Great thread.
I have PCOS and we've been trying to conceive for about 4 years. I've lost count to be honest. We lost 2 early pregnancies last March and June. At the time EPAU said that my progesterone was too low. The first loss was a miscarriage and the second was ectopic but needed no surgery, just blood monitoring. I've since has a dye test and my tubes are all clear.
Following this, I was given 50mg clomid for 3 months. I did 2 months then my periods disappeared. I went back to my consultant and the 2 'day 21 blood tests' showed progesterone of 20 in month one and 1 in month two!
He has given me 7 days of 10mg provera (which I've just finished) to start my periods and then 100mg clomid for 3 months. I wish I could be positive but I feel like I've just been fobbed off for another 3 months and I feel like time is slipping away.
I'm dieting at the moment because I'm much more regular and we conceived, when I was at a healthy weight.
We were using the clear blue ovulation monitor and that was when we fell pregnant. I had very obvious ovulation peaks but guess my hormones weren't right after that to support the pregnancy. I'm really unclear of the science. Hoping some reading of this site will help
I've used this forum before but I really want to start using it properly. I shy away from it, especially when I get bad news. I feel like my close friends are bored of listening to me now.
Does anyone have similar experiences? I'm just ranting but it's helping.