The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

Missj what test u use a bfp cant just dissapear im sure.... Good luck hun x x
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Same as yesterday. Will upload a pic ASAP, hubby just off to work x

Missj is it the same brand as yday? Was it a frer? If not go and get one! There was def a second line yesterday.
First pic taken about 10 mins after poas, second pic taken just now. X



Dh thinks I took it out of the case too early but I'm not sure... Gutted. :(

Missj is it the same brand as yday? Was it a frer? If not go and get one! There was def a second line yesterday.

Yes same as yesterday hun, payday is next week so have to wait til then to get a different test. X

Id be using my digi by now missj but I know your more cautious because of history x x
If u had a line yday a digi would show today but if I were u I would wait till tomo and do the digi with fmu. It will guive an accurate result definately. Gosh u must be so frustrated. I've been there hun :hugs:
Yeah defo frustrated..kicking myself for telling dh about it really but there was definitely a line yesterday, don't know why there wouldn't be one today. :( x

Aww missj I don't know why to suggest :( there is only you tht can decide
Missj im sure we both came on the same day last month.
I tested this mornin...... INVALID!!

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Aw ab11, :hugs: its massively frustrating! I'm very tempted to test again now but I want to try and wait as long as I can. Can always use a cheapie for now... :whistle: x

Don't be too bummed if there is nothing on a cheapie. I didn't get anything on it till a good few days after a frer and digi. I hate to say but maybe a chemical. :(
I had some cramping yesterday but nothing today. In fact I was expecting af cos we bded last night and that sometimes kicks af off but I've had nothing. Did a cheapie earlier and nothing.... X

I was thinking eithr that or maybe your afternoon pee is better lol. I def saw a line yesterday and so did many others i know im not in your shoes but id def use another test. Like its babytime says them ic can be naff missj x

Where all here for you no matter what you chose to do x
with the early days, fmu was always bfn and late afternoon pee was maybe you are similar xx
Been sat in the bath bawling my eyes out for half an hour. I feel ridiculous. :( x


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