The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

Thats my 2 tests used bfn n invalid.
Im sure its my tests that are naff, sainsburys ones xx

Sent from my LG-P692 using Tapatalk 2
Im on cd35 nw, af was due wed.
Really hope we both hav shy bfps hun xx

Sent from my LG-P692 using Tapatalk 2
There's a link somewhere on the first response website - 5 tests for £8.99! Going to get those on payday!! Still no af here.. X

Another positive ov test and omg for the first time ever, dh can see a line on my cheapie! Crap pic again cos I was trying to take a sneaky pic as dh is around. I won't be offended if people can't see the line but both dh and I can see it. I'm just worried it's more evap like than pink? X


eeeeeek im not good line spotter I gotta admit but I see it I see it!!!!!! really hoping this is it!!!!

you got digi?? I think it would come up strong now xxxx

sent from my snazzy new Galaxy S3 xxx
I can see it and im on tablet without even clicking on pic, do digi missj i agree with DW on this one hun go for it yayyyyyy

I wasn't expecting anyone to see it!! :faint: dh is slowly getting excited but I'm much more reserved, I am terrified that this is all a false alarm. :(

I've got one last clear response test to use, not sure when to do it! X

Thats my 2 tests used bfn n invalid.
Im sure its my tests that are naff, sainsburys ones xx

Sent from my LG-P692 using Tapatalk 2

Sorry about the bfns Hun, defo try another brand. Hope it's just a shy bean! X

got good feeling this time xx but totally understand ur reservations xx :hugs:

sent from my snazzy new Galaxy S3 xxx
Me too. And im not in your shoes and understand how hard a bfn would hit you. But ibthink youve done it x
Thanks girls. :hugs: I really hope we have. Dh just said to me "you could be pregnant right now" . Can't bring myself to say those words in case we're not. I'm tempted to use the digi tomorrow but it would really knock me sideways if it's a bfn, digi negatives are harder to take than the other bfns lol. X

I never used a digi because im a poas addict and would have pee'd on it at 3 dpo lmao but i can understand where your coming from x x
its 1 of the strongest lines uve had xx
sounds promising x
fx fx fx fx fx cant wait til tomorrow for ur next pic hee hee xx bfp on arisen! ;)

sent from my snazzy new Galaxy S3 xxx
I am on my phone and i can see it hun

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
Omg girls, I'm getting more and more nervous lol! Every little cramp and twinge has me terrified that af has caught me!

:pray: she stays away! X

Do the digi woman!! You are pregnant! I can see that line on my phone!! X

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