No AF and BFN club!!

Good luck girls hope the witch stays away,

Miss j, I don't understand your doctors?? I would just call yourself and ask if there is a GP there who has a good knowledge of fertility, either way if you are pregnant or not you still need to see a doctor who understands what's going on with you, it you're not pregnant than you really should get a cd21 test done rather than try agnus castus, as if you're not oving then what's the point? Sorry if I come across as bossy, it's just I would hate to see you go through this every cycle.

Also clomid can shorten your cycle as well as make you pop out loads of eggs so that may be good for you?

I'm praying for your BFP then you don't have to worry about all this though!

Right the doc has said no blood test til I see him so we've got to wait til I think it's next week til we can be seen. I think if we're not pregnant we will ask for the CD21 tests but my doc isn't really all that good and he's the only GP I've seen in the surgery and I'm sure the receptionist said he's the only doc available. I know there's another surgery near me but will have to enquire about changing surgeries if we get nowhere with this one. Majorly fed up now!! x x

Thanks Maybe - I can only try but as you know, my doc is useless! I thought you can only be prescribed Clomid if you've been TTC for over a year?? Not entirely sure? x x
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hi miss j, i agree with MB. it would normally be one year but you have such long cycles that they may give it to you earlier. it is crazy that you have these cycles and nothing is getting done. you need to find out either way hun. hope the appointment is early next week! xxx
Thanks hun, I didn't realise. I will ask when we go to the doc. :)

x x
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Hey Hun,

I think you might get Clomid now to help with your long cycles as not only does it help you OV it helps with all the hormones involved in the reproductive cycle and regulates everything, they told me it would bring my OV forward and if OV is earlier then AF comes earlier too as it is always 12-14 days after OV no matter how long your cycle.

Before starting any treatment you have to have the bloods and maybe an ultrasound try and have them during next cycle if the witch comes.

Don't take any crap from the Docs too Hun, it's only fair that they find out what's going on for you. :hugs:

Any news Positivity, did the witch arrive properly?

Thanks Maybe, I will bear that in mind for the doc, going to try and have a chat with hubby about it all when he gets home so will update when I can. :thumbup: x x
hi MB, no she hasn't but i'm sure she will. i had spotting of brown yesterday, a teeny tiny bit and this morning when i got up and wiped (TMI) it was pale pink. nothing the rest of today but im sure she is on her way! i had to cancel my bloods for tomorrow as i think i have to be CD3 - is that right MB?? i have rebooked them for Friday hoping the witch will arrive properly by tomorrow xx
You girlies must be going crazy :(

I hope you find out one way or another sooner rather than later - fingers crossed though :D

I had mine cd 5 Positivity :)
hi louise, i thought it might be cd5 but that will make it sunday if she arrives tomorrow :( do you think Monday would be OK? do u know why those are the cd's?

Good Luck Miss J. xx

Positivity, I had mine on CD1, I don't think they need to quite as accurate as the CD21s, hey hopefully you won't need them!

Thanks MB so I started spotting on Monday, this Friday should be ok then? Thats when iv rebooked for xx
Blood test done, will know by Friday/Monday! CD82 otherwise... :rolleyes:

x x
hey missj, was the test only to test whether or not you are preggers?

really hope you get good news xxxx
Hey new to this just wondering if any of u hav been through the same as me, me and my partner have been trying for baby number 2 for 8 month now all my periods hav been regular every 33-34 days neva early or late now i missed my period in jan now am 3 weeks late tomoz ,,, but i am still getting neg test results...i feel pregnant n all the sympyoms are there i had wot i thought was implantation bleeding.. maybe have to face facts maybe theres sumthing else wrong with me ??

went to my gp today and was told there was no need for blood tests as am deffo pregnant ,,,he didnt even examine me just looked at me i always have a 33-34 day cycle never early or late.....neva missed a period am pretty regular just dont no what to do or think
Think you need a blood test hun. As good as your dr is, I don't think you can tell if someone is pregnant by looking at them (unless there is a whopping bump of course!) xx
*sob* I still have no AF, Im 4 days late now and all my pg tests are BFNs :( I just wish AF would come already grrr
Positivity - it was to see if there was any HCG in my blood - am terrified of the result lol. :faint: x x

Chezza - My doc did the same last cycle - told me as my boobs felt bruised it was "obviously" pregnancy. :rolleyes: I am currently CD83 and I had a blood test done yesterday to measure if there was any HCG in my system - I would really push your GP to do this for you cos it's unfair if they just assume. I wonder if a family planning clinic would be able to help at all? x x

Cherry - Oooh, sounds good! Maybe you should get a blood test done too? LOL. x x
hey every1 i no ihave aready posted on this page just wantto no if any1 or does ny1 no of any1 who is or has been on same boat as me ...... i missed my last period and i am curently just over 3 weeks late ,....still getting BFNs docs wont do a blood test till i miss my next period ,,,,as any1 or does any1 know of any1 thats had the simalar thing happen to them and the outcome of being pregnant possible???? i am starting to doubt am actually pregnant now even no i hav all the symptoms as i had with my son 5 years ago

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