*The Big Brother thread.* who do you want to WIN?

He is a selfish pig- he can be ok but as someone..can't remember who i think stu-
was saying hes a smoker who came in the house with no fags or anything so he has been sponging off
others since the start which must got on other ppls nerves!

he has got a big fat belly coz all he does is eat!! i don't like ppl that just take take take- there doesn't seem
to be much giving with him. but surprisingly i dont feel any passionate hatered for him...i think BB couls edit him to look
so much worse and be hated but they edit him in a good light!
You can really tell which of them still live at home with their parents and are used to getting everything done for them.
I HATE Rex, he's so far up his own a**e its unreal. I don't like Belinda much either but would prefer Rex to go.
Rex is a totally arrogant prick. He's SO entertaining to watch (I love how he winds them up) but you know you'd totally hate him in RL.
Urchin said:
My review of a few of them

Mikey- Argh getting annoying I hate him in the diary room, goes from 0-rant in 2 seconds and the stuff he's done to food etc is really gross!

Lisa- still just a show off and way too far up her arse

Sara- Annoying voice much?

Darnell, I like him, he's got common sense and seems genuine

Rex- Yes arrogant but still quite funny and likeable

Bex- Argh I HATE her screaming about everything, she is a total spoilt brat, I wonder if she's doing it on purpose to be like that Nikki

Stuart- OK but his needy paranoia act really got on my nerves.

Belinda- Sick of her singing all the time, she loves herself too much

Mohammed- quite like him, seems not too bad, but I can see how his food thing would be annoying.

Belinda to go!

It is like you are inside my head!!! :D
Sara's voice REALLY REALLY grates on me and she is a terrible flirt.
I agree with Minxy too. I wouldn't want to be Rex's friend in real life - but I find him highly amusing in the house. Everyone in the house is so horrible anyway - who cares if he has a pop at them!
Belinda (or Bellender as Budge calls her :rotfl: ) has to go....I can't stand the woman. I would be mortified if she was my mum!
I'd rather see Rex go but the bookies think it'll be Belinda. William Hill has got Kathreya as favourite to win! Why???? She's not even entertaining!!
OH MY GOD- Belinda had never cycled shes still hyperventilating 10 yrs later..lol
Its a exercise bike!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Half a hour on a exercise bike and they are dieing!!!!!!!!!!!!! Think they must of all been enjoying Rex's cooking more than they will admit!
OMG!! what was that about!! Bellenda coming off that bike!! bloody shite acting is all i can say.

I hope she goes this weekend, as arrogant as Rex is she is bloody annoying.
Have you noticed how Stuart and Dale are much nicer now that jennifer has gone :think:
Flame said:
OMG!! what was that about!! Bellenda coming off that bike!! bloody shite acting is all i can say.

I hope she goes this weekend, as arrogant as Rex is she is bloody annoying.

I was laughing, i cant believe anyone could be that dramatic about half an hour on a exercise bike.
MissSara said:
Flame said:
OMG!! what was that about!! Bellenda coming off that bike!! bloody shite acting is all i can say.

I hope she goes this weekend, as arrogant as Rex is she is bloody annoying.

I was laughing, i cant believe anyone could be that dramatic about half an hour on a exercise bike.

I know!! and her shouting "aaarrrghhh! Its worse than childbirth!!!".....er, i dont think so love!! silly cow. And bex was annoying..."aarrggh! its too high! I cant do it!!" she'd only been on it 2 minutes!
they got off so easy on that task... when one bike broke they only had to go half the distance... pah!

I like stu more now though, he really brought them all together and did so much of the cycling when they others were being arses about it.
sazzylou said:
MissSara said:
Flame said:
OMG!! what was that about!! Bellenda coming off that bike!! bloody shite acting is all i can say.

I hope she goes this weekend, as arrogant as Rex is she is bloody annoying.

I was laughing, i cant believe anyone could be that dramatic about half an hour on a exercise bike.

I know!! and her shouting "aaarrrghhh! Its worse than childbirth!!!".....er, i dont think so love!! silly cow. And bex was annoying..."aarrggh! its too high! I cant do it!!" she'd only been on it 2 minutes!

That really cheered me up last night when Belinda said that about childbirth. I looked at my DH and told him to remind me of that when I'm in labour :rotfl: .
Urchin said:
I like stu more now though, he really brought them all together and did so much of the cycling when they others were being arses about it.

same here. I thought he was a bit 'meh' before. Didnt like him, didnt dislike hiM, then last night me and OH were like 'goooo stu!", he really took charge and got stuck in.
oh i laughed so hard last night when Belinda did that cycling (all half hour of it) and then had a fit and threw water over her :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: What a drama queen. The childbirth comment was hilarious too. God love her. The way she was on that bike though! i bet she had to have that saddle surgically removed from her fat ass :rotfl: :rotfl:

You just made me spit my drink out laughing with that comment.
:evil: Will someone just put Bex out of her misery! Jeezes will she ever just shut up!

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