**The All New 'No Sleep Club' thread**

newmum said:
She started crying and when I went back she was stood up in her cot and all you could see was a little round head bobbing around and you could see her tears reflecting from the light outside. Broke my heart!

Oooooh, that is so heartbreaking! Sometimes I feel so angry that Danica doesn't sleep but then when you see their little faces all in tears I just melt....
I wonder if there are any little boys up to these tricks? :think:

Marjana - please come back on and tell us how it went at the doctor. Really hope that he/she can help little Danica. YOu've put up with it for a long time and it is strange that it carries on even though she got another tooth. Thinking of you :hug: The constant crying must be terrible. Mine doesn't do that but when she does start crying, I can't really cope well with it so you must be doing fantastic. AND...Happy Birthday for last weekend :hug:

Lola's mummy - know what you mean. She lays down, closing her eyes, and you think 'great...finally...' and then suddenly she does this face: :shock: big eyes, forcing herself to wake up and then tries to sit up - but only so that she can crawl, climb or stand. :wall:

I put her in our bed one night because she kept wacking herself on the cot. WHat a nightmare!! SHe was all over the place. She ended up at the bottom of our bed, turned 180°. Kept her in her cot after that. Too dangerous. Found her asleep this morning holding on to the bars. Must have been trying to stand up and fell asleep. :roll:

She did sleep better though :shhh: but only because I gave her Ibruprofen for her teething. :wall:

Midna - does that 2 hours seem a long time ago yet ;) ? What does little seed do in the night? Is she awake when she is fussing or is she doing stuff in her sleep? Does she wake up if you move her etc or just go back to sleep?
Got back from the surgery: according to my GP, there is nothing wrong with Danica...They still need to check her urine but other than that all is fine. (btw, you can't imagine how difficult it was to take an urine sample from a 9 month old!)

I know that this is a good news but I was hoping that the GP was going to say: Aha, she has an ear infection or something and that is why she is crying. Here is the medicine and things will get better! Naive, I know. Now we are at the beginning :(

God help me from tonight: am on my own until Saturday :(
Sorry they couldn't do anything for you Marijana :hug:

We should all get together and have a big sleep over then we'd be able to take it in turns sleeping :lol:
I was up every half an hour since 4am this morning. And was up at 12am and 2am before that! Was really tough. She just wanted feeding. When she went back off at 6am 1 of the kittens had escaped from it's bed and starting screaming in the hallway! Finally gave up and got up! Weird that i don't feel tired today.
And we now finally know what's been causing all the problems in the night (and day for that matter)! After two weeks of talking to HV, NHS direct, GP....Danica has just been diagnosed with urine infection. Poor thing had to go through 3 days of high temperature before somebody took us seriousely :wall:

Anyway, I am glad that we know what's wrong and that we've started giving her medications. She is so, so tired. GP said that it will take 2 days for antibiotics to start working so weirdly, just knowing that makes me less tired?!
Thanks, Midna! I am so sure that no matter what we should follow our instincts - I just know that there was something wrong with Danica. But everybody makes you so insecure about how you feel because it's not medical and you can't rationalise it. But well done to you too for not giving up with Seed's gastrothingy - MOTHER POWER! :D

Think I need to join you lot in here :(

Not had a decent sleep for 7 weeks now and feel like I never will again. She started off not eating during the day about 7w ago and eating all night instead. She has started over the last week ago eating during the day now but still waking up all night.

Last night she was up every 30mins until 3.40 when I gave in and brought her into bed and she slept for an hour :cheer: before waking again then she settles a bit and only woke a couple of times between then and 7 when we got up.

Don't know where she gets the energy as she doesn't stop during the day!
Hi everyone
We're back :) Been on holiday and we are back with a new sleeping pattern that involves being awake until midnight :shock: but interested to see what will happen tonight now we are home. Just catching up on all your posts...
Oh, girls...I don't know what to tell you..I haven't slept almost at all for the last 3 nights. danica is ill and has high temperature. Plus she had reaction to antibiotic and kept on vomiting all night on Monday. Poor little thing. She is absolutely shattered and I can't even begin to tell you how tired I am. But I am sure that you all know. It's just that now she is ill it takes even more of my energy to sooth her, comfort her and even when she sleeps I can't relax because I am so worried. :wall:

I've read somewhere that parenthood feels like having your heart walking outside of your body - how true!
Hi Hanna! And welcome back! Hope that Eden wasn't too bad during holiday. Did she at least sleep after settling at midnight? Danica had a few nights when she just wasn't settling at her usual bed time. I've read that it is all about separation anxiety and them wanting to stay awake and explore the world. They don't want to miss out on things. It sounds really plausible to me!
Hi :)
She seems to be sleeping in longer stretches even though her top teeth are coming through. But now she seems to have pushed her sleeping later. She used to go to sleep at about 8 and then wake at midnight and then be up at 5am. Now she has a NAP at 7 or 8pm :wall: :wall: and then stays awake until 10 and sleeps through until 5 etc but it could be that she is still all confused after travelling. But at the moment the sleeping is getting better.

I am really nervous about writing this post. Hope she can't secretly read... :wink:
I started weaning Maisie yesterday- did want to wait til 6months but she was looking desperate. She wolfed it down and was super keen so I think it was the right thing to do.

Last night she slept for almost a 2 hour stretch at one point and another couple of times a bit over an hour :cheer:

I feel loads better for that :)

Hope everyone else didn't have too bad a night :hug:
Hmmm so she HAS started napping at around 7 or 8pm, enough to give her a boost until 10 -11pm. Great. There goes the evenings.
Well i don't know if I'm still a member of this club?

Lola has started sleeping through for 6 hours :cheer:
The only thing is she's not going to bed until 11.30pm then waking up for the day at 5.30am.

I still feel really proud of her though :lol:
Lola's mummy - maybe our girls should share a room. LO is also going down at between 10 and 11pm and then getting up around then. This week's pattern. Wonder what it will be next week... Still have to get up to move her around in her cot though when she starts climbing and rolling etc but she doesn't wake up. What does Lola do between 6 - 11pm?
My LO went off about 11.30 and woke for a feed at 4.30am! So impressed. Then she woke at 5.50 and i rocked her back to sleep and she got up at 8.30. Best night we've had so far!
Lola's mummy and Newmum: I envy you so much! Your little ones are asleep between 11 pm and 6 am! :clap: :clap: :clap:

Danica is usually down by 7pm and sleeps reasonably well until 9 or 10pm. Then the fun starts: crying in her sleep, then more crying, then she wakes herslef up with crying, then she wants to eat, then she falls asleep and sleeps for 30min and then cries some more, eats some more....And then she wakes up at 5am ready to play as if she's just slept for 12 solid hours?! How does she do that I have no idea!
newmum said:
Lola's mummy - maybe our girls should share a room. LO is also going down at between 10 and 11pm and then getting up around then. This week's pattern. Wonder what it will be next week... Still have to get up to move her around in her cot though when she starts climbing and rolling etc but she doesn't wake up. What does Lola do between 6 - 11pm?

She has her dinner at 6pm as that's when the OH gets in from work after that she has her bath and we get her ready for bed.

She's just not tired anymore she has even more energy after her bath than she does first thing in the morning :shock:
I did get her back to sleep this morning though for a couple of hours but once it's light i can't sleep :(

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