What test did you get your BFP with?

Tested anywhere between 0 dpo and 3 dpo with a Boots BOGOF twin pack! That's all 4 used now after trying 2 previously and 2 this time after double checking the first test really was a BFP!

Oops I read my acronym wrong! I was either due my period that day or was up to 3 days late so I think that means between 11dpo and 14dpo. My brain has gone so apologies if the dpo figures are totally wrong again!
The doctor rang me with the results of a routine urine test after I'd been ill for a couple of weeks - told me I was pregnant. Completely unexpected and between doing the sample and the doctor ringing I'd had my period (or so I'd thought)

Told doctor about 'period' and she said either come back in for another test or just buy one from a supermkt. So there I stood in Tesco looking at all the tests - eventually opted for the Clear Blue Dig (which was most expensive at about £12).

Peed on stick, programmed oven timer for 3 mins and tried to occupy myself - timer went off PREGNANT appeared on screen with 3+ weeks underneath.

Still got the 2nd test and keep thinking about triple checking....I as chatting to my partner yesterday and said that it hadn't sunk in yet etc and would be good if someone confirmed it - he replied with 'you've got 2 positive test results, what more confirmation do you need?'....
I tested 3 days late (I'm like clockwork usually) with CB Digital. It said BFP so I tested again a week later incase I dreamt it with a CB Digital Predictor and it said Pregnant 3+weeks - so spot on for me. :dance:
babyblonde said:
Thanks everyone for your replies!

I'm due to test on Wednesday and have the ebay cheapies ready!!!!

Mate, my fingers, toes, arms, legs and eyes are crossed for you. :pray:
i used a first response the day AF was due came up positive and then used a boots own the next day and that was the same. xx
I used Predictor... cheap brand £2.99 for two. I really didn't expect it to come up positive so the way I saw it was why waste the money when my period would probably be here any day lol how wrong I was!

Looking back I was probably about 2 weeks overdue but difficul to say as I was on progesterone only pill... guess I'll know more after dating scan tomorrow :cheer:
A cheapy that was broken. Two lines came up but they were both so faint :doh: So then I got a Clearblue normal and the second line came up within bout two seconds :shock: So then I retested with Sainsburys own - one was faulty (no lines came up) and the other was a healthy bright line. Then I bought some Poundland ones, to extra check :lol:

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