still no AF and feeling very positive

Just went and bought a cheap test and it gave a BFN :( never mind theres always next month if the witch does rear her ugly head
your not out till sheshows up thou huni,
you could av always tested to early!!

fx for you xxxx :dust: xxx
Thanks hun its possible i guess :) how long have u been trying now? xx
since just after xmas,
im not ov testing just lots of :bd: lol.
i am a beliver in it will happen when it happens but always miserable when af turns up but hey ho least we having fun making babies lol.

what about u chick?? xxx
Ok so AF actually not here. Back to completely baffled again.

No AF and no BFP.

I thought I was getting brown discharge (yuck) this morning which is how my period started last month although it's not normally like that. But it was minimal and just one wipe (I hate tmi, really sorry!!) and been fine since.

Still no cramps again, which always happens the day before/day of AF.

I think that ttc is doing this, causing all the symptoms and causing my AF to disappear. I'm not stressed or anything, the only thing that's changed is ttc. I'll find out on Friday if I'm anaemic or not, because obviously that could be a factor if I am.

Has anyone else had f***ed up cycles since ttc for no other reason than you are ttc?
well this is only my first month but already im 3/4 days late but BFN on test.

im wishing you all BFP and fingers crossed the witch stays away for all of us xxxx
I definately agree TTC messes up our cycles. It's so annoying- I've never wanted a period to arrive before!! Bellarina I'm in the same boat as you still waiting for first proper AF :( it's great to have this forum though!! On a brighter note it's bank holiday this weekend yey, is anyone doing anything exciting?! Xxx

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