The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

Nausea in the first few days, those buggering hot flushes are still here - having one right now! And feeling super emotional. :oooo:

I have a weird crampy, achey feeling low down, almost like AF pains but not as strong. Hmm. X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
urgh booo to the hot flushes. are you still feeling positive hun? xx
just did my opk and its lighter today than yesterday :( was hoping it would have gotten cd 12 today so still early i guess

I feel ok, relaxed cos during ov and the 2ww I'll be busy so won't have time to symptom spot or anything. Hopefully that will pay off and help my bean(s) get on board! X

Bella - still early hun! Keep going. :) x

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
Ye i think the darkish one yest must hav been a just terrified that (a) il hav another stupidly long cycle and (b) that i wont ovulate....its prob coz its my first round of clomid so unsure if itl work for me yet so feelin bit anxious xxx
Bella Hun I never got a positive opk but my progesterone was 70. No positive this month either and bloods on Monday x
Hi ladies I have started my Metformin Im just wondering how long it will take to work. I feel a bit rubbish on them though
corrine - i do this. i just phone up my gp sugery and get a nurse or health assistant to do it. i always go 8 days after the day i get last + opk. never go on day21 unless you actually ov on day 14!

yes it is to check you have ov'd. progesterone levels rise and fall like a bell curve after ovulation and a result of 30pmol or more confirms ovulation. it really bugs me that everyone on here isnt getting this done every cycle as standard by their gp/consultant - how on earth do you know you have ov'd or if the doseage is too high :wall:
Bella on my first cycle my positive ov test came at cd18 so try not to worry Hun x x

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
Bella Hun I never got a positive opk but my progesterone was 70. No positive this month either and bloods on Monday x

Bella on my first cycle my positive ov test came at cd18 so try not to worry Hun x x

Tap Tap Tapatalking!

Thank you girls,.....its just worrying me because i never had a positive opk before (but as gynaecologist said thats coz i wast oving properly)....thing is i gotta have 21 day bloods done and if i dont get a pos opk i wont know when i ov...coz if my bloods reveal the 50 mg hasnt worked he wants me on 100mg next cycle so i really need to find out this cycle.
im probably stressing prematurly tho,i mean im only cd 12 just a bit of a worrier thats all....its hubby thats the optimist lol
im being silly arent i (feel free to give me a slap lol....not too hard tho i bruise like a peach lol)

Well if you go for your day 21s anyway and they show no ov, they'll bump you up to 100mg and that should work hun. Keep going with the ov tests as it might be a later ov - my first cycle I got positives cd 18, 19, 20. They completely surprised me cos I thought it hadn't worked lol. I've got my fx for you hun! X

I'm cd10 today, not doing ov tests yet but I'm worried I won't have time to do them as I'm busy all week next week from 1-6 and I normally do my tests at 4.30. I might end up doing them late so might miss it so will be relying on those ov pains after all lol! X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
Can you do one earlier and one later hun? Less chance of missing it?

When are you going to start your opks? X
I'm not sure hun as I try not to test too early in the day really. To be honest it might be alright to not do ov tests and just enjoy a cycle without them. :think:

Well if you go for your day 21s anyway and they show no ov, they'll bump you up to 100mg and that should work hun. Keep going with the ov tests as it might be a later ov - my first cycle I got positives cd 18, 19, 20. They completely surprised me cos I thought it hadn't worked lol. I've got my fx for you hun! X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!

thanks hun :) iv got mine crossed for you too

so do you recommend if i havnt had a pos opk by say cd 20....that I go in for bloods on my actual cd 21 as surely i shooda ovd by then shoodnt i so theyl be able to tell if iv ovd and bump me up to 100mg if necessary
(coz gynaecologist only said have 21 day bloods done he didnt say "but that means 7 days after u ov", though i know thats what it is, IYKWIM)

Bella I didn't ov till day 46 on my first round. That's not to say you won't - miss j Ov'd earlier on her 1st go!

Yeah go in for bloods - it's worth getting the 100mg x
I would just go in for them anyway. If they say you didn't ovulate then they will give you the 100mg which will be great cos then you won't have to do another cycle on 50 if it doesn't work for you. If you do ov later than day 21 then just call and see if you can have another blood test?


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