Team Yellow Game: Old Wives' Tales


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2011
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Hi fellow Yellowers (and other ladies who just fancied playing) :wave:

So I'm sure you are like me and have people guessing the sex of your little monkey regularly. I thought we would play a little game of checking the sex using Old Wives' Tales... pics of our bumps and cravings.

1. Carrying all at front = boy, Carrying a bit more at sides = girl
2. Carrying low = boy, Carrying high = girl
3. Craving savoury = boy, Craving sweet = girl

So using our bump pics let's guess what we are having. If you know the sex of your baby you can let us know how successful the test is :lol:

Disclaimer: this is just for fun, no science involved.

I will put my example in the next post...
I do know what we are having, but lets see if i measure up to the old wives tales?....

I want sweet things but still crave salt and vinegar crisps lol


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Here is my bump at 33 weeks (I'm always surprised at how big I have got!)

1. Carrying at front = boy
2. Carrying high = girl (has gone a tiny bit lower lately, but been high whole pregnancy.
3. Craving sweet = girl

Overall: Girl.

Whilst I am sure it is a boy based on my hubby's family and how lazy our Sausage was during the scans :D
Well i knew it was a boy before i found out. I craved sweet things but i guess that might have been the diabetes and the fact i was a little depressed from moving about alot from social services x

34 weeks pregnant. Team blue!


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I do know what we are having, but lets see if i measure up to the old wives tales?....

I want sweet things but still crave salt and vinegar crisps lol

hmmm, is hard to tell but I think your bump looks neat like a boy, can't tell if it is high or low from picture?
haha - your cravings are inconclusive :D
Well i knew it was a boy before i found out. I craved sweet things but i guess that might have been the diabetes and the fact i was a little depressed from moving about alot from social services x

34 weeks pregnant. Team blue!

I think the sweet thing is just a cutesy wives tale to be honest ;)
I do know what we are having, but lets see if i measure up to the old wives tales?....

I want sweet things but still crave salt and vinegar crisps lol

hmmm, is hard to tell but I think your bump looks neat like a boy, can't tell if it is high or low from picture?
haha - your cravings are inconclusive :D

This was my bump last week, better than the one i have attached, i cant decide myself if im low or high but i think bubba has moved around because her movements are just above my pubic bone now :eh:


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I wonder how many of these will turn out to be correct? My bump is all out front, low, and I've been craving mostly savoury, so it all points to a boy. We'll see, huh?

This pic has already appeared in the bump pics thread, but here it is again. Sorry for the semi-nudity :shock: 34+3
This was my bump last week, better than the one i have attached, i cant decide myself if im low or high but i think bubba has moved around because her movements are just above my pubic bone now :eh:

I reckon this pic looks a bit higher (just because it doesnt look low at all)
I wonder how many of these will turn out to be correct? My bump is all out front, low, and I've been craving mostly savoury, so it all points to a boy. We'll see, huh?

This pic has already appeared in the bump pics thread, but here it is again. Sorry for the semi-nudity :shock: 34+3
View attachment 19094

I agree, front and low for you. Baby boy for your according to the rules :D
I haven't got a recent pic to upload on my computer, I have on my phone but I've been cut off my phonebill :( Damnit!

But I think I'm carrying low and all out front. Which would indicate boy.
And craving everything and anything sweet! - Girl.

But, I'm having a boy.
My bumps all out front! So this would kinda be true!
Ive carried quite high and more to the sides which is right for a girl. But been a sucker for savory things, esp salt and vinegar crisps - but it has to be walkers! xx
I don't have a pic! Can you guess from my description as we are team yellow? My bump is very low but I have dropped, from behind I don't look pregnant. I had no cravings or pref until now and it's all sour/sweet like limes and sour skittles? Everyone says I have a neat little bump which it is but I know I have gained lbs too. I'll try and get a picture x
I don't have a pic! Can you guess from my description as we are team yellow? My bump is very low but I have dropped, from behind I don't look pregnant. I had no cravings or pref until now and it's all sour/sweet like limes and sour skittles? Everyone says I have a neat little bump which it is but I know I have gained lbs too. I'll try and get a picture x

Hmmm, low and neat bump sounds boyish. Not sure about your cravings though :p
Here is my bump at 35 weeks.
I think it is quite high, but not sure. People tell me I am all out front, and all bump, but I have put on 2 and a half stone, so I'm not sure how that can be!
I crave mainly sweet things - fruit, chocolate, but at the beginning I went off things like chocolate!

You do look high to me! Compared to my bump, I've gained a stone and a half. I notice it on my legs and face! You look blooming though :)
in the interest of your experiment here was my bump at 38 + 4 and she is a girly xx


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