Old Wives Tales??

What she senses for you
The day you deliver, outside will be sunny. Your baby will arrive in the afternoon.

After a labor lasting approximately 10 hours, your child, a girl, will be born. Your baby will weigh about 6 pounds, 14 ounces, and will be 18-1/2 inches long. This child will have blue eyes and dark hair.

But there is more. Although you may feel tired, your pregnancy will be over before you are truly ready to let go of having this precious baby you have all to yourself. I sense that you will look back and long for these days. I suggest doing something now to preserve some memories of this time.

:rotfl: 6Ib 14!!!!! :rotfl: its probably that already! :rotfl: Ive never had a ten hour labour either! :?

what if its sunny and windy? and you choose sunny instead. Im going to try it.
here we go. now if i had put sunny instead of windy here is my prediction

What she senses for you
The day you deliver, outside will be rainy. Your baby will arrive at night.

After a labor lasting approximately 8 hours, your child, a boy, will be born. Your baby will weigh about 6 pounds, 15 ounces, and will be 18 inches long. This child will have light brown eyes and dark hair.

what if i had put cloudy?
The weather outside is cloudy, windy AND sunny.
let me do cloudy.
now here is my prediction for a cloudy option

What she senses for you
The day you deliver, outside will be overcast. Your baby will arrive in the early evening.

After a labor lasting approximately 5 hours, your child, a girl, will be born. Your baby will weigh about 7 pounds, 5 ounces, and will be 21-1/2 inches long. This child will have dark brown eyes and some blond hair

this one seems the most accurate. :D No way would i have a less than 7 Ib baby. :rotfl:
budge said:
here we go. now if i had put sunny instead of windy here is my prediction

What she senses for you
The day you deliver, outside will be rainy. Your baby will arrive at night.

After a labor lasting approximately 8 hours, your child, a boy, will be born. Your baby will weigh about 6 pounds, 15 ounces, and will be 18 inches long. This child will have light brown eyes and dark hair.

what if i had put cloudy?
The weather outside is cloudy, windy AND sunny.
let me do cloudy.

stop cheating hun,just keep doing it until you get the perfect delivery :rotfl: xx
im not cheating! :rotfl:
it is sunny, windy and cloudy outside.
nikki1306 said:

Try this girls for a bit of fun,maybebaby posted it in off topic :D xx

This is what i got :D

Madame Zaritska's reading

What she senses for you
The day you deliver, outside will be windy. Your baby will arrive in the evening.

After a labor lasting approximately 5 hours, your child, a boy, will be born. Your baby will weigh about 9 pounds, 15 ounces, and will be 18-1/2 inches long. This child will have light blue eyes and be almost bald.

Happy with all of that apart from the 9lb 15oz's bit ,maybe knock a couple of pound off that and i would say perfect xx

Madame Zaritska's reading

Madame Zaritska, our resident clairvoyant, wants to help you prepare for the arrival of your child. Here she does her best to predict certain aspects of your labor and birth experience.

What she senses for you
The day you deliver, outside will be sunny. Your baby will arrive in the evening.

After a labor lasting approximately 7 hours, your child, a boy, will be born. Your baby will weigh about 10 pounds, 6 ounces, and will be 19 inches long. This child will have blue eyes and some very fine hair.

But there is more. I sense that you wonder if you will have a difficult time during labor and birth. Why don't you go listen to an actual birth? It may give you some encouragement!

''This child will have blue eyes and some very fine hair..''.. but im Black and so is o/h :shock:
ok for fair weather its

What she senses for you
The day you deliver, outside will be sunny. Your baby will arrive in the afternoon.

After a labor lasting approximately 23 hours, your child, a girl, will be born. Your baby will weigh about 8 pounds, 2 ounces, and will be 20-1/2 inches long. This child will have green eyes and a lot of hair.

a 23 hour labour!!!!!!!!! Fook off! its cloudy.
I reckon this Madame Whats-her-face is a fraud!!!!! :rotfl:
yes i agree Jadey :rotfl:

off with her head!
- If you prefer sleeping on your left side, you'll have a boy. Right side? A girl. left but left with Luke

- Extreme nausea means you are having a girl. yes and no with Luke

- If your hands are dry, you are having a boy; soft -- expect a girl. dry and not with Luke

- If you're craving citrus, you're having a girl. yes and no with Luke

- If your skin breaks out, expect a girl. yes and no for Luke

- If you feel graceful during pregnancy, you'll have a girl. Clumsy? It's a boy. clumsy with both

- If you gain weight in your face, it means you're having a girl. yes to both

- Craving salt? Expect a boy. A little something sweet? You're having a girl. sweet and salt with Luke

- If your right breast is larger than the left, you are having a girl. If the left is larger, a boy. left cant remember with Luke

- Feeling extremely moody? Expect a girl. yes for both

- If baby is low, expect a boy. High, it's a girl. not sure yet but Luke was low

- If you're carrying in front, it's a boy. All around your middle? A girl. both are all round
So what am I having?
Lol yours is all over the place too then Cab!!

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