The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

I had <1 when I was on 100mg but usually between 27 and 70 when I was on 150mg!

Did you have to push them to get 150mg? I'm starting on 50mg which is standard I think but the doctor did say she wouldn't increase it beyond 100mg if 50mg didn't work
I didn't find out my numbers they just said its working so carry on with 50mg. I can't really up my dosage anyway as I cannot risk twins or triplets as my womb isn't big enough. My day 21 have always been over 30 that's all they said not sure exact numbers tho xx
I haven't had day 21 bloods done. If I'm not pregnant this cycle (and I don't think I am) then I'll get them done next cycle.

Feeling a bit disappointed that I have no symptoms. Everyone else seems to get symptoms all the time and I have nothing. Hoping I'm one of those people who does a test and is massively shocked that it is a BFP!
Thanks for the reply ladies, guess I will just have to be patient and wait and see if my numbers increase on my 27 day blood test xx
I had <1 when I was on 100mg but usually between 27 and 70 when I was on 150mg!

Did you have to push them to get 150mg? I'm starting on 50mg which is standard I think but the doctor did say she wouldn't increase it beyond 100mg if 50mg didn't work

The consultant put me straight on 100mg and when that didn't work she increased to 150mg. However that was the local hospital which is not great and she was a very unfriendly and dismissive person and think she just wanted rid of me. She pretty much shoved me out with the prescription and told me to go for IVF. But then the most interesting thing was the number of doctors and a nurse at the IVF clinic who gave me wide-eyed looks when I told them I was on 150mg Clomid. They implied that I shouldn't have been on that much as I'm quite small :/
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Hi ladies, I got my day 21 blood test results back today and it was 20.6 which isn't quite high enough yet but a lot better than the 1.5 from last cycle. The fertility nurse said that she needed to wait for my day 28 results to see if it goes up to over 30 to confirm ovulation.

What were everyone else's results at day 21?xx

Mine was 29.6 last year but I think it was done a few days late. Last month on clomid it was 54, hooray! Not sure about this month as we have been on holiday.
I can officially join this thread now woo hoo!! Just had appt with new consultant who was loads nicer than the miserable lot at Chelsea and Westminster. She said "it's not really for me to comment but I don't think it's right for them to charge for clomid tracking scans".

Today is last day of taking provera so hopefully AF will be here soon!

How is everyone else getting on? Xoxo
Woop Woop Anna! Bet you can't wait to get started!

I'm so confused today, the fertility nurse is on hol this week so I haven't been able to get my blood test results back to see if I did actually ovulate and I'm sure I see the tiniest amount of spotting when I wiped last night so now think AF might be coming :( I couldn't tell exactly if/when I ovulated but I think it might have been around cd19 now on cd 29 so clinging to the hope it might be implantation bleeding x
That's really annoying that you couldn't get your results. Fx the witch stay away xxx
Hi Ladies, I'm about to start provera and then clomid this month too :)
Hi Ladies, I'm about to start provera and then clomid this month too :)

Oh yay a clomid cycle buddy! Fx for you hon! I finished my provera on Thursday so I'm just waiting for the witch now. I've felt very crampy while taking the provera and ever since so hopefully she won't be long.
I should start on Monday if I'm able to pick my prescription up. I'm going to the states next Saturday for my cousins wedding and I used to hate having AF on holiday but I'm not bothered at all now and don't want to put off taking it until I come back as its been so long and I feel bloated and just want to feel like something's working! Unless of course it makes you feel rubbish and ill avoid taking it until I'm back!x
^doh! When I say start I mean provera, it's not that clear when I read it back!
I should start on Monday if I'm able to pick my prescription up. I'm going to the states next Saturday for my cousins wedding and I used to hate having AF on holiday but I'm not bothered at all now and don't want to put off taking it until I come back as its been so long and I feel bloated and just want to feel like something's working! Unless of course it makes you feel rubbish and ill avoid taking it until I'm back!x

I was the same - didn't want to wait a single day longer than I had to after all the waiting we've had to do already! I have been fine taking the provera - a few cramps and I felt slightly nauseous this morning but I think I'm just paying more attention than normal to my body though because I'm expecting to feel different if that makes sense? Any side effects have been very minor so far xx
I can't remember feeling anything from provera. It was such a relief to finally come on after 10 months of nothing. As you say belfa it feels like nothing is working!
So the plot thickens! I had an issue at my GP's surgery when they took my blood, they refused to do a Rubella test (even though I showed them the letter for the specialist asking for it) as they said it was a waste of resources...! I have my clomid & provera prescription however I am to hold off starting the clomid until I get my rubella result back.

The midwife took my blood at the hospital (btw, why is a fertility clinic in a maternity ward?!) and said just call next week (now this week) for the results. I called today and the midwife is off so a doctor called me back and said they weren't in yet and to call back in - 2 weeks!! Does a Rubella test take really long or did she say this so I stop hassling them do you think? I'm not worried about delaying the start of clomid at all but I'm desperate to have a period! I just feel so bloated and I'm sure AF will help.

Would it be a sin to take the provera now (i'm not really likely to get AF for at least another week)?
I'm trying to think... I had to have the rubella test and the chlamydia test (even though I knew I didnt have it) I think they came back after a week but then when I went for my first consultation when I got prescribed provera and clomid they said I had to have another chlamydia test to see if I have ever had it as the one the GP does is to see if you currently have it. I explained that if I don't currently have it and have never taken medication for it then I must never have had it but they said it can just disappear.... hmmmmm... not convinced. Anyway, they took my blood and I don't think I ever heard back about those results - my hospital obviously likes wasting resources!

I agree on the whole placement of fertility clinics! Our first consultation we ran into my husbands friend who was there for 12 week scan. My poor hubby had to say that things weren't working out for us. Awkward!

As far as being a sin I say no, just take it! But then I might be being naughty saying that. Maybe call in a week and then take provera?
I got an STD test done at my appointment too and what's funny is they are happy for you to start clomid before the STD test is back but not before the Rubella test :lol:. She said that they are trying to make rubella non-existent for teh next generation and are combatting this by ensuring that children are born with an immunity (which they'll get from their mother).
This really pees me off. Anyone without fertility issues conceives without having a clue about rubella immunity. I appreciate wanting to get rid of it but why put more obstacles in the way of ladies who are already having a really hard time?!

I would personally just take it but I'm stubborn like that!

Good luck hon xoxo

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