Sweep today!!

oldermum said:
I had my little girl at 40 +5, 3hrs after my sweep,MW said i was 1cm dilated and favourable, so good luck :hug:

Wow, that's a bit scary!! No such luck for me though, 6 hours on and still just back ache and period pains really.

Heather x
topbird said:
(what does effaced mean BTW :oops: )

Hi, effaced means the amount that the cervix has thinned out I think. So, still a way to go yet, but definitely moving in the right direction.
Fingers crossed.

I think i'm meant to be having a sweep friday. Hope i can avoid it!

If things progres let us know , good luck!

I hope things start to progress soon for you hun. My SIL had one done and was in labour within 12 hours.
good luck hun. sending lots of *labour dust*

hope it isnt too long for you :)
Good luck hun, hope it really kicks in for you soon :pray:
Well, it seems to have all slowed down since I had a bath. Still getting some really strong BHs, that cause a little backache and periody pain, but nothing really painful. :(

Hoping that something more happens overnight, but not getting my hopes up too much.

Will update as soon as anything starts up again.

Heather x

Hope it picks up tonight for you hun, apperently most labours do start in the wee hours :hug:
Well, nothing at all last night. :(

Didn't sleep particularly well either though, as I kept waking up to see whether I was having any pains.

Going to try walking lots today, but not holding my breath.

I am so disappointed. I really thought it was the start of labour. I'm getting really depressed at the thought of another weekend without my baby. :(

Heather x
Backache is a sign of labour, you proabbaly are in labour, its just progressing too slowly - for your liking and ours lol :hug:
Oh honey..... hope things get moving today for you.. not too late to have your LO by the weekend! :hug:

Cos i feel the same. My pains and backache have stopped and i am really depressed now thinking i have another week to go :(

Although i have midwife tom and she might do a sweep. But to be honest it would have been nice to avoid it!

5 day overdue (and counting......)

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