**The All New 'No Sleep Club' thread**

Really don' t know what it is :( She seems tired but can't get off to sleep or back to sleep when she has woken up. going back to bed. way too tired. bet she wakes up as soon as I lay down.
thanks for encouraging me. :hug: i always feel that i would be able to handle it if I could just sleep more than 2 hours! hey, maybe you and me will still be on here in 16 years time posting in the older children section 'how can i get my teenager out of bed in the morning...?'
Are there really only two people in this club?

Can I join? Last night the dreaded wind in the gut meant I got ZERO sleep and tonight's looking pretty similar :roll:

Totally understand what you mean Midna about the dawn chorus. I know when it gets to about 5.30am that I can legitimately wake Jim up and get some sleep myself. Well, about 2 hours - great (!)

I'm so tired. I'm never having another baby. Ever.
hi :wave:

I don't know how many people are in the club :) but you can definitely join us :) sorry about your nights. Mine was bad too except my 8 month old doesn't have the same excuses any more! Last night was a new thing...standing up in the cot at 4am crying. No idea why. So tired I feel kind of weird. You know those films when someone is walking slowly down a street and the rest of the people are blurred and rushing past...feel like that :)

Hope tonight is better for you :hug:
midna said:
Newmum you not invested in one of those crazy things you showed me :rotfl: :rotfl: ...would probs make it worse anyway loool maybe when she starts walking she will settle ....just maybe :hug:

thought about it but I still have to feed her in the night so zipping her in and out would be a pain. Last night she was trying to jump in her cot :shock:

hope seed gets better soon. hate it when theyare ill :(
Hi girls! It's me again :( I was silent for a whilenot becuase Danica slept any better but because I was so damn tired and not motivated to do anything!
Not sleeping (for months now) is very difficult but hearing her screams and crying every 5 minutes in the night is something I am finding so.....I can't even find words!
Danica is doing everything you've been describing: moving like mad in her cot, rolling over, hitting her head than screaming, waking up 300 times per night, not wanting to settle if I don't carry her around, if I take her in bed with me she hits me, pulls my hair, cries if I am not completely still...What a nightmare!
I don't know what causes it...Teething? I am not so sure any more (although there is a tooth coming out) I am so desperate that will probably book an appointment with a private baby sleep clinic very soon. Tried talking to my HV but she is completely useless. I need somebody serious who'll listen, explain and suggest things. I really, really hope they give me some good advice!
Well I'm settling in for the graveyard shift again...

I knew I was in trouble when we went to friends' this afternoon and she slept basically from 1pm - 7pm and NOTHING could rouse her. Then we had screaming all evening until bath and chod - and she's had all 5 oz and wanted more, what a biffster!

Now she's in her Moses basket (nearly outgrown - no wonder with all that chod consumption) and marding. Mr Dum Dum is helping out.

I have an Open Uni assignment due in a week. How the hell am I going to manage it?! Ah well I only need 40% to pass :roll:
3:10am...as I feed Dan he laughs at me...yep seriously, he thinks it's funny to wake mum up and only want half his bottle, then half an hour later becomes restless again for more! Wouldn't have it any other way though, he's a sweetiepops :D

Strange how you can ramble on at this hour isn't it, a bit like when you are drunk :lol:

Oh and the birds aren't singing to me yet and I wish I could play House of the Dead on Wii after playing it round gay best mates Friday night!

Rambling over :twisted:
aaaaaaaaaaaaaagh Marijana :wall: :wall: sounds a nightmare. How are you doing? I wish I could help out but I really have no ideas or advice to give. :( just these :hug: :hug: :hug: Like Midna said, you really want to enjoy being a mum but always feel shattered it is more a case of surviving.

Is it different every night with Danica? We have no pattern at all even though I do the same things with her every evening and approx the same time.

It does sound like she is still teething though but I am the same as you. Starting to doubt whether it really is teething or just a huge sleep problem! Lo takes about 2-3 months for each tooth I think :(

Is she crawling yet? One problem for us is that when she rolls over near her front by mistake, her reflex is to push up and crawl /stand up even though she isn't really awake. Then she hits her head and wakes up etc.

Kazlin and Midna - just seen what time you both posted :wall: would have joined you except the computer takes forever to start up :(

Debecca - how was the graveyard shift?
What I really hate is when people tell me that thigs will get better. When Danica was 1 month old everybody kept on saying, just wait until 3 months, everything will change. Then when she was 3 months old, they all said wait until 6 months! I am not sure what I am waiting for any more?! for me things feel more difficult not easier....

I am also trying to enjoy the whole thing but it is becoming seriousely unfunny....

I admire you that you can all write in the middle of the night! At 3am I am in such a foul mood - you wouldn't want me to speak my mind then :D

Btw, today is our wedding anniversary: my husband is away with work and Danica's second tooth is definitely on the horizon! What fun - happy anniversary to me! :wall:
newmum said:
Debecca - how was the graveyard shift?


I have been in floods of tears all day due to lack of sleep and assignment stress. Tonight I'm gonna leave the bloody computer on so at least I can chat on here and post pointless messages at 3am.

Hope the rest of you did OK last night - Kaz your post made me laugh :lol:
Oh no... bad news all round then. I went to the dentist and he found two wisdom teeth under my gums that had never come through, because they have grown sideways :shock: have to have 4 - 6 teeth out and get someone to help me with LO because I won't be allowed to do much. Great. I need this right now :roll:

Poor seed - well done Midna for not giving up til someone helped her. How did she get it? Is it just a virus thing? Hope she isn't 'skinny seed' now with not being able to feed properly. I feel so sorry for her and for you too! Must be awful to see her like that.

Marijana - know what you mean about the 'deadlines' - gets better at 6t weeks, 3 months, 6 months etc. Now I have stopped waiting and am prepared for the long run :( I wonder if she will settle down when tooth number 2 comes through. Can you feel it already? :hug: :hug:
Happy Anniversary though :D

Debecca - I don't know how you are managing to study at the same time. Admire you for that! I can't even get the washing up done let alone essays and dissertations. What are you studying? When my LO was the same age as yours, I was still really struggling. They are still so new but you kind of feel a pressure that they should be in a routine, and worried that you might be spoiling them etc. and the lack of sleep is a killer. What kind of hours does she do / not do in the night?
Debeca , I also admire you for studying while looking after such a small baby! Recently I had to take UK residency test: nothing like studying for a degree but it was such a challange to find time to actually study. So, well done for doing that! :clap:

Midna, I can understand how frustrating it is to find somebody who doesn't think that you are pushy or nuts just because you want your baby to be properly checked. I had to spend so much time to convince my GP to refer us to an Xray of Danica's hips: she has a clicky knee and my sister had hip problems. That wasn't enough for my GP: I had to really insist.

Hanna: oh my God! Are your wisdom teeth bothering you at all? DO you have to do the procedure? Is there anybody who can help you with the little one? Let us know what is going on!

We had really weird night: Danica woke up just as I sat to watch the Apprentice (typical). It took a while to settle. Then woke up crying a couple of times in the night. She finally woke up at 4am and wouldn't settle at all until 10am?! And then slept for only 30 min?! Weird child! I don't know what to do with her any more: the 2nd tooth is now visible but I don't think it has cut through yet (she isn't allowing me to feel it). So it could be that. If it isn't teething related then....I just don't know! :wall:
Marijana - 4am til 10am??? poor girls (both of you! :) ) Sounds like she really struggled with cutting that one. Is it the bottom tooth? It is the worst thing even when you are up all night and then they get up at 4 or 5am. Feel dead and so so tired. Normally I am just getting to sleep around then :( Feel so sorry for you. Wonder what is bothering her. I don't know what is teething and what is not anymore either. I don't know how I will ever break our waking in the night for a bottle. Think I will just keep giving it her until she doesn't want it anymore. Easier than beating myself up trying to get her to stop!

I've never had any trouble with my wisdom teeth. Don't hurt at all. Didn't even know I had anything wrong. But I heard that having them out is really painful :( :cry: AND costs loads and loads. I am hoping my health insurance that we have to pay here will cover it. Otherwise it is about 1000chf a tooth (450£) and he wants to take 4 or 6 :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: No idea what to do about that.

Midna - do you still put seed in a sling? Just wondering cos I think our girls are similar in size and weight. Mine is 20lb something. I started using mine again 'cos she is such a hazard around the house with the climbing and crawling thing. Feels heavy but somehow not as bad as before 'cos she seems to hold herself up kind of.
2 nights of being awake from 3am - 5am. Really had enough. There better be a tooth after this :( or about 10 would be better!
Awww newmum, I hope she gets her tooth soon :hug: :hug:
Sorry i haven't PM'd you but I've just been really busy. I'm going to get round to it later today :)

Lola was really bad just before bed last night it her top front tooth. I even had to give her some calpol :( Her amber teething necklace broke and i'm just waiting for a new one from fizzy melon which should help.

Lola's been doing quite well with her sleeping. She was even sleeping from 11pm to 10am while we was on holiday :cheer:
It hasn't continued now we're home though but she is only waking up 2/3 times a night which i can handle ATM just not sure i will when i'm back at work in a couple of weeks :(

Minda - Well done to Seed!! :cheer:
So glad seed gave you a few hours Midna. YOu know, maybe she is gonna become the best sleeper on the forum - sometimes things turn round like that :) It's funny when that happens and you wake up like :shock: is she ok???

Lola's mummy - yeah I think it is a top one. Can see it there but not cut through yet. She started waking like this when the bottom two were cutting. Kind of makes me a bit more patient when I know it is that. Great that she slept on holiday :) I'm hoping the shock of being in the UK might do that too :pray:

Last night was kind of cute though. I tried and tried to get her back to sleep and she was really trying but something kept disturbing her. So I thought I would leave her for a few minutes to see if it was me.

She started crying and when I went back she was stood up in her cot and all you could see was a little round head bobbing around and you could see her tears reflecting from the light outside. Broke my heart!
Well Lola's back to normal :wall: :wall:

She also seems to enjoy kicking, rolling and climbing in her sleep :roll: It took me ages to get her to sleep last night :(
We was laid upstairs on the bed feeding and everytime she started to drift off she would pull away and sit herself up to stop herself falling asleep :roll:
OH was going mad at me because i couldn't help but laugh at her because she was sat there trying her very hardest not to shut her eyes :lol:
We had a nightmare last night: constant crying which started around 10pm and lasted until 4am?! :wall: :wall:
The weird thing is that she was asleep during that time but just kept on crying in her sleep?! She would settle for 5-10 minutes and then cry for a minute or two, then settle for another 5 min then cry again....I spoke to my HV this morning and she said that I should go and see my GP - that just isn't normal. So, on my way to the surgery now. Hope there is nothing terribly wrong...

Btw, her second tooth finally cut through on Saturday!!!On my birthday! How sweet is that! :D
Lola's Mummy said:
Well Lola's back to normal :wall: :wall:

She also seems to enjoy kicking, rolling and climbing in her sleep :roll: It took me ages to get her to sleep last night :(
We was laid upstairs on the bed feeding and everytime she started to drift off she would pull away and sit herself up to stop herself falling asleep :roll:
OH was going mad at me because i couldn't help but laugh at her because she was sat there trying her very hardest not to shut her eyes :lol:

Yeah, Danica sometimes does the same. How weird are these babies: they are sleepy, they are falling asleep but fighting it?! Oh, when are they going to learn that sleep is good :D

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