Just checking in...I'm in that limbo of having just finished the Clomid and waiting to start the John Wayne phase as I like to refer to it! What CD do you ladies usually start BDing? I'm CD 8 today and we spontaneously BDd last night. Spontaneous, unplanned sex?! What's that all about?
so u bd'd cd 7 ye?
thats what me and hubby did to get rid of his old spermies (he thought it was spontaneous sex, i knew it wasnt lol)
we then started bding every other day from cd 10 but we are attempting smep this cycle (thats if my opk EVER goes positive lol)
the john wayne phase....i like it lol
I refer to my clomid as my "honesty pills" wen with hubby as im quite hormonal on them and end up blurting things out to hubby that i shouldnt really say lol
the once it was about his mother!!! lol oh well honesty pills strike again