Talk us through your BFP moment :)

I came off the pill a year ago but my cycles never settled down. While waiting for a fertility appointment, I got myself a clearblue monitor. It showed I ov'd about cd26 so bd'd the night before and day after.
When I wa about 9dpo I went to the doctor with a pain in my side that I had for a week. Did a test but it came up negative. Thought that was it as I had read stories of girls getting bfps at 7dpo.
GP told me to take paracetemok and come back in two day. Got up that morning and did a cheapie hpt and left it on windowsill while I washed my hair. Only did it so I could tell GP I def wasnt pg.
Wraped my hair in the towel and picked up the hpt expecting to glance, see a negative and chuck it in te bin.
But, it had two lines! Clear as day!
DH had already left for work. Didnt know what to do... rang into bedroom but I had no idea why. Was running around like a headless chicken. Rang Dh in work while sitting at the top of the stairs :-) and I just cried it out to him.
Then di a FR that I had and two lines came up straight away :-)
Have been trying for almost a year,
Started taking Agnus Castus last month, as well as a multivitamin every day and I got my BFP on Thursday.
Have had a lot of symptoms such as sore boobs, dark nipples, moodiness, tiredness, cravings, weird smells, feeling very sick but not actually being sick, dizzy/lightheaded, and had bad cramps about a week/two weeks before I got my BFP.

As well as that I thought my period was a tad late.. It was CD44 when I tested, I have had a period on CD44 before, but my last period was CD33 and because I was taking Agnus Castus, I was expecting an early period.. but nothing! I had a first response pregnancy test lying around, so I held my first morning urine in when my parents dropped me off at my boyfriends house. As soon as I got in I grabbed the test and peed on the stick like it was nothing (I wasn't very positive that I was pregnant) but then I saw the HCG line come up very dark straight away.. and then the test line.
I was in so much shock. My boyfriend shouted from the bedroom, "Are you pregnant?" I replied with, "Omg.. Yes". He then said, "Promise?" so I did, and then he said, "Swear to God?" so I did.. then he came running into the bathroom, I was sat on the toilet and burst out crying and he just hugged me so tight :) Never had a BFP before, never seen two lines before!

I was very unsure that the test was correct, but because of all my symptoms and a late period.. I believed it. I had doubts the following day and so we went to town and my boyfriend bought me a clearblue digital test. Got home, bursting to pee again and peed on the stick. Was very nervous and expecting a Not Pregnant to come up. Laid the test down.. trying not to look, but then I saw the word, "Pregnant" :D Ran into the bedroom with the test, went up to my boyfriend and said, "I love you, I'm pregnant". He smiled a lot and I'm very confident I'm pregnant now!

My first pregnancy, really hope it's a sticky bean xxx
off pill since January 2010, had pcos and had ovarian drilling for that :roll:

So after the drilling got a bfp but had a mc on 31 January 2011 :cry:

After a few dodgy symptoms the past few days got harrassed by girls in TTC on here to test, so stopped off on my way to work, got a test from Tesco, poas in tesco loos, shoved test in my bag as was running late, looked at it when stuck in traffic and near fainted when I saw the bfp :lol:
Ahah awww Princess that is wonderful.
My friend found out she was pregnant in the Asda toilets :P
Oh the joys of supermarket testing. I was tempted to do my digital test in a public toilet today but thought I would wait til I got home :D xxx
:lol: I think I'll leave it a few days before doing a digi, I have a batch of cheapies due to arrive anytime :-) typical!!
I only did a digi because I was doubting the fact I was actually pregnant! Hope you get them tests soon xxx
Well I came off the pill last August, then spent a couple of months tracking BBT and letting body get used to being off the pill. We've got a holiday booked in August, so we knew if we got pg in certain months then I wouldn't be able to travel, so didn't start trying properly till January.

We just bd'd regularly in Jan and Feb, but obviously got nothing there. In March we got some OPKs and Conceive Plus and tried those. We also bd'd a lot in March, but again nothing. Kept up with OPKs and conceive plus in April, but hubby had a chest infection, so we only bd'd a couple of times all month, and probably only once in fertile window. So really didn't expect to catch this time either. We went on holiday to Malta at the end of the month and I fully expected the witch to join us half way through. But she didn't. When we got home and were in the car on the way to the supermarket for bread and milk I said to hubby, I think we need to get a pregnancy test, I'm 2 days late.

So we picked up a CB digital and did it the next morning. Pregnant 2-3 weeks! Hubby had gone to bathroom downstairs so when he came back up he said 'Well...?". I tried to keep a straight face and just handed him the test. His reaction was "Ooooooh Kaaaaaay.... we're having a baby, baby!". He then spent half an hour trying to take a photo of it in just the right light. He does like playing with his camera settings!
My period was a couple of days late so I went to the shop and bought some cheap-y tests (one pound ones) and all came back negative (although I wasn't sure whether there was a very, very faint line on one of them). My period still hadn't come the next day so I went to Superdrug and splashed out on a Clearblue pregnancy test. I sat in the downstairs loo doing it and it came back positive (though with quite faint lines) and it was the weirdest feeling ever- sort of a mix of shock/happiness. I wasn't entirely sure whether it was 100% guarantee that I was pregnant so I showed it to my best friend and then she bought me another two tests to make sure (both came back positive). Once I was sure I told my boyfriend once we had a moment together alone. I just said- "I have something to tell you." to which he replied "What?" and I just went "We're going to have a baby!" Then we just hugged eachother and I couldn't wipe the smile off his face for the rest of the night :) x
I have been off the pill since Feb 2010 and wasn't sure when I would TTC so just thought I would let my body get back into its natural cycle. My cycles have been dead on 28 days every month - started this month from CD9 and aimed for every other day up until CD18. Did cheapies on CD20 and CD23 both negative - OH asked me to do one tonight and I was certain it would be the same to the point that I just left it lying on the window sill - only had a digital and thought what a waste but when I came back to look and it said pregnant 1-2 weeks I couldn't help but scream and run up to OH for him to tell me I was seeing things right LOL Amazing feeling - OH says I was shaking when I told him :)
Ok my story

My af was due on my birthday but decided not to test as didn't want to ruin my birthday! We weren't expecting much as we were still not really ttc yet after 3rd mc in march. 2 days after birthday I was sat watching tv and it suddenly struck me that there was still no sign of af so I snook upstairs and I only had opks so I peed in the pot and dipped it and the 2nd line came up so dark it was almost black and my heart started pumping! I knew what it meant so I crept back down stairs and I said to OH I thought I was pregnant then burst into tears terrified that I would mc again! He said I should go straight to docs the next day because I have thyroid probs too. So I did doc did a hpt and the 2nd line came up instantly! I started on the progesterone straight away and here I am 9 weeks! 2 scans and all well so far!
Well...we had been trying for 5 months (I know its not long but felt it) Had come off the pill in November last year and had been suffering a bit. WE used the clearblue digi ovulation test this month and ovulated at the royal wedding weekend!!
I was due on my birthday so we decided to test the day before, I was convinced I was out so just wanted to make sure I could get drunk on my birthday! Woke up at 5 needing to wee so thought I would test then. Did one FR test and came up with a second line. Hubbie didnt believe it so did another which came up positive too. We still didnt believe it so at 5.30 DH was sent to tescos to get a clearblue digi and came up pregnant 1-2weeks!!
WE stil didnt believe it till I did another one on weds which confirmed I was pregnant 3+ weeks!!
Fingers Crossed!!
had a d&c nearly 10 weeks ago and was advised to wait until next af before going back on the pill. as af hadnt arrived and i had no symptoms i made a docs appointment and they said to test for pregnancy before i came.

didnt think it was a possibilty as we werent overly trying, because of this left it to the back of my mind and left it a few days, just bought a house so very pre occupied.

a girl from work was terrified she was pregnant and didnt wana do a test on her own so all 4 of the girls and i from work all did a test each, to my shock it came up after 30 seconds 2 dark lines!

Oh is delighted!yet to find out my date, between 5 weeks and 8 weeks we will see what the scan says ........................
a girl from work was terrified she was pregnant and didnt wana do a test on her own so all 4 of the girls and i from work all did a test each, to my shock it came up after 30 seconds 2 dark lines!

I love that bit! xx
a girl from work was terrified she was pregnant and didnt wana do a test on her own so all 4 of the girls and i from work all did a test each, to my shock it came up after 30 seconds 2 dark lines!

I love that bit! xx

haha i know! she wouldnt do a test so we all agreed, but as i had to do one anyway i thought 2 birds 1 stone! i was fairly certain i wasnt pregnant as i wouldnt have done it at work! they were all laughing like crazy after! the terrified co worker isnt pregnant but is happy for me! so far they are the ones to know other than oh! hilarious, one to tell the kids! x
That is hilarious! Deffo one to tell the tale of! Congrats again :yay:
I nearly fell off my toilet seat! I wanted to be preganant so badly. I was blessed to get pregnant on my first time of trying in cycle 1. I had my implanon removed on February 1st, Bd'd that whole month and tested at work in the loo the week AF was due. Low and behold I got 2 strong lines instantly and then as quckly as you can shout "Im pregnant", was as quick as I got Severe hyperemesis Gravadarium which i had all the way up to a week ago - 17 weeks pregnant. I still get it now but not as bad as before.

The feeling of knowing your pregnant is absolutley priceless and I would crave for that feeling over and over again. What a complete buzz of emotion.

I am without a doubt still, the happiest person you could meet and knowing I have a little growing person in my belly is just magical and makes everything else in life that i thought was a trouble, fade away ever so easily.

I hope to one day have the experince again with maybe baby No 2! xxx
Hello all!
I've been TTC since last summer and had the worst winter ever - almost 5 missed periods, but 4 BFN! I went for an internal and at that point resigned myself to not being pregnant ever - I have mild PCOS anyway. I had a period on 11 April, which was 5 months of pms stored up so blooming agony. I normally had long cycles (about 35 days) until my periods went wobbly last year, so when I was 3 weeks late I couldn't believe I'd be going through last winter's trauma again....except this time my boobs could barely be touched, and about two weeks ago I was feeling really sick all the time. Did a test on Saturday morning, about 7am, and two red lines whoosed in almost straightaway and I just burst into happy giggles! Went in to see OH who asked what time it was and I said "pregnant o'clock."...we'd bought the test from Tesco on Friday night and he knew I was taking it on Saturday! Ten minutes later he was on the bed, bouncing, shouting, 'I'm fertile!'. Me, too, I thought! Got my Midwife appointment next Thurs *woohoo*
1st preg, i was late and just 'knew' i was pg and we were meant to b going out on the saturday night, so friday night i done ANOTHER test 2/3 mins later negative i went downstairs soooo disheartened and had a couple of ALCOHOLIC drinks lol went to toilet at 1.30 am and id left the test out (which i never did b4) and two big fat lines lol i rummaged in bin allllll the tests had two lines lol so i hadnt left it long enough haha

2nd preg, came off pill 2 weeks b4 wedding, got married went on honeymoon bout 6-8 weeks later i woke cos couldnt sleep one night and was rummaging thru my phone and noticed id missed an appointment it was my period due like 4 weeks b4!! i woke oh and was like omg i forgot my period lol and then we tested next mornin xx
Mind if I bump? More please (esp if you've been trying a while; hope needed!) :)

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