*The Big Brother thread.* who do you want to WIN?

i don't think its a set up with luke and rebecca. i think they like each other and they have become closer IE kissing when shes got elected coz they think they are going to be parted.
budge said:
i don't think its a set up with luke and rebecca. i think they like each other and they have become closer IE kissing when shes got elected coz they think they are going to be parted.

i agree- i think they fancy each other loads but don't want to admit it!
lfc_sarah said:
Ive gone of Bex now....

Game plan with Luke for definate

but they haven't been able to discuss one so how have they plotted it :think:
Oh yeah, game plan for sure. She did the same thig last time she was up for eviction.

Plus, I kinda want to see Luke cry, am i mean? lol
budge said:
lfc_sarah said:
Ive gone of Bex now....

Game plan with Luke for definate

but they haven't been able to discuss one so how have they plotted it :think:

just so happens they only kiss on weeks when Bex has been nominated. and of course they have been discussing it, they were talking about how famous they are going to be when they leave (not just Bex and Luke, the others in heaven were too).

Perhas they do have feelings for eachother but it bores me and is nothing new.
beanie said:
budge said:
lfc_sarah said:
Ive gone of Bex now....

Game plan with Luke for definate

but they haven't been able to discuss one so how have they plotted it :think:

just so happens they only kiss on weeks when Bex has been nominated. and of course they have been discussing it, they were talking about how famous they are going to be when they leave (not just Bex and Luke, the others in heaven were too).

Perhas they do have feelings for eachother but it bores me and is nothing new.

ive never watched big brother before so its all new to me though.
BB edit what they want . Maybe they have snogged everynight and they haven't shown that. Maybe they want darnell or mo out so are showing clips to make you not vote bex out.
:think: :think:
ShineyHappyPeople said:
Oh yeah, game plan for sure. She did the same thig last time she was up for eviction.

Plus, I kinda want to see Luke cry, am i mean? lol

:wink: why would Luke cry if it was just a game plan...
Jade&Evie said:
ShineyHappyPeople said:
Oh yeah, game plan for sure. She did the same thig last time she was up for eviction.

Plus, I kinda want to see Luke cry, am i mean? lol

:wink: why would Luke cry if it was just a game plan...

to get sympathy - oldest bb gameplan ;)
My money's on Darnell........although I don't particularly want any of them to go.
I voted for Mo to go as i really dislike him. Darnell is my 2nd fave to go as i want Bex to stay.

But I have to agree that Bex and Luke kissing is definitely a game plan cuz they only do it when she is up for eviction. :puke:
I'm not overly keen on Rachel but I think Rex was really bad tonight for saying what he said. AND with the smuggest look on his face. He was really enjoying watching Rachel try to defend herself.

Grrr he's really annoyed me! I take back what I said about him before - He really IS an arrogant kn*bshite. :shakehead:

dannii87 said:
I'm not overly keen on Rachel but I think Rex was really bad tonight for saying what he said. AND with the smuggest look on his face. He was really enjoying watching Rachel try to defend herself.

Grrr he's really annoyed me! I take back what I said about him before - He really IS an arrogant kn*bshite. :shakehead:


I was more annoyed at Bex and Luke for stirring the shit in the first place.

If Rachel came into BB and said to herself "you know what, people who bitch and argue never get far on BB so I'm going to try not to do that" then good for her! It's not a game plan its just bloody common sense, she's just trying not to look like a bitchy little gobshite on live TV, something Luke and Bex should have thought about themselves methinks :think:
Definitely, they totally stirred that up! I'm so glad Rex named and shamed Bex for feeding him that...!

i know its old news but when Rachel said to Darnell the other night "Darnell, are you black?" i just could not believe my ears. then when he said yeah, she replied "oh, but youre white"

how can you live with somebody for so long and not even realise that they are full blown albino????

of coure hes bloody black! i just cannto believe that people in that house have not realised. :roll:

mo to go - severely boring. although he was really good at the clock task.

rex is hilarious - he winds people up so much, makes it less boring. REX TO WIN!!

do not EVER wanna hear bex and luke kissing again :puke:
i thought it was a gameplan with luke n bex the first time they did it but they must av known then that thursday nites isnt shown til late so wouldnt have affected vote, they also had a very long kissing session on sunday nite that BB didnt bother showing us so that does kind of throw a spanner in the works of the gameplan theory. luke is quite intelligent and must realise that you cannot fool the public on matters like this and he must realise that we would be suspicious if they only kissed when one of them was evicted. its so obvious they like each other. xxx
I really hope Bex goes tonight :pray: They all think she's the favourite to win and they think Darnell is hated by the public... WHY? The look on all of their faces tonight if she goes will be priceless.

Oh yeah and whats with them all being obsessed with Darnell and others only being in it to win the 100 grand? And bitching that people are game playing etc? HELLO!! It's a gameshow :roll:
I dont know why HM's get so hung up on the others having game plans, they seem to forget, ITS A GAME.
I still like Rex even tho hes an arrogant pig, he just has something about him, the way he knows hes being a *******, but says it in the nicest possible way.

I heart Rex
chickadee1976 said:
I dont know why HM's get so hung up on the others having game plans, they seem to forget, ITS A GAME.
I still like Rex even tho hes an arrogant pig, he just has something about him, the way he knows hes being a b*****d, but says it in the nicest possible way.

I heart Rex

me too! i think him saying that to rachael was his way of letting her know about the shit stirring going on behind her bk. becs and luke have got some need to talk about gameplans, he obviously came in intending to be the eyes and ears of the house and stirring and gossiping behind ppls bks but its backfired as ppl started to know what he is doing and she has totally tries to imitate the twins from last yr (espec with the making every word at the end of the sentence reallly long!) except it was annoying when 2 18 yr old barbie lovin naive girls did it but she is in her 20's and looks after kids ffs so she does not act like that in the real world and she also calmed down alot for the past few weeks and then over past week or so has started becoming more like than (espec with hand incident!!).

Urchin said:
dannii87 said:
I'm not overly keen on Rachel but I think Rex was really bad tonight for saying what he said. AND with the smuggest look on his face. He was really enjoying watching Rachel try to defend herself.

Grrr he's really annoyed me! I take back what I said about him before - He really IS an arrogant kn*bshite. :shakehead:


I was more annoyed at Bex and Luke for stirring the sh*t in the first place.

If Rachel came into BB and said to herself "you know what, people who bitch and argue never get far on BB so I'm going to try not to do that" then good for her! It's not a game plan its just bloody common sense, she's just trying not to look like a bitchy little gobshite on live TV, something Luke and Bex should have thought about themselves methinks :think:

:clap: well said!

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