Symptom spotting ahoy!!

Ok but don't laugh!!!

My nose is twitching like mad, a bit like Tabitha in Bewitched!!!

I DO suffer from heavy nosebleeds regularly but this is really intense..........:oooo:

And I seem to have excessive saliva it's yukky:sick:

And I was queasy in the car this morning:shock:

And my nips are doing good impressions of coat hangers!!!:whistle:

And those stabbing pains low down

And.....................on no that's it!!!

I know, very odd but hey tis like the rest of me!!
One of my symptoms that I noted was a runny nose I think ;)
All the rest sound familiar too :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: xxx
Thanks Princess x

My temps are biazzare too, hit a low after positive OPK's, back to normal then waaaay down 4DPO and now rising........

Perhaps I have a cold coming after all???
One of my symptoms that I noted was a runny nose I think ;)
All the rest sound familiar too :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: xxx

I think this has something to do with the body lowering it's immune response to help accept the embryo. You suffer cold/fluey/Rhinitis symptoms more ;)
wow! i have none of these, apart from twinges and feel quite fluy today but no runny nose, just that off feeling....time will tell i suppose!!!
apparently, this is the lucky thread. I want in! Have been ttc for ages and been on here on and off. Previously cycles were all over the place and now they seem back to normal after i quit my job due to stress. haven't figured out what day of my cycle i'm on, but i think i ov'd on sun 17th apr so bd'd that night. nothing happened for another 3 days when i was laying on the sofa and felt a sharp twinge followed by a few cramps. The next day, there were a couple of drops of blood, literally a couple, and then i felt crampy in the evenings for a couple of hours. Started getting the odd wave of feeling sick sat morning, sunday afternoon and felt a bit cold and fluey. still feel like that, but haven't felt sick today yet. but i am feeling crampy and have had some spots which i hardly ever get no matter how much rubbish i eat. What do ya think, am I in with a chance, or just coming down with something?
Sounds good for you charliesmissing, when are you due to test? I have been ttc for 3 years, testing on 30th April if I can hold on that long!
I'm 3/4dpo & no symptoms (not that you get them this early!)

Had a little twinge down there, probably nothing! :2ww:

How are You ladies doing? any more
symptoms :flower:
As this is the lucky thread I'm jumping on the bandwogon... At 5 DPO I had no symptooms and I posted a thread about it and today I added the following to that thread... I kno I had some good advice about not symtom spotting but I can't help it!! To add to the below - this evening I have had a sort of shooting paing in my boobs - comes and goes but no pain or other changes in them...

OK I'm now 7DPO and am wondering what is happening...

Yesterday all day I had mild cramping in my lower abdomen and a shooting pain that kept coming and going right in my pelvic/groin area which is really strange. I was off work yesterday and out so not sure if this is to do with a lot of walking down the West End of LDN checking out the sights ofhe Royal Wedding.

I also feel like I have a lot of excess saliva in my mouth - not dribbling or anything but this is new for me. But there is no metallic taste. My boobs are the same as always - no tenderness or no change in size.

Last night I had the wierdest dreams kept waking up through the night.

After OV my BBT was 0.4 degrees higher than normal and has stayed that way until this morning when it was higher still by a further 0.2 degrees.

I've had a blocked up nose for the last few days which I was putting down to hayfever or the begginings of a cold as I also had a sore throat which has now gone. My face is really hot today I feel quite flushed and I have a pain down the back of my right leg (calf to ankle) which keeps coming and going.

Am I clutching at straws hoping these are all early PG symptoms?! Has anyone had any of the above before. The saliva bit seems very strange to me as its not one I've heard of before.

x x
Write a short thread moley lol lol xx
No af for me yet, due Saturday, she'd better not show her warty face at my door or else *waves fist* xx
I want in too:) CD31 (1 day late), no symptoms, bfn - maybe it's a shy one?
Sorry for the essay ladies lol oops!! FX its a shy bean Esperanza.... Dust for us all :dust: :dust: :dust::dust::dust:

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