Sweep today!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2006
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Hi everyone,

Trying not to get too excited, but I have my sweep today. I'm now 40+5, and apparently this is the optimum time to have a sweep done, so I am hoping and praying that it works.

Really hoping that this sweep gets the baby moving. Had a sweep when expecting Isla, at 40+6, and she was born 24 hours later (although already started with a few pains the night before, and suspected hind waters leaking), so hoping for the same outcome.

No idea when the mw will turn up though, my usual mw is on holiday, and said she would arrange for another one to come but couldn't give me a time. So, looks like I will be stuck in the house all day till she arrives.

Not worried about the actual procedure at all, I just hope it works!!

Heather x
Good Luck... the race is on then... who will be next?! :D
Thanks guys,

Well, the midwife has just been and gone. She arrived and said she was here for a regular check, knew nothing about doing a sweep!!

She then got me all worried saying that she doesn't usually do sweeps because her fingers are too short, but she will have a go, but can't promise anything.

Then went upstairs (with student in tow!!).Everything else fine, bp 100/60, baby measuring 38cm. She also said I was all baby, and it was very low down and well engaged.

Down to the sweep. She kept apologising that it might not work, but when she 'got in there', she was very surprised that she could reach, and said that she had a really good sweep around - it was actually more uncomfortable than I remembered! She must have been 'up there' for a good couple of minutes. Said she could feel the head, and it was in a good position, I am 1-2cm dilated, and 30% effaced, and she said it was very favourable.

So, going from being disappointed that she may not even be able to do the sweep, to being told that it was very favourable has cheered me up!

She said that if it doesn't work, she will come back on monday to do it again.

Starting to get a slight bit of backache, but she's only been gone 15 mins, so it's very early days. Will keep myself active as much as I can.

Heather xxx
Heather all sounds promising! if the heads that down and your 30% efaced sounds fab, im sure the sweep will trigger things off and you hopefully will be feeling those pains by later on today!
Good luck sweetie and keep us informed if you can! :D :hug:
Fingers crossed things will happen soon for you Heather

I had my little girl at 40 +5, 3hrs after my sweep,MW said i was 1cm dilated and favourable, so good luck :hug:
Hope it gets things started for you honey

(what does effaced mean BTW :oops: )
oooooo thats 3 of you now!!

The race is on.....I ll be collecting your bets hehe onli joking :hug:

Good luck hun, hope its not long for you now :pray: :pray:
Heather hope she's got you started. Best of luck hun
Sounds great and like you could have your little one in your arms in no time... everything crossed for you :hug:

Thats great hun am so excited for you good luck
Hi everyone,

Thanks for your kind words.

Nothing much to report. Having some major back ache, and periody pains, but nothing regular.

Trying to keep active, but I do need to rest after being on my feet or birthing ball all day. Going to do the tea soon, so perhaps standing up will help a bit.

DH is being a pessimist and doesnt' think anything will come of it at all.

I'm trying to stay positive and relaxed.

Heather x

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