The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

I agree with nikki and them twinges could well be a good thing..... your bean getting comfy in there x
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when is af due?! days post ov?!
and this is your 1st cycle after clomid yeah?! xx

sent from my snazzy new Galaxy S3 xxx
Do it do it do it!! I didn't get a line on a cheapie till 3 days after my 1-2 on a digi!! X
Yeah, first cycle off clomid plus I've lost 7lb so maybe that's affected things..x

Ha nicky!! I'm too scared to break out the digi. I was going to wait til I got a proper line just to make sure I'm not wasting a digi lol. X

Missj this is looking so good lol im thread stalking and being ignorant at my inlaws
Oh and as for dpo, I have no idea cos I didn't track ov so not got a clue! X

Be brave!! I didn't want to use my digi but maybe baby made me lol! Crack yours open woman!! X
I think this is it missy!!!
post clomid ur body back in shape doing it properly xx does happen hun xx

come on digi will definitely show I thinks :whistle:

sent from my snazzy new Galaxy S3 xxx
fliss made me do mine too as us ltttcers never want to believe it xx

sent from my snazzy new Galaxy S3 xxx
I think I should leave the digi til Wednesday or something, I've got one last proper test which I was going to use tomorrow about 11.30/12 noon ish.. Wtf do I do if it's negative? :( x

Noooo you can't wait till Wednesday!! Just think you can celebrate new year with a baby on board :)
If you do digi and its bfn ill buy you another one monday and post it ;-)

ill do the same ;) ;)

sent from my snazzy new Galaxy S3 xxx

Ha ha aww you guys. :love:

Ok well I suppose I could use my digi tomorrow and save my last clear response test.. If the digi is bfn then it could be too early or something. Agghhh I don't know. :rolleyes: I won't believe it til my digi says 'pregnant' :pray: x

If its negative then chin up, kick our buts and wait till next week!! I have a feeling youll be pushing baby out and still in denial..... Of course you have every write to be caucious

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