The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

Im so thristy all the day, keep get lil pains in my leg n stomach :/ xz

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Why am I on Clomid? - After ttc for almost a year without any luck & all tests coming back relatively normal I was prescribed Clomid.

How much am I on? - 50 mg for 6 months

When do you take it? - CD2 til CD6

Any side effects? - We'll see (only just been prescribed, will start taking it this month)

Did it help OV? - We'll see!

If you had long cycles, did it help reduce them? - My cycles are already pretty normal ranging from 27 to 32 days.

Was Clomid a success for you? - We'll see! FX!!
Thanks girls, think I see a super faint faint line but binned it, it should be dark by now if it's a true bfp. :( x

Ab11 have you tested hun? X

Hi missJ How late are you?? I hope it's just a late implantation, that line may still get stronger

P.s as DW said i was also stupidly bloated in tri1, so fingers crossed

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Hello Lovely Ladies!! very excited !! today the doctors have given me Clomid. Im 2nd Day in my cycle and took my 1st 50mg today!!! Anyone anything to share with me anything else to help?? xxx

The best piece of advise i could offer is to take the pills on a night time, then you'll hopefully sleep through the worse of the side effects. Although i did suffer really bad night sweats, so would often sleep with the window open and a fan on!!
Just poking my head in to wish you good luck MissJ.

As some of the other girls have said FRER's really are the most sensitive and reliable tests. I know you're getting frustrated because you're getting faint lines and a FRER really would confirm things more definitely.

I know a lot of the other tests can give false positives and I always found the IC's awful (but loved the cheap opk's). I always used FRER's because it gave me a definite early result, there was no 'am I, aren't I'. I also picked up on a chemical pregnancy using FRERs, it didn't show up on any other tests.

Hope you don't mind the advice. I know how frustrating it can be as a LTTC'er myself and FRER's were my best friend for telling me straight if I was or wasn't.

Good luck hun, really hope it's a shy BFP xxx

I swear by FRER's. Never had reason to doubt them. They always told me when i wasn't pregnant, no guessing with them!

x x x
Will be keeping my Fx for you missJ :)

I'm on day 2 of clomid and I'm a bit headachey and hot, is that normal after only 2 days?xx
I test last sat n sun. Gettin another test tomoro if no af. cd40 tomoro!! Xx

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The best piece of advise i could offer is to take the pills on a night time, then you'll hopefully sleep through the worse of the side effects. Although i did suffer really bad night sweats, so would often sleep with the window open and a fan on!![/QUOTE]

I had it this morning my second one.. I was very hot n fidgty last night after taking it at dinner time, maybe i will try it at night tomoz. Thank you hun xx
Abbi, I doubt the clomid did this after two tablets. Clomid works on the pituatary gland, more specifically the estrogen receptors. Clomid works through the entire cycle not just the days the pills are taken. Try not to read to much into every single symptom when on it or you will drive yourself crazy and end up thinking you feel things cause other people have said they have too. The placebo effect is very strong.
Af is here in full force. Obviously not what I wanted but my cycle was around 41-42 days which is great, wasn't expecting a short-ish cycle! Hopefully it means I ovved somewhere around cd30. X
Gah thought my post edit would change the time etc as well! The post above was edited this morning to update so cd1 is today. X

Im so sorry missj xx

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I know its not much comfort missj, but at least your cycle has stayed relatively normal after coming off clomid, rather than shooting away back up again?
MissJ :hugs: but yay for short cycle - that's great! Xxx

AKA SunnyGirl! Waiting to change back.

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