Stretching pains???


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2010
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Hey ladies. How can you tell what are normal stretching pains? Last night and today I've been getting sharp pains in the left side of my tummy, sort of where you get ov pains. Is this normal??? I've got myself all in a tizz about ectopic pregnancy...:( If it was anything to worry about would I have bleeding as well or something??? Sorry...having a panicky day!!! :wall2: x
could be stretching pains...could be bad bloating. when you bloated the left hand side will hurt more.

try not to think the will experience a lot of pains and aches during your pregnancy. keep an eye on it though...

i get that when im hungry or need a number two lol! if theres no blood i wudnt worrie to much huni!
Ah thanks. I hope it is trapped wind!!! I am REALLY bloated today actually, I look like I'm about to give birth already!!! Sometimes the internet is NOT a good thing is it? It's the bloody internet that got me paranoid about the pains!!! Glad to have this site though. I really hope everything is ok. This 1st tri is a scary place to be!x
I'm starting to get weird pains too :D But I'm definitely overthinking it as I'm not sure if it's my back (been hunched over desk all day), normal pg crampy pains or if I need the loo LOL :D
Try not to worry, it's probably nothing :hug:
Have you been for a poo today? Sorry to be so blunt.. but that could be it :lol: Or trapped wind as Flopsy said.
Rest up a bit, but if you're really worried call the midwife or GP :D xxx
:violin:Ha! Actually no I haven't had a poo today...unless I was still asleep when I got up this morning and just don't remember! There is definitely no blood, which is a relief. I think I'm being paranoid. All the little usual aches and pains of the body keep freaking me out now!!! x
Hehehe same here.. I'm aware of every little twinge :D Don't worry sweetie.... you're not alone on the paranoid front :hug: xxx
Here here because last week you all had to endure me with my para moments lol x I am still getting alot of stretching pains all lower adominal which has been going on for the last 4 weeks now x
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I really wish the pains would just b****r off!!! It really hurts on the left side! I want my scan so I can see that little one is ok!xx
I know, it is a big big worry isn't it, first of you all do all that worrying TTC then when you eventually get there you worry every day about the slightest thing! I'm burnt out from constantly worrying lol x That is why they prob say you get so tired ha ha
Ha! I know!!! I'm sick from worrying!!! Oh well, it's all for a good cause...roll on first scans so we can relax a little...x
Oh yeah lol Summer babies :) My belly looks like a football right now with all that home building going on down there x
Oooh so does mine!!! It's probably just my bloated fat though...can't wait to get a bump so that I have an excuse!!! Summer babies...yay!!!:yay: x
Oh dear baby brain... just remembered I am getting married next month lol totally forgot with all the hype with the pregnancy..... Well Wish only 7 1/2 months to go lol Has your belly gone all hard? Light you are full of wind? x
Oh my can you forget you're getting married next month!!! :shock: Congratulations!!! Yes my belly is VERY hard...but I'm burping for Britain with it so I've been assuming it's just burps waiting to come out!!! Are you having your wedding dress altered for your football?! God, 7 1/2 months sounds soooo long away doesn't it???x :)
Hopefully the wind will be gone by then and my proper pot belly would of started to form lol It should be ok as it is one of those corset ones and can adjust (she says), was going to wear a proper corset under but I think that would just be too much..... Well since getting my BPF the time has dragged and every day I make it worse by looking for changes in my body.... get to the 12-14 week point and hopefully we can chill a bit more x

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