**The All New 'No Sleep Club' thread**

fothers said:
Hope Lola was a good girl again last night :pray:

We properly co-slept last night so she had boob access all night and all 3 of us and the cat had a really great nights sleep :dance:

and there was plenty room as she slept on her side right next to me

yaaaaaaaay :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: Glad you got a good nights sleep last night!

Lola was worse than ever last night :(
I think she was making up for sleeping so much the night before :shakehead:
I just really hope we have a good night tonight because it's my first day back at work tomorrow and i don't want to be walking around like a zombie on my first day back! :lol:
I tend to get a good night then a bad night, Caitlyn kept disturbing her self and me then going back to sleep. dnt remember times.

i hope your 1st day goes wel lolas mummy
Oh Midna :hug: :hug: :hug:

I know what you mean about surviving. I especailly feel better when my friends start talking about already planning a second child! As you said, I am still trying to survive this one :(

Anyway, we are now waking up every two hours :clap: Well done us :D
I am trying to catch up some sleep during danica's morning nap and must admit that it made a lot of difference. I find it easier to go through the day.
Still trying to speak to sleep clinic - it is a bit difficult to speak while there is Danica who needs to be amused :( But I am determined to solve this sleeping business!
sorry things have got worse again Midna :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Glad Danica is a bit better- hope you manage to speak to the sleep clinic soon.

Lola's mum- hope first day back at work is ok :hug:

Maisie co-slept for second night last night and did well. She came into our bed about 10pm when she woke in her cot and slept well til 5am when she had a bit if a cry but wouldn't feed so I rocked her a bit then lay her down again and she went down til 6.30. Amazed at the difference.

I don't know whether she actually fed much during the night though and she still isn't really eating during the day so going to really try and encourage her to eat today. She only takes a few mouthfuls every 5 mins or so.
3am to 5am wide awake.
Why? :wall:

I feel bad because I got really annoyed at her for not settling back down. Our flat is small and I didn't want to wake up the neighbours upstairs or OH as he gets up at 5am anyway to go to work. I felt so cross with her :( and now I feel bad about it.

Think she felt it because she started calling for OH... dadadadadada..
Sleep deprivation is illegal under the Geneva Convention :rotfl: :rotfl: I'm thinking of moving lil miss into her own room to help her sleep. Its when we go to bed or shes in our bed that she sleeps worse :roll: which happens every night.... shes taken to fussing from 12am till 7am :roll:
We had surprisingly good night! Danica woke up twice :clap: :clap: and I managed to settle her back just by tapping her back :dance: Still woke up at 5.30 though but hey - nobody is perfect :D

I am thinking about moving Danica to her room too. But I am kind of waiting for the bl**dy sleep clinic to talk to first (still haven't managed to speak to them properly)

Hanna, I sometimes feel very, very angry with Danica when she doesn't want to settle in the night. Especially when you've tried everything and they are just not settling :( . Nothing to feel bad about, I guess. Mothers are humans after all (or that's the rumour anyway)
I get so grumpy too sometimes then feel really guilty. Other nights I was just sat with tears streaming while feeding her wondering how much longer I could cope- I think it is only normal when you are so tired. :(

We had a better night again now she is properly co-sleeping- up for the day at six but at least I am much less disturbed. I am BF during the night but switched to formula during the day as she still won't eat then. She still just has a few mouthfuls every 5-10mins. It takes her 1-2 hours to take an ounce :wall: I just couldn't cope with the stress of continually offering her the boob abd rejecting it during the day- at least with a bottle I can give her it whilst she is playing and things.

Hope every one has a better night :pray:
Meant to say that I have got it but haven't had the time to read it yet :roll:

It looks better than most of these type of books though...
So... another tooth appeared yesterday - just to make me feel even worse about getting cross with her for not settling back to sleep at 3am... and I think the one next to it might also be through but she won't let me look.

She went to bed at 10pm so I felt like I had seen her 24hrs non stop and I was hopeful that she would sleep longer but no...3am again and up at 6am.

Oh well.

HOw are all you lot doing? Interested to know about the Sleep clinic Marijana.
We had another relatively peacefull night: Danica woke up only twice! Hurray! If she is not careful I might start getting used to this :D But her 3rd tooth is alsmost visible now so I presume we'll have fun tonight.

Anyway, sleep clinic: had a quick chat with them today. I signed up for a 4 week package which includes a personalized sleep plan (revised every week) , email and phone 24 hour help-line from the clinic. And 2 weeks extension programme for free (in case baby is ill so you can't follow the programme for a while). It is expensive but I am reached the point where I would sell my wedding ring for Danica's sleep to be resolved. And the most important thing about the clinic is that they don't advocate controlled crying! I am so sick and tired of people telling me that I shold just let Danica cry it out (had an argument with my HV last week about it)

So, nothing concrete yet but it will be very soon. In the meantime, I've just got this book from the internet 'The No-cry sleep solution' for all us who won't do controlled crying. I'll have a look and let you know if it is worth getting.
Marijana - The sleep clinic sounds great. Wish there was something here for that too. I really hope that they can give you something to help her because you have had it tough.

I'm not a fan of c crying either. When she was smaller, she sometimes got overtired and needed to have a cry to get it out of her system before she slept but not as a pattern. And also, the point is I have never needed it. She goes to sleep ok. It's just the waking up through the night and I am not leaving her to scream at 1am, 3am, 5am etc

The other night she screamed from 10pm til 2am. Non stop. She has never done that before. I tried everything and nothing stopped her. Even put her in the pram and went for a walk but didn't change anything. I was thinking of you while I was walking round the fields!! Now I can see her top gum and her two teeth are practically through but it looks painful, red, purple,swollen. So I guess that was bothering her. No idea though.

Let me know how you get on with it. Sounds a great idea. Does someone come round to your house or is it just over the phone?
Hey Hanna, yeah, I know all about creaming babies :(
Sorry to hear that Eden has started doing it too...Don't know what to suggest...other than give you lots of hugs :hug: :hug: :hug:

SLeep clininc is based in London and they do all sorts of things: coming to you rhouse, setting cameras up to monitor the nights...But all of that is very, very expensive. We went for phone and email package because that's what we can afford.
From what I can see, they do it with people who are based abroad too. So, if you are interested this is their web site

I'll definitely share all of my thoughts and experiences with you!
Hope it works out for you- keep us updated :hug: :hug:

I have bought that book from amazon but not had a chance to read it yet. It looks good flicking through though.
midna said:
Please get better at sleeping seed :(

SEED! Sort it out so your mummy can rest!!

She's so CUTE though Midna.... SQUEEZE!!!!
out of interest- did you LO used to be better at sleeping then deteriorate or have they always been bad?
5am i was up this morning!!! Bed at 10pm, up for feeds at 1.30am and 3.30am. Wide awake at 5am. Got up at 6am and put her front of The Hoobs!
fothers said:
out of interest- did you LO used to be better at sleeping then deteriorate or have they always been bad?

Mine was much better when she was younger. She started sleeping 8pm-5am from a really early age. And then she got reflux and everything went down the drain!
Aend we have a miracle! Danica slept from 6.46pm until 4.55am withouth waking!!!!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: And then had a quick feed and slept until 6.15am :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: OH God, I almost feel human!
Does this count as a sleeping through? :D
And I have no idea what caused it other than she was sleeping better for the last 2-3 nights. I really wish it continues though
By the way, I had a look at The No-cry sleep solution - it looks really good. It has interesting ideas and encourages you to make individual plans that work for your and your baby (guiding you through making and revising those)
I wish I order this book a couple of months ago. Now, we've already contacted the clinic so we'll wait and see what they have to say first.

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