The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

So sorry MissJ :(

I'm thinking 3rd time lucky! Have a lovely anniversary meal hun xx
Sorry miss j - and don't feel stupid - nobody would ever think that. We all do exactly the same and it's hard not to get excited and get your hopes up. 12 day lp is fine though and cycle 3 seems to be the lucky cycle :)

It's always the hardest when af comes but try and stay positive and enjoy your anniversary. Get yourself a nice bottle of bubbly xx
I am sorry Miss July!!! :hugs:

Well this is my test from this afternoon. I think its :bfn: But would appreciate it if you ladies could take a closer look please? :eh:

They are both the same image its just ive tweaked it a bit on one of them


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Hun I'm on my phone at the min so it's hard to see anyway but when I'm on my laptop I'll have a closer look - wont be long xxx
I cant see anything hun - did you do it with weak wee or did you save it for a while? x
How many dpo are you PD?

I know the internet cheapies are not always great for some ladies (inc myself) when testing early. I only managed to get a faint second line on a first response at 13dpo.

You can tell how strong your sample is by the colour, if it's really dark then it's pretty concentrated so you're more likely to get a better test result than a watery sample that appears diluted.

Good luck hun x
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If youve held it for a few hours then its strong wee. I got a postive digi before i even got a decent line on a cheapie! They are crap hun xx
Missj I agree with LD you shouldn't feel're fully entitled to feel excited about the possibility of being pregnant. There's a strong chance every cycle & it's really nice to be able to share how you're feeling with a friend x
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Thanks bewdleygirl! That was lovely :flower:

Im not sure what DPO. And My Samples are always quite weak, well light in colour. Its not often at all I get a Dark one its rare. :eh:

So no one can see anything on tonight's then?
How long do you wait between toilet trips? You need to be not drinking too much and holding it for at least 3 hours! If your samples during the day are weak then i would suggest just using your fmu to test xx
How long do you wait between toilet trips? You need to be not drinking too much and holding it for at least 3 hours! If your samples during the day are weak then i would suggest just using your fmu to test xx

6 to 7 hours I hold my sample for. And I drink as normal in the day. Do i need to not drink anything at all. Sometimes first morning urine is just as weak. Is 7 hours to long to hold it? And I use my whole sample. Should I only use a bit?
no 7 hours should be more than fine - i cant hold my pee for anywhere near that long - i struggle holding it for half an hour now lol!! no you shouldnt dehydrate yourself. your wee is obviously perfectly fine if its always been like that. so shouldnt make a difference.

Can you test again in the morning? xx
no 7 hours should be more than fine - i cant hold my pee for anywhere near that long - i struggle holding it for half an hour now lol!! no you shouldnt dehydrate yourself. your wee is obviously perfectly fine if its always been like that. so shouldnt make a difference.

Can you test again in the morning? xx

The only reason I said 7 hours is that because how long I wait while asleep at night. And how much should i drink?

I can test again tomorrow morning... Its if I dare to... :oooo:
try not to drink too much before bed. i tried not to have a drink after 8pm if i was testing the next day.

test in the morning and post a picture - im on day off tomorrow so will be able to check in xx
try not to drink too much before bed. i tried not to have a drink after 8pm if i was testing the next day.

test in the morning and post a picture - im on day off tomorrow so will be able to check in xx

Thank you hun. I cant remember when I last had a little drink.. And hour or two ago maybe.

I wont have a drink.

I will test but I should look forward to it and im not... I get really down when I dont get my BFP. :-(

How much of sample do I need to use?
Hey girls just checking in. Having a fab time with DH, hotel is really nice and the dinner was amazing, really gorgeous. We shared a bottle of red and had a really good evening just chatting and not one bit was TTC related either so it took our minds off AF. Although I might take a cheapie test tomorrow as I've had a really odd AF today, usually I bleed a tonne on my first day or two but this one has been lighter and (tmi alert) earlier I had a pretty big clot and I've continued to have smaller ones through the day. Other than that I've had extremely stretchy clear cm tinged with light red. :eh: I'll do a cheapie tomorrow when I get home, just in case.


Tap Tap Tapatalking!
Good Luck Miss July. Im testing also tomorrow again. Glad you had a great evening also!!

I keep having cramps like AF pains but no AF :eh:
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Hey girls just checking in. Having a fab time with DH, hotel is really nice and the dinner was amazing, really gorgeous. We shared a bottle of red and had a really good evening just chatting and not one bit was TTC related either so it took our minds off AF. Although I might take a cheapie test tomorrow as I've had a really odd AF today, usually I bleed a tonne on my first day or two but this one has been lighter and (tmi alert) earlier I had a pretty big clot and I've continued to have smaller ones through the day. Other than that I've had extremely stretchy clear cm tinged with light red. :eh: I'll do a cheapie tomorrow when I get home, just in case.


Tap Tap Tapatalking!

lol this is getting weird now, as if u remmeber i was messaging you pretty much the exact same thing when i was away for my anniversary!! why does the witch have to be so evil and mess with our heads eh!

glad you are having a lovely time :) and well done for only sharing the 1 bottle., me and my hubby shared 2 lol xxx

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