I wonder if there are any little boys up to these tricks?
Marjana - please come back on and tell us how it went at the doctor. Really hope that he/she can help little Danica. YOu've put up with it for a long time and it is strange that it carries on even though she got another tooth. Thinking of you

The constant crying must be terrible. Mine doesn't do that but when she does start crying, I can't really cope well with it so you must be doing fantastic. AND...Happy Birthday for last weekend
Lola's mummy - know what you mean. She lays down, closing her eyes, and you think 'great...finally...' and then suddenly she does this face:

big eyes, forcing herself to wake up and then tries to sit up - but only so that she can crawl, climb or stand.
I put her in our bed one night because she kept wacking herself on the cot. WHat a nightmare!! SHe was all over the place. She ended up at the bottom of our bed, turned 180°. Kept her in her cot after that. Too dangerous. Found her asleep this morning holding on to the bars. Must have been trying to stand up and fell asleep.
She did sleep better though
but only because I gave her Ibruprofen for her teething.
Midna - does that 2 hours seem a long time ago yet

? What does little seed do in the night? Is she awake when she is fussing or is she doing stuff in her sleep? Does she wake up if you move her etc or just go back to sleep?