:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: I thought this was the thread for the London meet for a sec and I was trying to work out how we'd gone from going to a soft play centre to a strip club! :rotfl:

:talkhand: I need sleep....
haha, it is us lot Jade!! :rotfl:

think we should hijack a strip club lmao, tell the girls to go have a decent meal and tell the pervs off :lol: :lol:

or Sharne can show them how its done with her poledancing lol! :wink:
i've voted saturday 16th - but i think it's actually the 15th?! :think: :)
I'll have to check my schedule :lol: (ie. when my mum can have Evie!) but any of those sound ok to me.

Are the Chippendales in town in November.... :lol: :lol:
Jade&Evie said:
:roll: oh fran you convinced me...!


BEWARE THOUGH- I am only small and I might look harmless- but I'm a true essex bird and can drink and dance you under (or onto!) the table! :rotfl: :twisted: :rotfl:

Fran she hasnt seen me drinking yet ;)

how did you not tell me about this? or did you? i forget stuff i know you mentioned something about PF and a meet ...

meh il be there ;)
She hasn't seen me and claire drink all the boys from the junction under the table with 9 pints of snakebite and
the unknown shots (i have just the shot glasses i stole and there are 30) lol

yeah i told you, ya dizzy moo!!! xx uh oh me you and Kay could be dangerous with the other girls added!!
purple13 said:
i've voted saturday 16th - but i think it's actually the 15th?! :think: :)

Thanks duly changed :-) stupid fran was looking at S for sunday! :doh:
Ohh, I've only just seen this. I'd like to come :D , I won't be 38 weeks pregnant this time so shouldn't have any trouble getting there and can finally meet some of you girls (and I'm a sucker for a good night out!).

Alex xxx
Im happy as long as there a huge dance floor for me to shake my bootie i love dance and pop music :cheer: :dance:

I cant say which day id want as James dsont know his rota that far ahead :twisted: this could be a problem i'll be well peed off if the day chosen ends up being on a day when James isnt here :talkhand:
Don't worry we'll sort it out deffo need you to be there! well i'll look out for a cheap club that plays pop/cheese...that should suit everyone :-)
ooh i just remembered Roadhouse its usually free to get in at certain times and play like chart/pop music
they have cheap happy hours and anyway we could just get tipsy somewhere cheap first and then go in there :-)
they do food too!

Oh no..i just looked at the website and that place would be perfect apart from one problem..they have a mixed company a big group of girls would be a no-no!! how lame!!!
:dance: I love cheese! :dance:

Haven't decided on my outfit yet.... What do you think of this one.... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Cheesie music is great
Our we still going out girls i really could do with a night out :cheer:
Well i'm still up for it- Jade whats wrong with that outfit? i love it i'm wearing this one:

ZandraRhodes.jpg theory...if i start the new job when i think i should day should be the 19th of nov...if i get a good temp job between now and then.... i *should* be able to afford it... i wouldnt drink silly in theory £20 for booze and food... coach is cheap... ill find somewhere cheap to stay *park bench me thinking*


I MIGHT come....
Oh that would be great and in London :cheer:

Count me in :cheer:
It would be great to go for a meal then hit the town hehe.

Any nice hotels on the cheapish??
fran_23 said:
*AHEM* (prepare to dig myself out of the shite...)

No amount of money would be able to persuade me to fancy anyone with a fangita-as this is off topic and not the adult section i'll keep it clean but i like a certain part of the male anatomy too much to be swayed...!!!


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