The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

Noooo you can't wait till Wednesday!! Just think you can celebrate new year with a baby on board :)

That would be amazing.. Last new years eve, one of my closest friends from my church was praying for me about getting pregnant and she was crying etc and saying she really felt that something would happen this year. This whole ttc journey has really tested my faith but I was just thinking it would be so amazing to tell her tomorrow night that 1 year ago she prayed for me to have a baby and here I am, pregnant! Ahhhhh it makes me well up just thinking about it!! X

Lol minx I bet I would ha ha! I just can't believe it might actually have happened for us! X

Lol minx I bet I would ha ha! I just can't believe it might actually have happened for us! X


you dont believe it for months hun x still pinching myself now and bubs moves an I think omg xx

sent from my snazzy new Galaxy S3 xxx
Im that excited i need to pee lmao!!!!! Missj i thimk youve already done it hun x
DW - aww. :love: I think I'd be the same! X

Minx - lol! I hope so hun. I'd do anything for that digi to say 'pregnant 1-2' ! X

By the time you take digi you'l be that far into your pregnancy. It will be void!!

Missj i no were all saying do it do it, but were not there were not you and we dont deal with result....although i think it would be happy tears.

Were all like a family on here and just want you to see a bfp, and to be happy. I havent ttc for half as long as most of you in herr but iv been with you every step of the way and i no how much you want and truly deservr this!!!!!!
im not pregnant - ive just eaten too many pies!! paha thats what im gonna say to the next person who tells me how big ive got lol!!

Go on miss j crack open the digi!!! x
ditto what linx says xx

were all here holding ur virtual hand but obv cant pick up pieces if bfn but I truely believe it will be bfp this time xx
we will alwways be ur support hun xx

sent from my snazzy new Galaxy S3 xxx
Nikki I think I would too. I wish we could all go round for support lol x x
Digis are not super sensitive though, I think 50 miu? Frer would be the best of course but i think there is defo a line on a cheapie

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
Miss j have we scared you off hun big hugs :-) I'll be thread stalking all night and all morn tomorrow x x
how about do your other test now see what happens and if you get a line do your digi? x
im on longday tomorrow an new yrs day so ill have to be popping on sneakily on phone in work if I get chance lol xx

hugs hugs hugs missj xxxxxxx

sent from my snazzy new Galaxy S3 xxx

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