**The All New 'No Sleep Club' thread**

midna said:
I am sooo made up for you and myself reading this ...it has given me hope!!!!!!!

Midna, fingers crossed that Seed will start following her 'virtual' friend Danica

:hug: :hug: :hug:
Go Danica :dance: :dance: :dance:

Long may it continue!

I have got the book and have managed to read a couple of chapters- might start it next week. Now she is co-sleeping from about 11pm things are a lot better but it is just a temporary thing til I catch up on a bit sleep then she is back in the cot.

Seems that they all seem to be getting worse as they get older, Maisie was much much better when she was younger too :(
She's getting worse :( the two teeth seem to have just cut through so I thought she would settle down again. But now we have a new developement. Instead of trying to get back to sleep when she woke up, like she used to, she now just opens her eyes, stands up and waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
That happens ever 1, 2, or 3 hours depending.
Sorry to hear that Eden is even worse Hanna :hug: :hug: :hug:
Do you know if there is anything else bothering her other than teething?
Danica was screaing like mad before we found out that she had urinary infection (I am not suggesting that Eden has it, just making a point :D )
But, whatever it is, I know what you are going through. Just try to keep sane :hug:

I know you don't want to hear this, but we had another success last night: Danica slept from 7pm until 5.25am! :cheer: :cheer: She had a little cry around 11pm but settled herself back to sleep :D .
Again, I have no idea what caused it and how come she is suddenly doing it but I am very happy about it. Just hoping that it will become a habit :pray: :pray: :pray:
fothers said:
Go Danica :dance: :dance: :dance:

Long may it continue!

I have got the book and have managed to read a couple of chapters- might start it next week. Now she is co-sleeping from about 11pm things are a lot better but it is just a temporary thing til I catch up on a bit sleep then she is back in the cot.

Seems that they all seem to be getting worse as they get older, Maisie was much much better when she was younger too :(

Hey Lisa, keep us posted how you are progressing with the book. I am really curious
I have read most of the book now and am trying to build up the energy to start it properly.

She went into her cot about 7 last night and followed the first phase- rocking or whatever til they are falling asleep and then putting them in and holding til they fall asleep and that worked but she woke up every hour til 10 and we were going to bed then so I brought her in with us. I just couldn't face the thought of being up evry 45-60mins through the night.

I feel bad moaning on here as she will settle a lot better in our bed but I want her back in her cot I just can't find the energy to persevere with it and she still isn't eating during the day :wall:

Glad Danica is doing better still :D

Hope Seed and Eden are good girls tonight :hug:
Lisa, have you spoken to your HV about Maisie's not eating during a day? I am sure she is waking up so much because she is hungry. It's just the question how do you encourage her to eat more during the day :think:

Ladies, good luck tonight! I hope we'll all have good news tomorrow :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks Marijana

We have tried all the usual tricks but nothing works for the eating, having read a lot on the internet she is 'reverse cycling' which they normally do if you go back to work but some of them do if they are too distractable to eat during the day which she is. She is so alert and nosey it is untrue!

I have just read a lot more and have decided just to go with the co-sleeping and reverse cycling for the time being as hopefully she will grow out it about 7m :pray:

HV not much help but I phone and spoke to La Leche League who were really nice and gave me some moral support.

DH is quite happy about co-sleeping too so that is not so bad. I think I just need to go with it and worry about getting her back into her own bed down the line.

She used to be quite a good sleeper up til 2 months ago :(
We co-slept until Danica was 4 months old and I really enjoyed it. We thought we were going to have problems with moving her to cot but she didn't seem to notice?! She is still in our room though, right next to my side of bed. We moved her because she was so resteless and moving so much that I couldn't sleep at all.
You just do whatever works for you and your family. If co-sleeping is a solution (even temporary), I would say go for it. I sometimes wish Danica would settle in bed with me :wink:
This evening she slept from 7.30 to 11pm. Gave her some milk and she went back to sleep.....for 15 mins and then woke up again. Tried to settle her, rock her etc but she just fights me.

She pushes off me until I nearly drop her so there is no point holding her. If she comes in our bed she starts crawling on it so I had no choice but to put her back in her cot.

Put her in there and she started climbing and jumping :wall: so I left her. I couldn't do anything else. Left her some music on and went back every 5 minutes and tried to help her sleep. She cried for ages but finally went to sleep with me holding her hand (aaaaahhh) and has been asleep an hour and a half.

Now I can't sleep :( It's 2.30 so might try going back to bed again.
Will let you know what happens. I'm curious. Never let her sleep like that before so...

Hope you all have a better night :hug:
Oh dear...I think our sleeping through honeymoon might be over after 3 nights. We had real 'fun' today with naps and settling to bed...I am expecting loads of fun tonight! :( Luckily, we are due to speak to the sleep clinic tomorrow night - I was just started being worried that we had nothing to complain about :D
Anyway, can't complain now: had 3 nights of good sleep. I'll settle for that for now.

Good luck for tonight girls! :hug:
so...she slept from 1am through to the morning at about 7am... seemed the crying worked last night. Wonder what is going to happen tonight.
newmum said:
so...she slept from 1am through to the morning at about 7am... seemed the crying worked last night. Wonder what is going to happen tonight.

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: That is good, isn't it?
Our fun has already started: it's only 9pm and I have already had to go to resettle Danica :(
How's little Maisie doing with her sleeping?

We had a better night, only had to get up once to feed her. She shouldn't need it but she only eats properly until about 1pm and then hardly has anything after that. Maybe it is too hot here, not sure. But anysway, means she wakes up hungry.
WIll try to make her eat enough in the evenings to last her the night, but didn't have it in me to battle another night by not giving her a bottle.
i laid in bed for an hour and had to get up and take pain killers , got af hurts :evil: well i took them an hour ago and im still up :wall:
Mine started today too, pains not bad (hasn't been since I had the Boy :cheer: ) but I just don't feel myself today iykwim :?

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