The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

Can someone tell me when I should start testing with OPK's, I'm on cycle day 9 :)

Thanks lovelys x
Tiny, I started using ov tests around cd10. Bear in mind that on Clomid you can get false positives early in the cycle, I got false ones around cd13 so my advice has always been to keep testing with ov tests right up til you get to cd20's somewhere. My definite positives were always blaringly obvious so there was no mistaking them. If in doubt, keep testing. :) x
Hey MissJ :) I've done them the last 3 days and barely had a faint line, goin to keep doin them all the way through! I've started temping too so we'll see how it goes xx
My goodness this thread has gone awfully quiet! How is everyone?

I've been so busy trying to lose weight, have been doing well and according to my scales have lost almost a stone since starting the whole thing! Dh says he can really notice it where I'm a bit unsure...I've been this weight before so maybe thats why I don't think I look different? Anyways.. I'm cd34 today and have had a small amount of spotting yesterday.. Only noticed when I wiped (sorry for tmi!) and didn't have anything in my undies so that's a bit unusual. Of course I'm hoping the weight loss has kick started things but who knows?! Have no idea when my next appointment is either so I'm just plodding along really... Will test in a few days if af doesn't show. I haven't had any cramps at all either so another good sign? Hmmm!!

Hope everyone's ok! X

Aww good luck hun. And well done on the weight loss xx

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Hey miss j wondered where you had got too!!

Well done on the weightloss hun that's great!! X
hey girls iv been keeping an eye open for updates but noticed it had gone quiet....hope ur all ok!!

well done missj on the weight loss, keeping everything crossed for you hun xxx
Yeah it's been super quiet on here.. I came away from pf for a while but I did check back a few times but had nothing to add lol. Still no af here, although I'm not holding my breath cos as I type I can feel some cramps. Every time I get hopeful, the cramps start! :wall: x

Your welcome hun im still keeping everythin tightly crossed for u xxx
Thank you hun. X

Good news - the spotting lasted only a couple of days, I haven't had any more and no more cramping either...I even bded as normally when I've had spotting, bding brings on af and nothing happened.. Not sure whether to feel hopeful or not really! I am nervous though! X

Also I read the thread about implantation bleeding in 'Am I Pregnant' and my spotting sounded similar.. It started very light, bright red and by day two was more pale orange.. Weird! X

Fingers crossed miss j!! I had cramping on and off for a week before af was due. I used to do a test and af would arrive soon after so on 14dpiui I done one after the weeks cramping just wanting to do my usual jinx for af and I got my bfp. I really hope you get your long awaited bfp. Xxx
Thanks girls. Minxie my spotting was about 2 days ago. Dh wants me to test in the morning but I dunno....too many bfns have put me off!! No more spotting, no af and no cramps.... X


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