also my womb lining is thin, I'm hoping that the pregnacare will look after that but if anyone has any other advice it woud be appreciated x
Ooh yay yes 17 mm is good. I think you usually ov when it gets to about 20mm? Get bd'ing!!
17mm is good, the mature around 19mm :)

Clomid can make the lining thin over time. I had to get scanned again to check. Have he suggested progesterone at all? xx
Oh good! I'll make sure I shave my legs tonight then ;) :lol:

No they didn't mention progesterone, how would take that? I'm sure i've seen some women say they use cream bought online? x
That sounds like a good size! They need to be 18 to pop so it must be almost there! You must be relieved! Good luck!
hi everyone, belfa that sounds like great news your surely about to ovulate to me the midwife said to me that anything from 18-20mm is ovulation. however unfortunetly my scan showed my lining is quite thin and foliciles are still tiny. so im quite confused does it mean that clomid hasn't worked? does it mean that I could still ovulate later on? the nurse also said that on my next cycle ive to double the dose to 100mg clomid. so does this mean im out til next month getting so confused by this point now
I thought she they would want me in again as that's what ive read happens on here, however she just said that in the next cycle to double my dose and come back then for another cd10 scan, but im just so confused cause I could just ovulate later so why aren't they scanning me again this month? or is it because I am just on 50mg of clomid?
Hmm that's strange. Maybe they don't think there's any chance you will ov this cycle. Sorry hon :(
that's what im half thinking too, do u think I should phone them tomorrow? if I do what should I say?
Maybe just double check you don't need to go back for another scan. Also if you don't ov AF won't necess arrive so you may need provera to bring on bleed?

Lots of ladies don't ov on 50mg but do on 100mg so don't be disheartened x
that's what im half thinking too, do u think I should phone them tomorrow? if I do what should I say?

Yeh I would call them tomorrow just to confirm that you should take provera to i duce aperiod assuming your not going to ovulate. Did they tell you to go back for day 21 bloods just to confirm you haven't ovulated?

Don't worry hun, I didn't ovulate on 50mg and some other ladies who now have their bfp's needed a higher dose of clomid too. Just see this cycle as a test run x
hi so I have just phoned the hospital, i said i was still a little confused is there no chance of me ovulating? or do i still have a chance the nurse says its still possible for me to ovulate but they are not concerned about getting me in for another scan. i was given provera yesterday to induce a bleed at the end of the month and she says that what they do they still give me the rest of the month cause its possible to ovulate and if not i have the provera to induce a bleed but to take 100mg clomid next time.
Hi yummy mummy, try not to worry....that won't help things. They scan when your on Clomid to check you are not over responding with multiple follicles. You don't get them every month, same with bloods. They may up your dose and chek progression then, if the 100mg work they'll leave you to it. Just keep doing the baby dance like you will ovulate, don't let it take control :)

I got a flashing smiley face on the digi ov test this morning! Not had one of them before lol x
Well I have a dominant follicle at 19mm. Yay! Nurse made me poas and said if it wasn't a smiley they'd do a trigger shot to make me ov - wasn't happy about that as would have needed to go in on Friday which is not possible this week. But doesn't matter as I got a smiley. So off to dtd and cross everything. Lining nice and thick apparently.

Also I have not got on with cb duel hormone digis as they did not show anything this morning but gave me a smiley last week. Going back to normal digis. Have 9 sticks and a tester looking for a good home pm me if interested xx
Well I have a dominant follicle at 19mm. Yay! Nurse made me poas and said if it wasn't a smiley they'd do a trigger shot to make me ov - wasn't happy about that as would have needed to go in on Friday which is not possible this week. But doesn't matter as I got a smiley. So off to dtd and cross everything. Lining nice and thick apparently.

Also I have not got on with cb duel hormone digis as they did not show anything this morning but gave me a smiley last week. Going back to normal digis. Have 9 sticks and a tester looking for a good home pm me if interested xx

That's fantastic!!

Did they give any answers as to what the fluid etc was that they saw last week? x

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