Just poking my head in to wish you good luck MissJ.
As some of the other girls have said FRER's really are the most sensitive and reliable tests. I know you're getting frustrated because you're getting faint lines and a FRER really would confirm things more definitely.
I know a lot of the other tests can give false positives and I always found the IC's awful (but loved the cheap opk's). I always used FRER's because it gave me a definite early result, there was no 'am I, aren't I'. I also picked up on a chemical pregnancy using FRERs, it didn't show up on any other tests.
Hope you don't mind the advice. I know how frustrating it can be as a LTTC'er myself and FRER's were my best friend for telling me straight if I was or wasn't.
Good luck hun, really hope it's a shy BFP xxx