**The All New 'No Sleep Club' thread**

midna said:
newmum said:
Maybe when seed has teeth you can train her to bite wrinkly fingers? :)

When indeed ...when did your girls cut? 6 months ish?

She got her first two at the same time at about 6 months but she was teething for AGES. Now she has started again but these seem slow too.

What time does seed get up? Mine gets up at 5am. :( Yesterday she only had 1/2 sleep between 11am and 8pm :shock: and still woke up in the night and got up at 5.

Feel a bit down today. So tired and can't function properly. My house is a mess and I have so many things to catch up on but just can't get them done. I'm losing things and forgetting things all the time and I was never like that. :(
I did something similar, left a pan on the hob (electric one) with nothing in it, on really hot, then came back and thought it was cold so put stuff in it. :shock:
the comment I got was 'wow...you're becoming like me...!' :) That's after the pan incident, and losing the house keys and a couple of other things. :)

YOu know your post about the crawling etc in sleep. SHe does practise stuff, normally trying to pull herself around the cot. But now I have to be really careful because I put her on her back on the floor on her changing mat while I took the nappy out. When I came back, one minute later, she was sitting up. NO idea how she did it. Have to put the cot down lower now :roll:
Oh no.... she really IS teething properly again now :cry: The last two nights have been awful - for her too. First she went crazy in her cot, using like a gym. She won't go to sleep in there...just rolling, pulling, climbing and trying to crawl and does all that in her sleep too :roll: Had to put the cot lower down 'cos she tried to get out.

Then woke a million times in the night and also has diarrhoea for teething. Had to change her 4 times in a row at 4am :( So tired.
She's sleeping now.... funny how she can sleep well once I am up and dressed... :think:

And she hates bonjela - doesn't mind the one for 2months + but the normal one she actually makes this face: :puke:
Hey girls, sad to see that you are still struggling in the nights. We are pretty much the same with the added thrill of Danica starting to resisit her day time naps too :wall: :wall: :wall:
I haven't been writing things on the forum for a couple of days because I was so tired...I think it is starting to bring me down seriousely...I find it particularly hard now that she doesn't want to sleep during the day; I was so kind of relying on those naps. :(
These girls are taking ages with their teeth huh? :( She cried nearly all day today and wouldn't eat or drink much. She had three days of diarrhoea and today stopped eating. She is asleep now so I am going to bed at 8.30pm too.
Feel sorry for all of us.
RIGHT!!!! Thats it.. !!! I deserve to be in here now too :shakehead: I didn't come in here in the first few months cos I though fine.... young babies rarely sleep... but now babies a lot yonger than lil miss are sleeping through and I have had three nights now where I have had all of about 2 hours a night and I am soooooooo exhausted... babies are supposed to sleep for at least 12 hours right? So why doesn't mine :shock: :cry: I know its supposed to be due to intelligence but OMG I'm loosing IQ points and brain cells now and I like mine.... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

And the fussing... whats all that about... :wall: :wall: :wall:
Hi Squiglet! Welcome :(

Don't get it. She wakes up ALL the time and can't settle herself. Everyone says if you put them down awake and let them go to sleep by themselves then it helps them sleep through.
Ha ha ha.
DOne that for months and when she wakes up in the night CANT settle herself. Cried from 10.30 til midnight :shock: DIdnt want to be rocked, fed, stroked etc. Nothing just crying. In the end she fell asleep listening to Leona...
It was ok when she would just wake up and be on her back, now when I leave her a bit she is sitting, trying to crawl, rolling, standing up.
So tired.
MIL said I should only let her sleep once a day and then she will sleep through. WIsh she would shut up :(
I was trying to formulate a sentence in Swiss German about how only clever babies can't sleep :wink: but gave up. Didn't want to face the reply.
My sister said she had the same problem with hers until they went to preschool, and my mum said I was up from 12-3am every night for ages. Maybe it is a 'family' thing?
Well i think i need to be back here :(

Lola had started to only wake up once a night and was going to bed at 8.30 with no fuss..........I knew it wouldn't last :twisted:

Last night she didn't go to sleep till gone 12am but it was in her cot so that wasn't too bad, then at 2am i woke up to a crying baby that had crawled on top of me :shock:

She then woke up every hour until 8am. We still haven't got any teeth so I'm hoping when they come she might settle down :pray: :pray:

Have any of your LO's got teeth yet?
:wave: hi - yeah she has two bottom teeth and is working on another one. kind of hoping about 10 will come through with all the fuss it is causing. She keeps crawling around in her sleep too and rolling everywhere then wakes up stuck. Cried for ages last night. Think she wanted to be asleep but couldn't get back off to sleep.
Awww minda :hug: :hug: :hug:

When are you going to start weaning seed?

We had a crappy night last night as well she woke up about 6 times last night just to have a shout at me :roll:

I'm not looking forward to the hotel on holiday and people complaining about the noise from our hotel room :lol:
I know what you mean. We're going to England and staying with my family and at the moment she cries quite often when she doesn't want to sleep. Sleep fighter champion. Really nervous about it. And the plane and car journey :( not sure why I wanted to do it. So stressful.

And Midna - this week I was so SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO fed up with ANYONE who asked about her sleeping at night. Why are people interested in that? And then they give daft suggestions and advice with the kind of ' I'm sure if I had her for a night she would be ok' tone of voice. Have to admit... I stopped reading 'slept through' posts :shhh:

Last night OH put her to bed and one hour later she was wide awake. Standing up in cot smiling. Was very cute! Stayed up for the next three hours playing on the floor and then went back to bed at 10pm. Still got up at 5am though :wall:
LOL me too :lol: ... Im happy for others.. I am ..but well you know lol...seed has started getting really angry at her toys in day ...I just dont know what she expects of a plastic strap?????

:rotfl: Sounds like my LO's toys. Does seed have toys? The other day SIL asked if I had given her any dolls etc to play with (LO was smiling at the dolls - think she thought they were real babies and kids :roll: ) and I realised that she doesn't really have any.

She has a basket of 'stuff' like some teething things and soft toys but most of the things in there are plastic lids, old mobile, key ring toys, cardboard boxes etc. Keep wanting to get her some toys but she only wants to shove them in her mouth anyway so I guess I'll wait. She spent 3 hours crawling and shuffling around playing with them so I think she is happy.
yeah I forgot the tin lids. They're great on the wooden floor :) We don't have a tele but I got a couple of kids books that had the story on DVD - about 4 mins long - and she watches those. Smiles at the characters loads. Really cute.
Midna how was it? I brought LO into our bed last night. Got so fed up of getting out of bed, going to her room, stopping her crawling and sitting in her sleep and trying to get her to sleep again. She slept much better :roll: but still woke up at 3am and found daddy which was great fun :wall: took a while to get her back after that. Every night is different even though I do the same things with her.
I was getting up every 2 minutes and finding her somewhere else doing something else. Can hear her from our room moving around and trying to crawl, sit, roll, stand etc. Seems like the cot is too small. She keeps hitting the side and waking herself up. Have you seen those bed sheets you can get where you zip them in so they can't move around too much?
We had a crap night as well but hopefully she'll sleep on the plane today and not scream her head off :lol:

Lola keeps rolling/crawling in her sleep and banging her head but I've never heard of those sheets.

Happy 8 months to your LO newmum :cheer:

See you in 2 weeks :wave:
No even worse than a sleeping beg :rotfl: lots of mums use them here but it would be too much hassle for me I think. They look like this:

might be good when she stands up all the time but when i have to feed her, not sure... and they cost loads.

Lola's mummy - have loads of fun and hope the plane journey is ok. I'm nervous about mine.
Was it as bad as you thought? Mine wasn't great. Took her for a walk at 6am :oops: she seemed so tired but couldn't settle down to sleep later than 6am so I went for a walk with her. Woke up 10 mins after we got home though... oh well... at least it made me get dressed before lunch time :wink:
hmmmm co sleeping. :think: Got up last night and brought her into our bed because I got fed up of laying her back down and putting her back to sleep. Bit scary. I woke up and she was sitting up next to me, looking down on me with her mouth open ready to bite me :shock: So glad I opened my eyes when I did.

I really hope she is teething otherwise I have no excuse for her behaviour ;)

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