**The All New 'No Sleep Club' thread**

Hi everyone! I think i need to join aswell!
I know its early days for me.... but im exhausted! My boy sleeps and feeds really well during the day, every three hours or so, but at night he just seems to want to feed constantly! normally he is up around 11, 12.30, 2, 3.30, 5, 6, 7.30 etc...... im so tired! is there any chance he might start going just a little longer between night feeds???i know he is still tiny, just wondering if there is something i should be doing? Last night he wouldnt go back to sleep after his 5 o clock feed, so i feel like ive been up all night! bless him, hes so good, just vvery hungry i think!
Hope everyone else managed to get a little more sleep last night! x
was up all nite last nite lol. it was probably every hour or something but it felt like less. it felt like as soon as i put her down after a feed she was crying again!
i think its coz we DIDNT feed her baby rice y'day. since we started her on it there hav been two occasions when shes had vegetables instead- i dont think they as filling, as both those times shes woken up loads.
yawn im so tired! shes having baby rice for dinner haha
been upthe last 2 nights.

Hannah is getting another 2 teeth (thats 4 now!) along the bottom. She also has really bad nappy rash (or so we thought)
Last night was bad, she wouldnt go to sleep till about 11pm. then was up for 2 hours at 3am then wanted 'up for the day' at 7am. We're so shattered. She wont nap in the day, very wingy all the time. But i feel so sorry for her. She looks so sore and frustrated. When i changed her earlier the 'nappy rash' was bleeding so i took her straight to the docs (she'd also had the runs (bad!) all day and has been off her food for 2 days.)
The nappy rash isnt. lol. Its a bad case of candida/thrush. So ive got some cream. :) And the other stuff i menchened is all teeth related.

so shes ibruprufioned/creamed/bonjelled up right now and is alseep...

heres hoping i get some kip tonight!! :dance: :dance:
Can I join your club? There have to be some advantages of being up in the night!
maybebaby said:
Well it's not exactly sleeping through but last night went like this:

8:30pm - into bed, settled himself to sleep really quickly (usually takes 20 mins of me or OH stroking his face or holding his hand)

This is just a thought as I dont know how you feel about it but have you tried Controlled Crying him to sleep? Oran has always been a terrible sleep in the sence he has always woken, even after he stopped his bottle at 5 months he still woke up, we used to cuddle, stroke hand etc to sleep. We did the CC and after 4 days he got him selft of to sleep no problems and was waking just once in the night, I popped his dummy back in and off he went - brilliant. Then the teeth came, he got his 4 top ones all with in a few days but they took 6-8 weeks to break through so we had terrible times and he wouldnt go down, if we tried to leave the room he screamed so we held his hand to sleep (l;ike you 15-20 mins) and he was waking 4-8 times a night sometime for over an hour at a time. Last week we did the CC again (as teeth now through) and it only took 2/3 days but minimal crying (like 5 mins) and he was back to waking once for a few mins. Monday night OH messed it up and held his hand to sleep and low and behold he woke up about 6 times that night - luckily that hadnt knocked all our work on the head as the tuesday night he went back to settling him self and OH tells me he only woke the once again - he thinks :roll: men!

Anyway if you CC him, he may well learn to settle himself when he wakes up in the night!
i thought we were doing so well tonight! :doh:

Hello fellow sleep deprived people!

baby smile is up again :wall: He decided he wanted to go to slepp at 8 this evening and went into his cot like a dream. I went to bed too since his daddy is working nights and I'm so tired!

well.... we were up at 9.15 for another feed (he ws doing the sucky hands agiated thing and fed for 20min despite usually only feeding 4hrly)

back in the cot eventually at 10.30 but up at 11.30 for anothe nappy change and more food! anothe 20min feed and now he is fast asleep in his sling but won't go back in the cot :(

I know I'm really lucky, he is a gorgous darling boy and usually sleeps well from 4am........ but no matter what I do evenings and the first part of the night are so tiring :( :shock: :bored:
does any one else start feeling the dread once it starts getting dark knowing what is to come....
Can i pop in and out of here please...Glenn has been waking at 4 in the morning for the past week, mostly he is just moving around and niggling, oh gets up and just tucks him back in or shushes him and he usually settles but last night i had to feed him and he went back to sleep after about half hour, i kept everything dark while i did it so i didnt wake him up properly, i even changed his nappy in the dark (well with the natural light through the curtains) has anyone else having this prob with there baby that is the same age and if so what did you do to stop it?
Dylan still wakes every two hours so am mostly exhausted .

he has got down to twice a night but then something always puts him back

i was reading up on a site called kellys mom last night which made me feel much better about Dylans inability to sleep

hope everyone gets some sleep
newmum said:
xrachx said:
has anyone else having this prob with there baby that is the same age and if so what did you do to stop it?

No idea what to do. My LO is a month older but waking at 1am and 4am every night. Can't get her past 1am even feeding her up before :) and then 4am really annoys me because she won't go straight back to sleep. Wakes up on and off until 6 or 7am.
You have my sympathy :hug:

its awful isnt it, Glenn actually tries to stay asleep but is niggly, we have kept him up longer tonight, just an hour but hopefully it should make a difference, half an hour before he went up i gave him some porridge with fruit puree init and he took 4oz of milk too so i know he should be full enough to sleep through, he has started going up awake aswell and he is doing really well bless him, i only go in once after about ten mins to make sure he is wrapped up and he is usually asleep, he doesnt mind at all going in his cot and going to sleep himself...(i hope that lasts!)
I will update tomorrow morning if we have managed to sleep for longer.x
dylan cried in his sleep when first tooth was coming through
maybe try bonjela or calpol if it isn't helping
:cheer: ....everyone is happy and refreshed this morning!
Glenn slept til 6..he started niggling from 5.15 but settled on his own til 6, then had a bottle and he was rubbing his eyes again so i put him in his cot and he went back to sleep til 8!
newmum said:
you have a star!
LO woke up at 1am again. After feeding her up all evening, when I heard her I was :shock: :shock: :shock:
After drinking 150ml water and 200 ml milk she slept until 7am :) OH was late for work because she didn't wake us up at 4am :rotfl:

LOL how typical is that! i never use my alarm now as i have a new one....Glenn!!

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