*The Big Brother thread.* who do you want to WIN?

I used to be just like Sara- just like attention from blokes so flirt with them but don't actually mean to carry on with 99% of them! Some people call it being a cock tease apparantly!

I do feel a bit sorry for Darnell though :(

I want Rachel or Stuart to win now because I don't like any of the others at all! Rachel and Stuart are so boring they haven't pissed me off yet. Still, if Rachel wins we might get to see more of her boyfriend (BLANTANTLY the sexiest BB partner of BB9! :rotfl: ) or if Stu wins then one little girl will be treated like a princess :)
Urgh Mikey really pisses me off!! I don't care if he's blind, that's no excuse for the disgusting things he does :puke:

Sara is annoying, she was SO leading Darnell on and then when he said he didn't fancy her (whether he meant it or not) she was gutted. She does my head in, I want her out.

I like Rachel, I wish everyone would stop giving her a hard time.

I want Stuart to win though :)
I want stuart to win now too :D He doesnt do alot, but he's rather attractive :twisted: and he seems like a nice normal decent bloke, so stu gets my vote.

As far as Sara goes, i dont think she is intentionally leading him on, but she should think about things more before she does them. Like him saying basically that she gives him a boner :puke: but she loves to lie on top of him and stuff... theres nowt wrong with being affectionate, but i think she needs to consider how he will actually feel about what she's doing. He blatentley has a crush on her and her being so physical with him might just make it worse, even though maybe she doesnt mean to... I think him having never had a g/f makes him a bit more vulnerable, ah, i dunno really....I just think she needs to be careful with his feelings. An she seems to be stepping up the flirting with Stu as well.... bitch, hahah :twisted: :rotfl: Id be quite happy if she went TBH.

Mikey and that cake last night though. Blindness is NO excuse for the minging things that man does.... :puke:
I think she is definatley leading him on and taking the piss out of him a bit.
She knows he likes her and considering how inexperienced he is with girls i think its kinda shocking she is treating him like that. Cock tease is the exact words to describe it, ive no problem with flirting as long as both parties can handle it, i think Darnell has demonstated he cant by how upset he gets over stuff.
Sorry I think Rachel totally handled it the wrong way.
For a start, the heaven's cake was obviously so much better and should have won, but she wanted hell to win WHICH IS FINE.
But why not just say, they deserve to win cos only 3 of them made that cake, or they had mikey or whatever, trying to say it looked like the millenium dome and tasted better was just ridiculous and made her look like an idiot.
Rex is such a poor loser if she wanted to shut him up she should have just told him he was a poor loser and was making himself look like a dick by going on about it.
I think they both handled it badly TBH
Urchin said:
Sorry I think Rachel totally handled it the wrong way.
For a start, the heaven's cake was obviously so much better and should have won, but she wanted hell to win WHICH IS FINE.
But why not just say, they deserve to win cos only 3 of them made that cake, or they had mikey or whatever, trying to say it looked like the millenium dome and tasted better was just ridiculous and made her look like an idiot.
Rex is such a poor loser if she wanted to shut him up she should have just told him he was a poor loser and was making himself look like a dick by going on about it.
I think they both handled it badly TBH
I disagree... Clearly though, the heaven cake looked a hell of a lot better! But who cares if hell's cake tasted nicer/worse?! It's one person's opinion and JUST that. I didn't think she looked like an idiot though. It was only a game & someone had to win - Rex took it waaaay over the top! HE looked the bigger idiot by reacting the way he did :wall:

I hate arguing & used to get picked on a bit in early senior school and would avoid at all costs winding the bullies up. I'd actually go out of my way to look like a prat by laughing at their stupid jokes etc just to avoid being singled out again etc so I sometimes wonder if Rachel puts herself in a position to be subject to Rex's nastiness.

Don't get me wrong, I hate Rex and think he's such a dickhead, but Rachel hasn't got the backbone/personality to carry on an argument with him if she told him to F off or anything. Rex would clearly come back with some remark of some sort and Rachel would have nothing else to say about it so I think for her, it's best if she just keeps quiet - Which goes against ALL my morals. She SHOULD be able to tell him what a prick he is.

One thing though, it doesn't look good on the rest of the house for not sticking up for her though. I know that if I was in that situation/atmosphere and had to endure it almost daily, I'd be telling Rex what a knob he is and that he's blatently bullying Rachel & to give it a break. No-one else seems to have the balls to say anything?!

:think: xx
I think Rachel needs to stand up for herself more when Rex picks on her. I would have told him that I thought his cake was minging and he obviously isnt the chef he thinks he is :lol: that would have shut him up.
lella said:
I would have told him that I thought his cake was minging and he obviously isnt the chef he thinks he is :lol: that would have shut him up.
I reckon that's it!! It dented his confidence... WANKER! I'd have chosen hell too, just despite him :lol: xx
Why didn't rachael just say "hells cake taste much better and plus, I think they have worked hard this week and deserve the reward bla bla bla" instead of just saying "it tasted better" because the other cake looked amazing.

And if I was rachael I would say to rex "the only reason your upset is because you pride is dinted because your cake wasn't as nice as theirs AND you cook for hundreds of people a day apparently. Your a bad loser, get over it already"

I used to like Rex for his cheeky personality - now I just think its an idiot.
Sara is leading Darnell on big time, and as others have said its obvious that Darnell is getting upset by it so she should stop! Did anyone else see the way she looked into the camera when she sat on Stuarts Knee in the garden!

Rachel should stick up for herself more, i would have just told rex to shut up if he spoke to me the way he was speaking to her! Hell deserved a break and i think i would have chosen hell too regardless of who was on the side, just so they could get a treat! Rex got all arsey saying that now him and nicole counldnt be together, as if BB would have rewarded the whole of the heaven side with bringing nicole over to heaven anyway! :wall:
Miss.Monroe said:
Rachel should stick up for herself more, i would have just told rex to shut up if he spoke to me the way he was speaking to her!

I agree. I think they way Rachel went about picking hell to win was really silly, saying that their cake tasted sooooooo fantastic :roll: She acted like a bit of a div, but if I was her with Rex carrying on like that i think i wouldve just said "tough shit, hell won, thats the end of that" :D She shouldve just said tha the hell HM'S have had it really hard lately so its their turn for some treats. Rex has had it bloody easy being in heaven for so long, he couldnt really have complained if she'd just been honest about it.
:puke: mikey does my head in why does he have to touch all the food, I know he's blind but he makes me feel ill. He always has food around his face and he must be able to feel it.

I actually dont mind sara, she's better than Kat!
sazzylou said:
Miss.Monroe said:
Rachel should stick up for herself more, i would have just told rex to shut up if he spoke to me the way he was speaking to her!

I agree. I think they way Rachel went about picking hell to win was really silly, saying that their cake tasted sooooooo fantastic :roll: She acted like a bit of a div, but if I was her with Rex carrying on like that i think i wouldve just said "tough sh*t, hell won, thats the end of that" :D She shouldve just said tha the hell HM'S have had it really hard lately so its their turn for some treats. Rex has had it bloody easy being in heaven for so long, he couldnt really have complained if she'd just been honest about it.

my point exactly!
xkikix said:
:puke: mikey does my head in why does he have to touch all the food, I know he's blind but he makes me feel ill. He always has food around his face and he must be able to feel it.

I actually dont mind sara, she's better than Kat!

I know.. when BB said to rachael that she had to taste the cakes I felt ill... yuckkk even thinking about eating that cake with mikeys hands all over it is making me feel like I need to boke :puke:
not sure why rachel had to explain herself, she was the judge and said hell's cake tasted better even though heavens looked better. heaven weren't happy but just accepted it apart from rex who is a knob. he has constantly criticised and belittled rachel for the last few weeks and it must be so hard for her. he needs to go, his 3 restaurants must be falling apart without him :roll: anyway heaven/hell atre noi more so he can be with his princess again without having to lie by the fence, idiot.
I don't mean to sound horrible but Mikey is disgusting and soooooooooooooooooooo annoying, I can't stand him. I quite like Rachel but wish she would stand up for herself more. If I was her I would have said "its a f*****g cake!! get over it!! it was my decision, I chose hell, end of conversation!"

Sara is leading Darnell on a bit but I don't think she is doing it intentionally and australians do tend to be a bit more flirty anyway, thinks its just their way

Stu to win!! He doesn't do a lot but he is genuine and doesn't start arguments or anything and he's a bit of a hunk!!
beanie said:
not sure why rachel had to explain herself, she was the judge and said hell's cake tasted better even though heavens looked better. heaven weren't happy but just accepted it apart from rex who is a knob. he has constantly criticised and belittled rachel for the last few weeks and it must be so hard for her. he needs to go, his 3 restaurants must be falling apart without him :roll: anyway heaven/hell atre noi more so he can be with his princess again without having to lie by the fence, idiot.

if it had have been me i would have said its that cake because it is. I think Rachel has come out of this well though, I just wanted to give her a big hug in the diary room last night.
Rex is a knob. A knob on a knob in a sea of knobs. :shakehead:
That's it. I'm officially withdrawing my support for old croissant head Rex.

He's a tit. Basically a big rich bully who needs a slap.

If someone got him by the neck up against a wall, he would shit himself. He's all talk that one. Grrrrrr.

I LOVE Rachel now. She's getting my vote. She's just a nice, genuine, loyal person.

Get a grip Rex. It was just a cake. There's people dying out here in the real world. Just because she thought your stoopid St Pauls sponge was a bit burnt.
:shakehead: i liked heaven and hell!

now rex and nicole will be stuck to each other 24:7 :evil:




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