The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

Thats exactly how mine has been apart from the my willy will fall off comment lol!!

If we BD tonight are we still in with a chance or have we done as much as we can? xxx
Urgh i feel sick with nerves about all of this! xx
I just dont think we are going to be lucky enough for a bfp! x
I know how you feel, the same thought has been running through my mind too about this cycle. But we have to stay positive otherwise what's the point? :hugs: x x

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yeah i know!! This is gonna be the longest two weeks ever!! I'm adamant i'm not gonna test until i'm 12dpo! lol x
Don't let the negativity get you girls!!! There is lots of clomid success stories out there no reason why we can't be another aweome statistic!!!
i know hun - i'm just so scared of it failing!!! I so want this to be it!! Just gonna try and relax now! x
Itisbabytime yeah I think you're right. It was so hard lying to her! Such a lovely doctor and a friend of my mums too! Sorry AF got you :-( xxx
I'm off to bed, so tired! We will support each other ladies. I've everything crossed for us all. X

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Night babe - i'm off soon too! Just not to sleep lol! x
Oooh lots going on here - exciting!! Hope you just tested early miss j - your bfp could be round the corner. Ov looks good for nicky so her next ;) and Kay - that's fab news you've got those follicles - I would of blurted it all out so you were good keeping quiet ha ha

Baby time I'm on cd4 so not far ahead of you. Just off to bed and to take clomid tablet 3.

Good luck ladies xxx
Ahhh thanks hun! I'm praying this is it. but from now on im just gonna relax! After bding tonight there isnt much more i can do so no point in stressing! xx
What a thread girlies!! Im going to be hooked!!
lol laura - its all very exciting and tense in here! I love this thread!! x
No exactly you've done all you can, looks like a good strong ovulation so just think positive and keep busy. I know my first clomid 2 ww is going to be torture!! Hopefully there will be some nice success stories for you and miss j xx
OH has severley told me off for obsessing too much! So im not going to from now! I'm not confident its gonna be a bfp but im keeping my fingers crossed!!

Thanks hun xx
morning i tested with me last superdrug and got bfn so looks like on to next month xx

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