The Big Meet-Scotland,April 2009 *New dates poll added 25/2*

chickadee the guest house looks fab, depending on the dates, if it's a weekend we might make a wee break out of it :D
Aww, too bad you all don't live closer. I'd love to come, but I think it would take me 24 hours to get out there with bus. metro (underground), train, boat, bus and whatever else I'd need to get there :lol:
I know this sounds daft but we might actually be able to come!!!! Provided it's not too far up in that country of yours :rotfl:
Bex, if you do go and want to make a stop on the way you're welcome to pop in here then we can continue on together convoy stylee!!
daftscotslass said:
SarahH said:
I would love to, but realistically I would only manage the last week of April or first week of May as I will need to get some pennies together after coming back from the states.

Is there anywhere in Perth? Just a suggestion since it in the most central place in Scotland. :think:

There's Noah's Ark - it's a soft play centre. Perth is fairly accessible for us.

Oh my God YEAH that would be ace. My uncle lives in Dunkeld just outside Perth we can go and harrass him!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So me, Jim and Flod may be invading y'all. Please not the 26th April (or that weekend) though as that's Flod's 1st birthday partay.

Becky, we could certainly go in convoy.
Oooooh.... it would be sooooooooooo cool if you came up too!! Would love to meet all of ya!
Sure Bee would be up for this... and id no doubt get told to tag along :lol: Dont think we have any plans in april except the wee mans bday
Craig said:
Sure Bee would be up for this... and id no doubt get told to tag along :lol: Dont think we have any plans in april except the wee mans bday

Great the Brian wouldnt feel the odd man out
My OH would probs be up for it too if there are some Daddies going :D
I don't know. I've checked how to get to Perth with public transport and luckily there is a bus that takes us directly to Perth but it would take an hour and I don't know how Aimee would be on a bus for an hour. :?
JoAnn, where are you? I seem to remember you're west somewhere? Only asking as my mum's in Lenzie and I could well be leaving from there depending on what dates we decide..
i might be able to come depending on dates. i cant make the first 2 saturdays but any other mon- sat are possibles. Sundays are out as it is our only day off work to have a family day- and i dont thnk OH would come!!
Great idea - I know there's no one date that's going to suit everyone, but going with the majority is probably fairest.

Revote is a good idea!

so its definetly Noah's Ark, and now we just deciding dates?

man i hope we can make it! 8)
I was thinking about this today too. The last Scottish meet I was at, only 4 people (and babies) eventually turned up, which was a real shame - and 1 of those came all the way from England!

Its lovely that so many people are so keen, but if its somewhere you have to book for a party or whatever, I guess we'll need people to confirm for definite one way or the other.

Valentine Xxx
what kind of places are there we could go to without booking? would be lovely in summer, a big picnic in a park or something :)
If its the first weekend dates me and Neill can pretty much definately come :D

It's Logans birthday on 25th so doubt we'd be able to make it then.

Bex, it would be ace if you could come too! :cheer:
I have been thinking and I think to be honest I should manage any of those dates, just need to watch my pennies!

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