

Well-Known Member
May 19, 2011
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Af is due Friday, I'm not testing I'm going to hold out to see if she comes.

My symptoms are -

6dpo - mild cramping
7dpo - mild cramping, gassy
8dpo - same as above, runny nose
9dpo - runny nose
10dpo - sore/tender boobs, runny nose
11dpo - tender boobs, creamy cm, sharp pain in my boob behind the nipple, happened on both boobs are different times.
12dpo - tender boobs, mild cramping, gassy, wet cm at lunch time, then creamy and sticky tonight, runny nose, sharp pain inside my Virgina

This seems to have been the longest 2ww ever!
Fx for you Poppy, im due Friday also... so here hoping..:dust::dust:
Yes i have but im frightened that they are AF instead of BFP symptoms.

1. Cramping
2. Dragging pains
3. Tingling nipples
4. Sore Boobs (on & off)
5. Bloating
6. Sharp pains on left side

I tested today and got BFN, so hoping it was just that i was too early to test.
I will keep my fingers crossed for you x
Ignore the symptoms I'm out. Done a test this morning and BFN!!!!

Sent from my BlackBerry 9700 using Tapatalk
Af due on Friday. Weird tho because I have had mild cramps for the last week?
Its still early hun, I did a test 2 days before my BFP and it was BFN. Wait until Friday if u can.

Sent from my BlackBerry 9800 using Tapatalk
I'm due on thurs/ fri really don't want AF to come I caved in yesterday and tested bfn :( have to wait and see

Baby dust to you all xxx
I hate waiting! I'm not buying anymore tests untill af is late!

Sent from my BlackBerry 9700 using Tapatalk
Me too..... I had stomach cramps all day sat felt very nauseous and was sick at night, loss of appetite ! But didn't feel ill in myself ! Which this has never happened b4! Feel so bloated today and feel like the witch is coming :( x
I have been postive this month for a xmas bfp n have tried not 2 symptom spot(lol yea rite!)but now im not so sure i really feel af is coming v.gutted.

Michelle. x
I tried not to symptom spot bUt found it hard this month as noticed so much different to other months :) :( arhhhh frustrating lol hope you get ur BFP when is Af suppose to visit! Xx
Every twinge I have had today I think af is hear but as yet she's not!
Iv had the same kept having to go to toilet thinking that Af is here ...... But it's not arhhhhhh jayjay 027 comments gives me hope !

Were not out till Af is Hun!! Xx
Good luck for your bfp's ladies! :dust: I reckon at least one of you, if not all will get bfp! x x
I'm out this month this witch appeared :( good luck girls

Sorry to hear that vicki - fx for a New Year BFP :) :) xx

Sent from my BlackBerry 9800 using Tapatalk
hang on in there girls testing to early only plays mind tricks on us (as i noo to wel) and ss is a total head f**k lol.

i have everything crossed for you
Hayes positivity is the way forward this month!!!!

i am your offical thread stalker till the :bfp: shows up.

x x

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