**The All New 'No Sleep Club' thread**

Oh Hanna, so sorry to hear about Eden :hug:
I know it's not much but I do know how you feel! My mom told me that I was a very difficult baby and didn't sleep properly until I was 2 or 3; apparantly I screamed the place down every time they tried to put me to sleep. So, every time we are going through hell I think of my mom - if she could do it for years, I can do it too :D
I just don't understand how people with more than one child survive?!
Anyway, Danica was into remote controls and mobile phones (had to buy a new one since she 'ate' my old one - it stopped working from her saliva) - cardboard is a new thing!
:) My mum told me that I was awake every night from 12 til 3 for ages. She used to sit half asleep while I played on the floor. Wish I had been a good girl and slept the night then maybe this wouldn't be happening to me :) :rotfl:
crap night again! he woke up every couple of hours from about 12.40, his poor dad has gone to do a 12 day on hardly any sleep :?
Sounds like LO about two weeks or a week before the first tooth cut through. It is so hard. You just get back into bed and they look all fast asleep and then two minutes later they are awake again and you have no idea how to get them back to sleep again. Not looking forward to that again. :hug:
hmmm LO spent the whole day like this yesterday...


even in her walker she was clinging on to my leg and wanting to be taken out. But when I take her out or pick her up she doesn't know what she wants.
midna said:
Rach I hope his teeth hurry xx
he has 2 already and he wasnt too bad before those came, we hardly noticed really, just a few grizzles and a couple of broken nights, nothing like this, i just hope it doesnt g on for ages! i hope all the other little ones dont suffer like this, mid, sounds like wednesday is due a tooth really soon!
oh no... we have a new night time disturbance :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: The only thing that woke her up last night apart from needing a bottle was...getting stuck :roll: She 'walks' her feet round the cot so that she turns round completely - head at foot end. But sometimes she doesn't make it and gets stuck half way with her head against the bars and then pushes with her feet so it hurts her and then waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. And of course it is WAY to hard too go back to sleep after that....

' :think: she thinks...maybe I need milk.... yep I definitely need milk...waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa oh look there's mummy :D :D :D but she isn't bringing milk yet waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa maybe if I do this long enough daddy will come and that would be fun :D :cry: waaaaaaaaaa...oh look here's the milk.......... :puke: don't really want it anyway...think I'll go back to sleep :sleep:

What a night we had! Just constant screaming and crying and wanting to be held....I am so tired! So, so tired! And there is still no sign of that second tooth! GRRRR! :wall:

He managed to sleep nicely again for 2 nights :cheer: Then last night woke up about 10 times (no exaggeration) between 11pm & 2am when I just brought him in bed with me because I was exhausted. He's being so funny when he wakes up now - he doesn't have milk and doesn't usually want water but he just wants to hold my hand. I can sit there for 40 minutes sometimes with my hand in the side of the cot but he'll still start again the minute I dare stand up.

I really really don't know what the answer is, he's such a lovely sunny boy during the day but turns into the THING at night.

I'd love to be able to offer you ladies some advice on your sproglets but I really don't think I'm qualified to! I'm just praying that this next one is a better sleeper.

Mid - My OH ALWAYS feels the need to tell me about how much sleep he's had. :twisted:
Marijana FC said:
What a night we had! Just constant screaming and crying and wanting to be held....I am so tired! So, so tired! And there is still no sign of that second tooth! GRRRR! :wall:

I know, I keep looking in her mouth to see which tooth she might be working on but can't figure it out. She is biting loads and not eating - gone off food again. Because of that she then wakes hungry in the night and wants a bottle or two...
Yeah, same here! Not eating solids at all, binging on milk (between 5am and 1pm she had 5 full bottles?! Five?!) and just constatnly waining! I am doing my best to distract her (we walked for an hour today, went on swings in the park, had a bath together) but nothing seems to be working...Plus I've been on my own since Monday! I so need a break (wishful thinking, I know) :D
up from 2am this morning and wouldn't settle at all :( totally shattered now and he's fast asleep :lol:
midna said:
Well out of desperation to try anything new someone told me to face bed so its north-south rather than east west as this is how it was ...so its in line with the magnetic poles ... I was like well LMFAO!!

But we tried it and shes been more settled at night ..haha not the first night but since then there has been improvement ...instead of 87458645 times a night its now averaging 4-5 :D :D :D :D

Probably bullsh*t but hey its a good coincedence :lol:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: omg you ask me if that teething necklace works...but you completely rearrange your room for the same hippy sh*t... you make me laugh :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Midna - was it my MIL that told you about the magnetic poles...? ;)

Marijana - exactly the same with the milk binging. She had a bottle at 6, then wanted another at 7 and then woke at 12, 2, 5 for milk but hardly ate at all the whole day. I was :shock: :shock: :shock: Can't believe how much Aptamil costs out here and she wants to drink it like water! Bit me really hard today but still don't know which teeth she is working on.

Lost the teething necklace - didn't notice any difference when she wore it anyway. Same with bonjela, teething powders etc.
No it was a random hippy ...why is that one of the first questions asked ...Is she sleeping through yet ?? .. :twisted:

No idea - especially when it is strangers or people you hardly know. Really weird.

Maybe when seed has teeth you can train her to bite wrinkly fingers? :)
A neighbour of mine from Serbia swears by teething neckles! I haven't tried them personally but it might come to that :D
Btw, do any of the pain relief drugs work for you? Nothing seems to be working that well for Danica: she hates Calpol, she won't even open her mouth for bonjela and teething poweders, Nurofen seems to work only for an hour or so...Does she need stronger drugs?! I hope she is not like me: was full of drugs during labour and still went through hell with pain (that's just my luck - I had to be one of those 5% women for whom epidural didn't work!) :wall:
Anyway, I started being scared of the night: I think that nowadays there is nothing worse than Danica's screams in the middle of the night! This morning DH looked after her for couple of hours so that I could get some sleep: all I could here was her screaming and couldn't relax at all...
Hi. So sorry about your nights. It is really really hard I know. I was up loads too. She is hardly eating in the day and then wanting to have milk in the night - last night she had a bottle at 8, then she woke at 11.30 and wouldn't go back to sleep until I gave her one. Then she woke at 2.30 and stayed awake for one hour until she had another one. NOw of course she isn't hungry and hasn't eaten since 2.30 and now it is 10am.

I don't know about stronger medicine. Tbh I am not sure that those things really help other than to take the edge of the pain. Teething seems to throw them out of any pattern and routine if they have it bad. With the first two teeth I tried giving things but nothing made any difference. This time I have kind of given up and do what I can.

My LO seems to take ages with teeth to - they took over a month to come out after she had cut them. Seems like it will be the same with these :(

I know what you mean about dreading the nights :hug:

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