**The All New 'No Sleep Club' thread**

Yeah the rolling, crawling, climbing thing in the cot is really disturbing my putting to bed routine ha ha. She turned herself round twice and then started yelling because she got stuck. I mean, she had ALL day to try rolling and crawling....why in bed at night? hmmmmm

Sorry about the bad night ladies :(

The only thing I console myself with is that at least she cant pull herself to sit up or stand in the cot so I don't have to try and lay her down each time... sorry Maybebaby - guess you have that.
:cry: :cry: :cry: horrible night. This time don't know if there was something wrong or if she was just making a fuss but it lasted from midnight until 3am.

Not sure if it is the Hipp Goodnight milk giving her problems. Had a bad night after giving it last time. NOw I am scared she had fun last night and will want to wake again.

Thing is, at one point I thought she was playing a bit and wanted to put her down in her cot and just let her cry a bit to see if she would settle herelf - she often does that when she is too tired. But we live in a flat and at 3am I was REALLY aware of the noise and could even hear that the neighbours upstairs were awake :oops: because of us :oops:
Dan was really fighting sleep last night, think he might be a night owl when he grows up :wink:
I had the worse night ever last night :(

I was trying to get Lola to sleep for 7.15pm, She finally went at 12.00am only to bloody wake up 20 mins later... :wall:

I got her back to sleep at about 1am but she was still waking up every 30 mins :(

I think she might be suffering from insomnia :think:
Lola's mummy - bet she cuts a tooth soon. LO did exactly the same thing night after night for ages and then she finally got two teeth at the same time. Took absolutely ages. It's horrible. So so sorry :hug:
lelands an early riser , he went down like a dream last night after his 10 pm dinner as he;d been up a couple of hours and had bath / play tummy time he fell asleep durring his bottle after 3 oz :wall: so by 11 he was zonked ! and slept till 4 am when he woke for his next bottle ( fab ) then didnt go back to sleep till well bout an hour ago :roll:
We had a really good night last night for a change :cheer:

Lola went to sleep at 8.15pm in her cot :shock: She didn't wake up until 2am when i put her in our bed she then slept till 8.30 :dance:

I'm so proud of her. I bet she doesn't do it again tonight though :lol:
:D us too. she went to sleep just before 8pm and woke at 3am for milk and then back to sleep til 6am.

why does that sound good now!!! At one point that would have been a bad night :)
I had an awful night, Harrison practically screamed the place down from 9pm to 11pm then went down around 11.30pm and woke at 2am not to go to sleep until 30 mins ago. I feel like death :wall:
He's still awake now - intermittent crying too, he's so over tired but will he sleep no :wall:
well we had three good nights kind of... well, better nights. Then LO decided to be so so kind. :roll: She felt that we were unaware of time passing so reminded us every hour between 11pm and 6am what time it was...
:sleep: :sleep: tired
Think LO is teething again too. She kept crying in her sleep but when I went to her she was asleep again but it went on and on. She wanted feeding twice in the night and normally she has one or nothing til 3 or 5am. She did that last time too. Calpol makes mine hyper. :( Annoying as her jabs are coming up and she always gets a temperature afterwards. She seems quite sensîtive to pain and jabs etc even though she is a strong little thing. Has to sleep in the pram in the day time as she keeps trying to stand up in the cot.
Hi people! How stupid am I?! I have only just noticed this thread?!So, may I join in? :wave:
My little one started sleepin through when her first tooth cut through but the honeymoon lasted only for couple of nights :(
I guess the second tooth is on its way...So these days we have problems with putting her to sleep, she wakes up crying and screaming every 45 minutes until midnight, then we give her nurofen and she might sleep for a couple of hours, then she wakes up blowing raspberries in her cot and wanting to play at 4am....
But good discovery for all of you who have a pilates ball - bouncing on it with Danica in my arms settled her very easily. Or at least it worked a couple of times - worth a try!
:wave: hi
I know what you mean with the 4am thing. LO wakes up at 3am or 4am and seems to be wide awake. In the end I stopped trying to make her sleep and just got up and played for an hour - well she played,I just laid on the floor :) and then after an hour she was tired and went back to sleep until 6am. The night time teething thing is horrible. We have jabs today so I guess that will disturb her too and the worst thing is that Calpol and Nurofen make her really hyper... found that out in the middle of the night when she had a temperature :roll:
oh oh double posting :)

Midna and Lola's mummy - you two getting any sleep yet? Back to once a night and she was ok after her 3rd lot of jabs. First two were horrible but this was alright. But she seems to be staaaaaaarving again :roll:
hi all.....well i think i belong here for a night after last night! i am shattered! poor little thing he is teething with a vengence, he was REALLY unsettled last night, tossing and turning bless him! i think he has the top ones coming through but he wont let me feel, he is starting to wake in pain again tonight too, i have just been upto him and given him a drink, i am using nurofen which seems good enough with the temp and the pain but i am also using the teething powders aswell, bless i wish i could swop places.x
I was really discouraged this week - one girl I know had a baby 2 weeks before me and her LO is teething and sleeping 12 hours a night... :( Mine has been teething since 11 weeks old and now it looks like she is working on the top two teeth as well and never sleeps more than 4 hours ever max.

It's really hard, especially when they get up at 5am after all that. Hope they come through soon for him Rach.

Midna - is seed teething at the moment? Mine has given up on chewing cardboard now :) and has replaced that with running after me in her walker with her arms up to be taken out of it :roll: Have you got a walker?
:D exactly! She doesn't walk in it either - kind of like dancing and jumping after me. Especially sidewards like a crab. Our two seem to be so similar with things!

For ages I thought that she was teething and no teeth came.So I just figured it was a 'phase' and then she got two at the same time.

But she is also really sensitive to pain - like after jabs, or if she hits herself with something :roll: :roll: :roll: she gets ill or has a big red mark. She is quite strong and not the frailest baby in the world :) so I was surprised how much things hurt her which don't bother other babies.
what a funny weekend we had! On Saturday night, danica screamed every half an hour....We gave her nurofen (twice), we gave her food, we paced the room with her, we sang, danced...you name it - we did it! Nothing worked :wall:
I took her to sleep with us around 2am - that calmed her down a little bit but still nothing significant. You can imagine how tired we all were yesterday...
And then last night she went down at 7 and woke up this morning and 6.45?! I know I should be happy (and I am) but I want to know what caused it so that I can repeat it :D
By the way, newmum - danica is into eating cardboard too :D
:wave: Hi Marijana,
Back here again too :) I think LO is teething again as well. Well, I really hope it is that, otherwise I have a difficult baby :wink: She is crying and irritable. Wants to sleep often in the day and won't settle to play with anything. In the night she wakes up at the slightest slightest thing and won't settle again by herself. Has gone off her food and just wants to chew plastic now. Graduated from cardboard. PLastic and rubber :roll:
Tried to put her in the walker just now but she hung on with both hands to my leg crying. :(

I am so tired and the worst thing is not the nights but getting up at 5am after not sleeping. I feel so tired all the time and can't be bothered to do anything.

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