Lets Have Some Fun - Old Wives Tales

According to the Old Wives, I'm having a girl. I've 'sensed' that we are having a girl since very early on :)

Will find out for sure (hopefully) a week on Tuesday!
well from all that it predicts that i am having a girl...bit skeptical though :think:
will find out hopefully at my next scan :)
Mine are all girls one's but i'm still sure i'm having a boy.......will have to wait and see :)
I'm not sure about the heartrate either but all the others suggest I'm having a girl!
firstly hello everyone I'm new today :wave:

Not sure about Heart rate yet but;

Extra weight around the hips and bottom indicates a boy.
I have been craving salty foods, meats and cheese during my pregnancy, its a boy
Extra weight out front means a girl
If a woman is carrying high, it's a girl.
The hair growth on your legs has remained the same during your pregnancy, its a girl
I had morning sickness through early pregnancy, its a girl
I have been craving sweet things & fruit through my pregnancy, its a girl

5:2 in favour of a girl, my scans next week so lets see :D

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