The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

it will be here before you know it. this time last year i was pregnant with my little girl and now shes 8 months old.... thats how fast it goes!! :) good luck hun. i got sickess at night time too, maybe its a girl thing lol
Haha ld1978! I would prefer us to be bfp buddies rather than just cycle bussies! My temp went up too so def have ovd. Need to book my blood test for a weeks time, woohoo
it will be here before you know it. this time last year i was pregnant with my little girl and now shes 8 months old.... thats how fast it goes!! :) good luck hun. i got sickess at night time too, maybe its a girl thing lol

Well in 4 weeks we'll find out if there's one or two in there lol! X
Congrats Drummers Wife that's fab news. Really happy for you. Lots of sticky bean glue to you! xx
This is true baby time - lets hope we are bfp buddies. I'm finding the non positive opk a bit weird though. I've got hospital forms so going to go get mine done Monday :) good luck Hun x
Congrats to all the BFP!!!! I have a question...for the past 3 days my OPK has had a 2nd line pretty dark but not as dark as the control line. Today there is no 2nd line at all!! Does that mean I ovulated??? I was cramping really bad 2 days ago and now I dont have any more cramping. The 2 darkest lines were on CD 11 and 12. I took clomid 100mg 3-7.
oh its certainly doing that - i'm getting it on an evening and through the night tho which is driving me mad cos sleep just isnt happening!! guess thats something i have to get used to anyway! lol!

I only used digi ones on my cycle that i got my BFP - couldnt bring myself to pay that much for them before lol!! xx

awe not being able to sleep having trouble sleeping because get hot sweats in bed from the clomid

yeh i paid out loads to do the digi ones last time and it ws a complete waste...and now i might actually be fortunate enuff to get a pos opk i have cheapies lol never mind

Congrats to all the BFP!!!! I have a question...for the past 3 days my OPK has had a 2nd line pretty dark but not as dark as the control line. Today there is no 2nd line at all!! Does that mean I ovulated??? I was cramping really bad 2 days ago and now I dont have any more cramping. The 2 darkest lines were on CD 11 and 12. I took clomid 100mg 3-7.

hey hun, dont quote me but i think a couple of girls have had lines not quite as dark as the control line and turned out to have ov'd....for some eason i have it in my head that russell muscles lines werent as dark as control and she had bfp that month (like i said dont quote me tho as could be wrong, but it sounds like u have ov'd judging from the crampingetc)

lets hope ur in ur 2ww xxxx
Congrats to all the BFP!!!! I have a question...for the past 3 days my OPK has had a 2nd line pretty dark but not as dark as the control line. Today there is no 2nd line at all!! Does that mean I ovulated??? I was cramping really bad 2 days ago and now I dont have any more cramping. The 2 darkest lines were on CD 11 and 12. I took clomid 100mg 3-7.

hey hun, dont quote me but i think a couple of girls have had lines not quite as dark as the control line and turned out to have ov'd....for some eason i have it in my head that russell muscles lines werent as dark as control and she had bfp that month (like i said dont quote me tho as could be wrong, but it sounds like u have ov'd judging from the crampingetc)

lets hope ur in ur 2ww xxxx

I really do hope so!!!!!! My hubby is super excited!!! :dust:
oh its certainly doing that - i'm getting it on an evening and through the night tho which is driving me mad cos sleep just isnt happening!! guess thats something i have to get used to anyway! lol!

I only used digi ones on my cycle that i got my BFP - couldnt bring myself to pay that much for them before lol!! xx

awe not being able to sleep having trouble sleeping because get hot sweats in bed from the clomid

yeh i paid out loads to do the digi ones last time and it ws a complete waste...and now i might actually be fortunate enuff to get a pos opk i have cheapies lol never mind


Do you have the cb digi smilie reader? X
Here a pic....can anyone tell if I ovulated???


  • opk4.jpg
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I would say yes to ov - the 3rd stick up from bottom is most positive so you ov then xx :) goodluck xx
I'd keep going with the ov tests hun, I took Clomid 100mg days 2-6 and got false positives at cd13 both on a cheapie and a digi. Sometimes you can get false positives when the hormones are working their way through, I got my real positives at cd18 on that cycle and there was no doubting it lol. So I'd keep going, just in case. X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
oh its certainly doing that - i'm getting it on an evening and through the night tho which is driving me mad cos sleep just isnt happening!! guess thats something i have to get used to anyway! lol!

I only used digi ones on my cycle that i got my BFP - couldnt bring myself to pay that much for them before lol!! xx

hey nicky,
this is what happened to me last night and I still feel really green !! xx
just real waves of nausea through the night, that kept waking me up! xx
oops forgot to have my blood taken on day 21. Does everyone else have to have this done each month on clomid?
Its to check if you have ov'd isnt it? xx

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